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Everything posted by Elathiel

  1. Put this in a new post so you didnt have to scroll to the bottom of the other one Dont ask where betainside2.jpg is, cuz I have no idea heh. http://www.realmsoftorment.net/screenshots...betainside1.jpg http://www.realmsoftorment.net/screenshots...betainside3.jpg http://www.realmsoftorment.net/screenshots...betainside4.jpg http://www.realmsoftorment.net/screenshots...betainside5.jpg http://www.realmsoftorment.net/screenshots...betainside6.jpg
  2. I need 300 Shadow granite for a project and wanted to offer to buy it from a guildmate first. I know its a huge amount in one specific color, so I will try Tradespot if its too daunting a task. If anyone can help, please let me know. Thanks!
  3. OOh, ooooooh, I have been searching far and wide for a pair to absoolutely no avail. Nothing to be found even on Tradespot heh. So, uh, erm, what are the chances I could buy a pair Sire? *smiles on his knees*
  4. I am in the beta, but when I asked about giving u the link since u were in Alpha, the previous responce is what I got via PM from the lead board Admin Tiamat. No worries tho. You really arent missing much at this phase hehe. And the contact you have sounds like a pretty good one for getting into the next phase
  5. Few people that were in the alpha are in the beta. Did you get an email for the beta specifically? They sent out beta emails to the 110 people that were invited to test, and that is including any alpha testers that were asked to continue as well. My best suggestion there is to send Tiamat a private message on the forum. If you are supposed to be in, but arent, he can fix it right away
  6. Keep in mind too .. They are going to have 2 more graphics engine upgrades bfore Gold heh. This game is going to eat more resources than AC2, which requires a pretty darn good system to play smoothly. No worries tho, it wont be out until at least the end of this year by the look of it, so prices will drop even farther by then at least
  7. Want a rune to his house Wolf? You canget him tonight as he sleeps *snickers*
  8. Elathiel

    Soccer Game

    You have to kick as well as defend the goal heh. Best I managed was 24 points. Mardi Gras Shootout
  9. Elathiel

    Spear Toss

    Best I could manage was 533.972
  10. I got the info from : HoC Chat from 2-6-03
  11. I wont be sacrificing any part of my 125 dex for flippin int There are supposed to be items that u can wear to increase your mana pool for warriors and such, but the archery special moves are whimpy anyway IMO so I'm not worrying about it. I am curious how fast a repeater crossbow shoots with 125 dex tho heh.
  12. Recall and Gate will be allowed across facets. Recall and Gate will be used in Malas, last I heard it was like Ilsh and you couldnt. And archers of course have gotten the shaft yet again .. Magic bows/crossbows will not be player craftable as was planned. So, while melee continues to have the benefit of runic weapons, we archers remain limp hitters. *is very disappointed*
  13. Just came across another tidbit that makes resist still viable. Paralyze will now wear off after a short time and the higher your resist spells, the faster it goes away. Damn, guess I need to keep it after all.
  14. Ewww, had not thought about it along those lines *groans*. Now I have to decide again hehe, thanks Wolf
  15. I would drop resist and work tactics and swords to 110, then dump the rest into hiding for convenience. Resist has gotten the serious shaft with AoS IMO. Its only going to effect the 'to-hit' for non combat spells like weaken, etc... With bags of sending working in Malas I see no reason to care if u get hit with something like that. -Int doesnt matter 'too' much as u cant recall/gate anyway and unless u are carrying FAR too much at all times, it just wont be an issue. Get hit with weaken, send weight to the bank, continue on. Suckes because it has taken so much effort to get my resist to 97, but I've dropped it in lieu of hiding now.
  16. Only 100 people are in so far, with a couple thousand projected by the end, so keep posting on the forums and you have an excellent chance of getting in before its over.
  17. I am testing it right now (just started the very first phase of beta 2 weeks ago) and will keep you as updated as I can What I can say tho, is that this game has the possibility of being UO2(skills and rp)/AC2(graphics and effects)/Shadowbane(empire building) all in one. If they accomplish what they are trying to at ths point, I will have found a home for a very very long time!
  18. A reminder about the first installment of the weekly resource round-up. Tomoor, Saturday, at 8PM EST we will depart from Olympus with shovels and pick-axes in hand to gather much needed ingots for the Empire. All skill levels are more than welcome, as the more the merrier and more ingots the better
  19. As I read it its only good for one char to another char on the same account.
  20. I think it will vary greatly. I would assume a good few will be upgrading to a larger home in Malas, but only time will tell. We are still trying to get as many PGoH plots in the desert area as possible right?
  21. That is very reassuring news indeed!
  22. Elathiel

    Tax Time

    Were you just sitting there waiting to reply to that? lol
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