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Posts posted by Martok

  1. A few posts on the official forms were perfect. Instead of digging them up and quoting them, i'll do my best to paraphrase:

    "The Emperor had a simplistic robe that he wore. It was elegant and menacing all at once. The new Inquisitor design looks like all the hangers got stuck to the robe when taking it out of the closet"

    "You need to lock the art department in a room and make them WATCH Star Wars. They haven't seen the films, have they?"

  2. From official forums:

    Hey everyone, thank you to everyone who took the time to leave feedback. The development team are very aware of everyone's thoughts and we've particularly appreciated constructive comments which will always give us a better idea about how to change things in the game.

    Wholesale changes to the armor sets in Game Update 1.2 are not possible at this time. Creating new armor sets is a process with a long lead time, so changes cannot be made quickly. However, we're listening to your feedback and that will influence things going forward. We would also urge you to look at the armor sets in-game. With the new color matching options available in Game Update 1.2 and higher resolution textures, some of you might be more impressed by armor sets in-game.

    With that said, we'd like to make this discussion a bit more constructive moving forward. We understand some of you aren't fans of the armor sets as shown; that's fine, and we've heard you loud and clear. We've also heard the calls to make armor more 'iconic' and 'more Star Wars like' - and thanks to those of you who provided reference to your favorite armor styles.

    We'd like to see more of that, so feel free to provide more constructive comments on what you feel your end game armor styles should look like for your class in The Old Republic.

    Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

  3. Ok, they have nerfed medpacs in 1.2, so you can only use them once per fight. I really don't know where they are going with this, unless they nerf encounter damage. The only explanation I can come up with is they expect a perfectly balanced op group, that execute perfectly as the only means to beat an ops encounter. i.e. only the hard core raiders will be able to progress.

    Ya. Where our raid does NOT do well is in class balance. I don't want to say "Hey, we can't take you with us cause you want to play a Jugg..."

    I go through several medpacs in fights now. BUT, I remember crying the same way when WoW let you only use one potion per fight also.

  4. Still, I'm curious why you guys are complaining that BioWare is "trying" (apparently not what you're looking for, but still "trying") to address the general populus's concerns and yet you're still unhappy.

    There is nothing to do in game but level alts. If you log in at anytime on a weekday before 4pm, you'll see anywhere from 16 to 25 people on the fleet. Thats it. Took nearly 45 minutes earlier today to get one PvP queue to pop. End game they have two operations which are on a timer. Even if we were able to get them down, thats two evenings worth of play. The PvP (which people like to do as filler from PvE) is so terrible that its more hassle than its worth. There is no space content (again, more filler).

    Maybe they launched before they were ready. I've never been so bored with a mmo so fast. Bioware over promised and under delivered. They continue to over promise and not deliver. What they are trying to do is put a bandage on a game that needs heart surgery. 1.2 was supposed to fix all of our concerns. It hasn't.

    I will continue to play until my subscription runs out (July) or Guild Wars 2 is released.

  5. I suggest everyone reads this to help them understand how SWTOR is very different than other MMOs

    Other than the funky taunt mechanic (which, unless stated otherwise by BioWare, reads like a bug to me) this all seems pretty standard (compared to WoW). Still a good read for those interested in game mechanics.

    Good. Glad you understand. Ensure you never pull aggro off the tank then!

  6. Various Capital ships that could be ASSAULTED or DEFENDED ...depending on which you rather do ....or spend time in your fighter or within your guild ships participating in larger scale combat against NPC enemy Capital ships....

    Once NPC Capital ships are destroyed....NPC Capital ships (boardable) are captured....and guild participating ships are defeated.....a side wins.

    Or a timeframe ends with 2 being completed by a side....a side wins.

    Fail to get 2 of the 3 or 3 of the 3 and ..........the planet remains uncontrolled and inaccessible to either.


    This is exactly what we have envisioned since before Star Wars Galaxies was released and continued to post about. When we win the lottery, we'll make our own MMORPG.

    I'm still playing SWTOR...I'm sure I'll enjoy the legacy system and the new updates. But I am no longer a HARDCORE player. I can't grind endlessly in pvp warzones for enjoyment...I don't want to raid every day of the week for the mindless gear grind. I don't want WoW in space..... This type of attitude from the devs of this game is a real turn off....

    Thats why I've been getting more interested in Guild Wars 2 with the gear not being the focus, but skill.....and the world pvp aspect.!

  7. Reminds me of DAOC. I like the idea of taking forts with a champion/boss in them. They should change Ilum to something along those lines. Where you can actually capture the enemy base.

    If SWTOR had this, I'd be happy! But right now they just scrapped Ilum completely

  8. Ya, I didn't even mention the sorc changes. They got hit hard with healing nerfs. I'm not very happy with these changes. Perhaps I'm just being dense....but I don't see where some classes deserved no nerfs (assassin tanks) and others received them (healing classes)


    I hope they sort it out and fast

  9. World pvp is not new. It has been around since Ultima Online and then nearly perfected in Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC)

    So whats up with SWTOR world pvp? Where is it at? Ilum was a failure so far with little plans to revamp it to be a success. Warzones are fail. There is currently three of em that after a while gets tediously boring.

    Check out the guild wars 2 pvp video below. THIS is what bioware could easily put into SWTOR on a grand scale. Why can't they? Why won't they? I gotta say, if they don't take some big steps fast....Uncle Reavus gonna sail away!


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