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Everything posted by Elathiel

  1. Elathiel .... Str -- 85 Dex -- 120 Int -- 20 Archery .. 109.4, scrolled to 115, but need a 120 Anatomy .. 105, going to 115 if I dont get to 120 Tactics Tactics .. 110, will go to 120 if I can ever afford/find the scroll. Chivalry .. 64.8, going to 75 Focus .. 87.8, going to100 Healing .. 100 Hiding .. 67.5, going to 85
  2. find your element at mutedfaith.com. <º>
  3. I got this from a treasure chest and have heard they are somewhat rare, but have no idea. Anyone know what the 'sky' blue fishing nets sell for? Thanks
  4. Nope, they dont have power scrolls for fishing.
  5. Welcome back Governor Thiork! The color issue has been resolved for the last and final time. We now don the Bod 2 Purple. Many events are in the works, but nothing solid as yet on when or what will come first.
  6. As I already told you personally, you will be in the nightly prayers with my daughter. Be well my friend and come home to us as soon as you can. Best of luck and Godspeed, Doddz/Simon !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I came across this and it looks great. This guy is completely remaking Ultima VII using the NWN engine http://home.attbi.com/~mmazrael/Ultima7Main.htm
  8. Perhaps now he can afford a bath ! hahahahahaha !!
  9. The Lancer Cohort has been called back into action with the introduction of Lances into the game. Now they actually ARE Lancers
  10. Great to have you back brother! Wondered where you slipped off to
  11. It would have to be a lance tho, wouldnt it? heh Keep up the fantastic work you do for us all when time permits Wolf !! I still smile wide for you every time I go to Tradespot
  12. *claps for the Wind sisters and fights back the jealousy*
  13. 27 and a LOT of laughs here at the office lol.
  14. My daughter and I added our soldiers to our prayers last night before she went to bed and will continue to do so. She goes to a catholic elementary school and they actually taught them a little prayer yesterday to add to their normal bedtime prayers. It was really nice, because she added that part in all by herself
  15. We should wait until next Saturday. This gives us much more time to make sure we have enough of everything for our 1st one and gives enough time to have it announced on Stratics to make sure as many people as possible know all about us, err the event
  16. The pics I was talking about .... http://www.gamerspulse.com/modules/Screens...MPOG/final1.jpg http://www.gamerspulse.com/modules/Screens...MPOG/final2.jpg http://www.gamerspulse.com/modules/Screens...MPOG/final3.jpg
  17. I had seen that last year. The local news, when I was in FL, ran a story on it lol. It really is just too damn funny.
  18. That was funny, thanks Ange
  19. Elathiel

    Quiz time

    http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/image...s/wolverine.jpg To link it (the actual code): http://www.liquidgeneration.com' target="_blank">
  20. All of these ideas are exceelent and really should be carried out. When we do this, count me in for free bow repairs and handing out free gm repair tickets. Working up a scribe as well, so I could probably get a good amount of recall scrolls together also.
  21. I was going to make the official Empire Outhouse, but didnt get a spot
  22. Same here Steel. Even on cable, its just so slow. With this change, its going to get even slower unless they do some serious overhauling for much more bandwidth.
  23. I just saw some screens for it .. ugh. I'm not someone that has to have the best graphics, but I really dislike the whole anime thing. I dislike looking like a little kid, maybe 9 years old, running around in armor. Just doesnt look right to me hehe.
  24. I can provide a Daemon Slayer bow to each of the Wind sisters. Get with me the next time we are both on
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