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Posts posted by Martok

  1. Update: The Honor Empire will be on Henge of Denravi.

    Please check out the link

    Of course this will change as we get closer to release and the actual release servers are announced. One thing to note, I find no advantage to being on a RP server.

    We have discussed going to a more WvW focused server, and that would be a good thing. I certainly do not want to join Sorrow's Furnace or Darkhaven though...those are already pretty bloated.

  2. the sad thing is, I was looking forward to SWTOR for several years... I was around for the betas of RIFT, saw it flop (not as bad as TOR, but still flop), and was hoping being backed up by BioWare it wouldn't be as bad of a bomb as RIFT..

    100% agree with you here. I was in the same boat.

    On the other hand, having seen two "AAA" (supposedly) hyped MMOs with million(s) dollar budgets not succeed, I have a sour taste in my mouth about GW2 as well. I haven't logged into any MMO in nearly a month because nothing I have installed seems to offer anything interesting. I used to consider myself an MMO addict but shockingly I think TOR might've actually started to break the addiction.

    After playing a few of the GW2 beta's, I'm overall pretty excited still for the game, although with much lower expectations after SWTOR kind of ruined me. I don't think my addiction to MMOs has been broken yet, but SWTOR came very close to it. A few of us made some alts in WoW to mess around with. Guild name is Georg Sent Us. Yup, Georg sent us back to WoW.

  3. From the official forums

    At first glance, this could be a good thing if all the lead designers were given the boot. I sincerely hope the programmers and lower tier folks were not tremendously effected.

    I do hope Georg Zoeller(lead systems designer), Gabe Amatangelo (lead pvp/warzone designer), James Ohlen (Game Designer) were all given the boot. You made a piece of garbage and had the nerve to argue with the community on their feedback. You then lied about subscription numbers. You deserve to be out of a job and never to work in the same industry/capacity again.

    Bad news is that I doubt these guys got layed off, it was most likely the programmers and quality assurance people. That means SWTOR will be less able to adapt and update quickly. Even if they did fire all the morons at the top, its months and months away from a new design team to have any impact.

    Farewell SWTOR; I'm done with you for good.

  4. Ok folks. I have heard from the majority of our raiders loud and clear: and we will be suspending/canceling the weekly raid. We are at a point that we are going to be unable to field enough people for either Tue or Thur due to accounts going inactive and people simply not wanting to raid any more. I don't fault anyone for this as I am quite tired of the swtor ops currently as well.

    We may try again in the future, but everyone seems to be tired/burnt out on swtor currently.

  5. A 33-year-old man faces charges after giving into the dark side in his local Toys "R" Us.

    Police were called to the Toys "R" Us store in Hayden Island, Portland, last Thursday, after a witness reported one David Allen Canterbury was attacking customers with "Star Wars"-style weapons. According to a Portland Police spokesman, by the time officers arrived on the scene Darth Canterbury had exited the store, a blue toy-lightsaber in each hand.

    Officers attempted to arrest Canterbury in the store car-park, but he kept on trying to hit them with his lightsabers. Two of them foolishly tried to taze the crazed Sith Lord; one tazer failed to fire and Canterbury used one of his lightsabers to deflect the second. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, indeed.

    Eventually, the police managed to wrestle Canterbury to the ground and arrest him, before shipping him off to a nearby hospital for a mental evaluation. He'll likely face charges of disorderly conduct, theft, assault, resisting arrest and interfering with a police officer.

    Thankfully, none of the people Canterbury attacked needed medical attention.

    Read the full article here

  6. hrm, this appears to be a rumour, but if true it could be that EA\Bioware has finally turned on thier hearing aids to listen to the players.


    I don't think you read the whole article. They were pulled to ensure it was released before the holidays. I'm sure those people went back to work on DA3 now.....if not, they need fired cause they are slow as hell getting content out.

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