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Posts posted by Martok

  1. I highly recommend Bioware gives details on their timeline for the two new patches they said would be coming in this next quarter, and what their plans are to have in them. Without that info, even more will leave. If they don't feel comfortable with telling us whats coming...what does that say about their programming team?

  2. Lots of meaningless talk over the 1.2 patch (old news, why they spend so much time on it I dont understand)

    They did talk some about 1.3 (group finder) and more talk about legacy. WHAT? Legacy? So I get to spend more credits to allow myself to level more alts through pvp? Give me a break. These guys are deluded. A few notes on armor changes... then a bunch of B.S. about showing up at conventions so they can lie about how great their game is.

    No, i'm not jaded.

  3. So, its time for us to stop and discuss the future of the guild. Right now we continue to lose active members. While their names still show as being part of the guild, they aren't online or seen anymore. It appears they simply are not continuing subscription. Discussions in guild chat and through teamspeak during events/operations are largely expressing boredom and unhappiness overall with the game.

    So where do we go from here? As the current GM, my place was only temporary until we found another guild leader. I have no problem continuing in this role for the next few weeks/months. We do need someone to step up and put their name into the hat though. Anyone interested?

    I also am hearing people just waiting it out until their current subscription expires. If you are part of any of our weekly events such as operations, please let us know when that is so we can make appropriate changes to the line up.

    Next week Diablo 3 is released. I know that myself and several others will be spending some extensive time in that game. Guild Wars 2 is on the horizon as well. By the time Guild Wars 2 comes out, we will need to have a new guild leader and hopefully a few more officers established to continue in SWTOR.

  4. It's been officially announced! I guess its been in development since 2007 and is releasing next year? Their announcement video was boring, so I'm not going to post it...however there is a nice bullet point list of what the game will and will not have.

    Large concern over the Hero engine...(SWTOR anyone?)

    It does sound like they are taking the Blizzard approach (steal all the good stuff that works in other mmorpgs)

    If guild wars doesn't work out, we have an out!


  5. I admit, I'm struggling to log in on a regular basis. I can't continue to just level alts. The game is getting boring to me. I enjoy (mostly!) our Tue/Thur raids....but other than that, what else is there to do? There is no exploration...PvP is a travesty.....dailies? OH HELL NO!

    Come on Bioware...I'm trying to hard to love this game...why must you make it so difficult?

  6. After many tears and many nights of rocking ourselves to sleep in the fetal position, we were able to down SOA on heroic! Mingoli and Robnor made out with heavy pockets of lots of nice new upgrades. Well done folks!


  7. So now that 1.2 is in, what do you think?

    Lots of nice new updates!


    • You can use your speeder in more areas (like space stations)
    • Combat seems smoother....not sure what they did...
    • Legacy buffs are awesome
    • New dailies are interesting and overall fast to complete
    • Additions to space ship via legacy are nice!


    • Most new crafting patterns (useful ones) will be operations drops
    • Armor art still sucks
    • Strange annoying noises that sound like jet engine on the fleet
    • PvP still sucks as bad as it did before
    • All the stuff that wasn't in the patch (Dungeon finder, cross server queues)

    I'll update this thread as I think of more!

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