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Posts posted by Waldonnis

  1. I can make repair bots and am planning on making one per week for the raid. If others can as well, it would ease a bit of the burden, but I plan on making one per week regardless.

    As for the warlocks, it's hard for me not to notice the great job there (having one myself)...in all, I think we all did a great job, honestly. I actually was surprised to see that I was soulstoned for the first Luci attempt last night which actually helped me be more effective (I sprang back up and kept decursing).

    Resists and potions...hmm...I did manage to resist one of the AoE curse rounds, but I'm not sure how, given that I only had 85 shadow resist throughout each fight. It's an idea that we can definitely check out, though, and I wouldn't mind being a guinnea pig for it (I can bring my shadow resist gear to push my SR much higher and suck down a potion...worth a shot).

    A note about first aid...if doom hits as you're bandaging, it cancels the bandaging, so be sure to bandage early. I found this out a little late and ended up face-down on the second attempt a bit earlier than I would've liked. :devil:

  2. Just wanted to say that everyone did a great job last night and I'm very happy to have been a part of Lucifron's demise alongside you all. I think we have a really good thing going with this Wednesday run and it can only get better!

    We're improving at a much faster pace than I expected and I was grinning when it was pointed out that we were staring at Lucifron without having any complete wipes...on only our second venture as a group into MC!

    Fanastic work on everyone's part and a big "job well done" to Maube for her leadership and everything that she's done to make this happen (and congrats on the "Boots of phat l00tz"!!!).

  3. The devour cooldown (8secs) would be a pain to work around for even a group of five, given the frequency of the debuff cast. I'm not saying that it's not doable, but it could effectively remove the warlocks from the fight as well if the scope were too broad (auto-devour add-ons no longer function, btw...API changes).

    We could try to have the warlocks assigned to key "targets" and use a simple macro to devour on just one or two people (priests and tanks primarily, mages/druids secondary) and see how that goes. If we find that the cooldown is impeding that, then scale it back. If, however, the cooldown allows for more people to be devour targets, then they can expand the target list.

    I'm trying to avoid being too dependent on Decursive, but I can probably take a look at the code to see if I can add the devour cast to the list that Decursive supports. It wouldn't be spammable (since the felpuppy must be in range), but it would be a start and would provide the priority list functionality. It would also allow us to test the tactic without sacrificing too much initially and make some adjustments after that.

    Also, a tip for frosty mages that may not know this: ice block removes DoTs including Impending Doom, so make sure to keep your cold snap up for this fight. It'll save our priests from having to demagic you twice and thus save some mana for healing the tanks. It also allows you to remain close to the priests and tanks longer while removing Luci's AoE curse. I cubed a couple of times last night when I had both on me and needed to stay in range of Greenbull and the healers for an extra couple of curse/doom cycles.

    In all, I think the next Luci fight will go much smoother regardless. Most of our initial problems seemed to be more due to not being familiar with the encounter, positioning, and the range of the AoE curses/demagics. I think many of us have a much better idea of where to be (and not be) and rush-in/rush-out timing than we did last week and it showed in the successful fight.

    One other note about felhunters....they are highly resistant to magic attacks, so I'm curious to see how they hold up against Impending Doom and the AoE curse. If they resist it frequently, then it may be a good idea to have them attack Luci as well to keep them in range of the priests and tanks (quicker devouring due to reduced "travel time"), while allowing the warlock to remain safely out of range of the AoE. The devour range is 30yds, so it may not be an issue, but it could be useful early on in the fight as it can be a "fire and forget" style tactic (since the recipients would all be within 30yds of the felhunter and the warlock would likely be DPSing the two guards).

    Thoughts from the warlocks?

  4. Yes, definitely learn the fire spells. There are quite a few encounters where you'll run into mobs that are immune or highly resistant to frost, such as Ras in Scholomance and some of the ghouls in WPL. Fire and arcane will be your best spells in these situations, so it helps greatly to keep them around and fully upgraded.

    Once you respec to frost/arcane, you'll find that you don't do nearly as much damage with fire compared to before, but you'll definitely notice how much more efficient frostbolts are, both in terms of mana and cast time.

    I've often thought of going back to a more fire-centric build for the raw damage output, but still haven't found a reason to since I don't PvP often (where fire really shines) and like the lower mana cost of frost. I've chosen instead to focus on tweaking my frost/arcane build a little more...which admittedly is a bit different than Maube's or Xiris' (and very different from the normal frost/arcane build). If you look at Verissi's talents on the roster page, you'll see what I mean.

    Also, I somewhat disagree with Narsica about balancing +crit and +dmg being less important for a frosty (but respect the position...it's a personal choice, after all). The lackluster damage output from frostbolts almost begs for more crit chance to be effective in DPS fights. Adding +dmg is a no-brainer and almost required as well. The only bad thing about having as much +crit gear as I usually have on is that it's not as easy to control your aggro in an instance/raid situation. In the end, though, it's a matter of style and making sure to use your head crit-wise when you're not soloing (a string of crits can have some nasty consequences in a raid).

  5. Good info, Green! I don't have a warrior, but have been looking for good tanking tips for the druid. I know much of what you wrote is warrior-specific, but some of it was really informative and was written such that I was able to easily pick out what applied to bear form as well.

    I'm kinda new at tanking and melee in group situations, so I have a ton to learn. I'm hoping to get Hoofie into some more instances soon to take an OT role and practice juggling my cooldowns while still holding a mob's attention well enough. I don't plan on MT'ing except for an occasional 5-man (between you, Smed, and Taurrior, we've got solid tanks), but I'd like to be prepared to if needed. Only downside to bear-tanking for me is looking at bear-butt for the entire run :yub:

    What I'm curious to find out, and maybe others know, is if +def really helps druids at all since we don't dodge/parry and don't use shields (obviously). I plan on doing some experimentation with this, but wanted to see if anyone else knew already.

    Also, Green, when do you use your area taunt and do you use it similarly to how you use/save your single-target taunt (regarding cooldown, specifically)? From what I can tell, it can be a good thing for mage AoE situations and possibly as a back-up for when your single-target taunt cooldown isn't up, but otherwise I'm stumped as to how to use this more effectively.

  6. Despite not having been to MC before, I was impressed by the run and the group as well. Everyone showed great patience and did a fantastic job...and I'm still amazed that we managed to overcome the core hound spawn right as we engaged the charger. I honestly never expected to make it to Luci on our first night, especially without a full raid and only having a couple of priests. Side note: our priests (and Morgh!) flat-out rocked and the shaman did a great job at backing them up.

    I think tonight's run set a good tone and precedent for our future runs. I'm proud of the work put into it by everyone, especially Maube and Vanidi for explaining the encounters quite well to those of us who hadn't been there before. I was never really surprised by anything that happened because of that, which made it much easier for me to just "do".

    Congrats all on a job well done and I had a blast! I'm looking forward to the weeks to come in MC with you all.

  7. I think it also goes a bit beyond the stakes, but also is a function of the size of the raid compared to the amount of loot and the difficulty in obtaining it (both because of reset timers and it's on a different difficulty scale than UBRS, for instance). I've thought quite a bit about the same question and kept arriving back at needing a different loot system...especially since virtually none of us has anything that will be dropping in the instance and would be considered an upgrade for almost all of the participants (making every item "contested" on a 40-person scale as opposed to a 15-person scale).

    Perhaps we'll eventually get to the point where another loot distribution system isn't necessary (which I too would enjoy doing), but for now it's probably something to start with and see how it goes. I think zero-sum sounds like a good and fair start. If it doesn't work out or causes problems, we can always rethink it and make adjustments.

  8. ...to start down the path of enslaving my own dreadsteed.

    I've read some of the guides already, but am still a tad confused as to which things are required and which aren't if someone else already has been through the quest chain. I would be happy to purchase the quest items if we think that having someone with a second set would be a good idea, but I'll still need some assistance for the final quest and, of course, someone with a DM key.

    I'm not in a huge rush to do this and know that we've got a ton going on this week already, but if anyone is willing to help (even if it's just advice and knowledge) with this, I'd be very appreciative. In the meantime, I'll farm for the owlbeast blood and work on getting the arcanite and so forth together.

    Speaking of which, I'm in need of several arcanite bars and have the materials. I know that someone mentioned that they keep some in the bank and would trade them for the materials, but my ever-failing memory strikes again as to who mentioned it :laugh: If not, I'd be happy to work with one of our alchemists to get them transmuted over a period of time that doesn't overtax their cooldown/usage for income.

  9. Yeah, shaman get the short-end of the stick as well at 60...all hybrid classes do, really (including paladins, as much as I hate to admit it). And I also agree that refusing to heal at all is just moronic for any hybrid. Sure, the restos can do the job more efficiently in most cases, but it's not like they have a completely different spell book. What I do see, though, is that feral druids benefit more from feral talents while not totally crippling/devaluing their healing abilities, whereas the same cannot be said for restoration talents and feral form effectiveness. On the UBRS run that I brought Hoofie to, I realised that I was too low-level to really help regularly in the DPS department and even my OT ability wasn't great, so I swapped to healing despite not having any of my healing gear on me. A few times, I had to shift to bear to pry a mob off of the priest and then shift back out once someone else got ahold of it and healed the priest. This is something a mage/rogue/warrior couldn't do and probably saved our necks a few times. I just wish more non-healing hybrids would think on their feet like that rather than trying to ignore the fact that they can do other things...maybe the community would realise that not all hybrids are stuck in the "this is my only job" mindset.

    The moonkin aura does, in fact, work with healing spells as well, which could be a big benefit. I'm actually hoping they change the moonkin aura a bit, though, since I feel it encourages people to rely more on crits rather than focusing on steady DPS/healing. I'd much rather have it be a +%dmg/heal bonus or something to that effect, which would make them and the aura more desirable to me as a mage. I've never been a balance druid, though, so I would defer to them for better suggestions on how to make them more viable for both raiding and solo play.

    As far as druids tanking in MC and beyond...there are videos out there and numerous breakdowns in the forums about druids vs. warriors in the "hate generation" category. I'll see if I can find them again if it's of general interest. I'd much rather have a warrior tanking MC for my own reasons, but I think a feral still has some room to work and flourish with tougher trash pulls or adds. Of course, it takes practice (more than I've had, personally) to be good at the job as well as some pretty hefty gear, but I think the same can be said for any tank role. I think the only thing that warriors definitely have "in spades" on druids is on encounters involving fears, since druids really have no means to counter this (yet...non-passive trinkets will soon be usable in forms).

    Barring superiour gear and skill, I doubt druids can out-do the "tradtional role" classes (priest, warrior, rogue), but most of these fights don't appear to me just "raw DPS" fights where more is always better, but rather are more strategic battles. I would think that having a raid participant that can decurse, heal, tank, and DPS even moderately would be somewhat preferable to a one-trick pony class/spec. Maybe I'm wrong, though. Either way, playing warlock, mage, and druid, I'm just seeing the lack of versatility of classes such as mage more glaringly than most probably do. As a mage, I may be the last one standing, but I can't prevent a wipe...only cause one with a string of unlucky crits...and can't do anything at all when OOM other than white wand damage for a long while. As a druid, I can do so much more in the same situations and, as already stated, have the combat rez to help keep things from getting to that point.

    I really don't have a "plight" per se...at least not anymore...since I have so much variety at my fingertips. I just feel bad for the countless ferals and balance druids that get shut out of raids because nobody wants to try to fit them in. I'm not saying this is the case here (far from it...this discussion would never be had amongst some of the hard-core raiding guilds, nor would a feral druid even be accepted in some of those guilds), just saying that I'd like to see some creativity and encourage some experimentation with strategies that may leverage the versatility of the group we have and their talent specs. We've already proven that a tankless, priestless, mostly clothies instance run can be done (and done quickly)...I doubt we'll stop pushing the envelope that way when it comes to MC. In all, this is a good group of people and I'm not hurt or angered at all by this discussion since I know that many of us have had to make some pretty hefty compromises in the past and don't want to go through that again if at all possible, or put others in the same position. Sure, I'll probably alter my specs on every toon a bit to help fill in some of the gaps (already have with Verissi), but I'd rather not do things like MC if it means I have to play in a way that I really just don't enjoy at all.

    What's kinda funny is that, while we talk about this daunting instance, there are guilds out there than consider MC easy enough to substitute 7-13 totally green people into their raids in whatever gear they happen to have at the time. Their regulars are all very well-geared (much better than we are), but it does put some perspective on things, in my opinion...

    Anyway, let's have some fun tonight and I'm looking forward to learning quite a bit :laugh:

  10. I think I may have some huge emeralds laying around that I have absolutely no use for...send me a whisper to remind me and I'll check my bank. My essence stash was donated to Maube for her robe, so I can't help with those, but if you'd like a hand farming for them, I don't mind helping you gather them (farmers fear me...not as much as Gord, but they're still afraid :laugh:).

  11. Youre welcome guys :) Glad to help.

    As a Druid, two of the major things you can contribute to a Raid is Combat Rez and Innervate. Due to sloppy (purposeful?) Blizzard code, this is why most raiding Druids are Innervate specced.

    Combine this with the fact that all the end game druid sets are healing sets, and you see why many druids get disgruntled with the end game. Feral druids really dont have much place in a raid, and neither do Moonkins, unfortunately. Anyone who can heal, does heal. And innervate can be a lifesaver during long encounters. Even more of a fact once you start in BWL...(the ebonroc fight lasts from 20-40 minutes of pure combat).

    I somewhat disagree with this sentiment, despite not having been into the difficult instances. The end-game gear for druids is changing. Up until a few patches ago, restoration was really the only viable talent tree available, so naturally the gear was oriented towards it (feral was functional, but hardly worthwhile...and balance...we'll leave it at that). Also, Wildheart and even the other classes' sets are all oriented around "yesterday's roles" (prior to class reviews) and the set bonuses still favour traditional roles as originally designed. Newer gear has been phased in for many classes that essentially replace and supercede tier 0, at least and in some cases even Tier 1 and 2 (some blues are superiour for certain talent specs for many classes than the epics offered by sets). As a mage, I personally would rather have a mix of gear than wear the entire Magister set, for instance, since provides me with ridiculous set bonuses that don't benefit me in the slightest in either raiding or PvP. My non-Magister robe alone provides more +dmg than the entire set bonuses combined on Magister, for instance. AQ loot and quest-related Cenarion items seem to be offsetting the gap for many classes, but nobody benefits as much as feral druids do from the AQ introduction. I suspect that the new "0.5" tier will also fill in some of the gaps left by the original tier 0 sets for many classes, including druids that aren't restoration. I'm not totally happy with what I've seen of the Tier 1 and 2 sets either, but they're obviously more "modern" in design than the previous tiers.

    As for innervate, I personally don't disagree that it can be useful, but given what I've heard, it's not something that's absolutely required in every end-game raid. There are many strategies and raid class participation "templates" that I've seen posted that are all different, but successful....some don't even include druids at all. This leads me to wonder if innervate really is the end-all-be-all talent requirement that everyone makes it out to be. I'm not doubting anyone's experience that it has made the difference in boss fights for them...I'm more trying to figure out why some raiders say that it's needed while others say that it's not. The only conclusion that I've been able to draw so far is that it's desired during the period when a raid is learning the instance and encounters and lessens in importance once they become more comfortable....still a far cry from "necessary", but does show that it has some value.

    Also, I do take issue with the statement that ferals and moonkin don't have much place in a raid. Folks said that druids couldn't MT in MC...it was done. They said that an all-druid raid couldn't defeat Onyxia...it was done. There are some ferals that are in BWL working on tanking the bosses there as well. And moonkin...as a caster, I'd *LOVE* a moonkin in my group. They may not have the DPS of a rogue, warlock, or mage, but that aura really does make a difference for caster damage. Not only that, but they're very well equipped to shift out and heal if needed. They're also vastly superiour from a CC perspective in outdoor instances such as AQ20 than any other class/talent spec out there. Will it be challenging and put some strain on the raid to allow a non-resto druid to try OT or MT? Sure it will! But from what I've seen from this group so far, I don't think it's something that they'd be unwilling to try.

    Maybe I'm missing the point, but I see the versatility of non-restoration-only druids as being a benefit rather than a detriment since they can actually fill more than just a healer's role if needed...and are far more hearty should things go awry. Also, in OOM situations, a restoration druid...stands there because they lack the talents to make their forms effective. A feral with the same spells can add DPS in some cases (if it doesn't overstress the healing) while regenerating.

    There will always be a place for a restoration druid, no doubt about it, but it's hardly the only talent spec worth considering, given the variety offered by the class itself. Heck, I still hear people saying that fire mages have no place in MC...of course, only non-mages claim this to be true...

    I guess my take is: there's more than one way to skin a cat, or in this case, a boss mob...and the game (and gear) continue to change. Unfortunately, player attitudes do not. It's not that most druids are innervate-spec (a misnomer, btw) by choice...it's a "put out or get out" situation from many of their guilds that force them to spec that way if they want to remain guilded or experience that level of content (trust me, I've seen it and others here can attest to the same).

    Either way, Hoofstomper will never be an innervate bot, plain and simple. If that locks him out of raids, so be it...I've got a warlock and mage that can go instead and Hoofie can just play around in the 5/10/20-person raids...but I'd rather find a way to include those people and their template choices (that may not have 2-3 60s kicking around) rather than exclude them, even if that means varying from the "tried and true" formulaic strategies. Maybe it's not possible, but it's worth a shot or two.

    On a side note, I'm not even considering BWL at this point or what we may need there. We're still working on getting into MC with a mostly Crusher group, so it's kinda pointless to discuss that level of content until we've accomplished this goal. Also, I'm very analytical by nature, so my reponces aren't so much of an argument as they are an exploration...hopefully, they're taken as such :D

    Note to self: typing while tired leads to rambling :laugh:

  12. I might have gone moonkin myself if two things weren't true: a) I have two casters already and b) Blizzard hasn't done anything to address itemization problems for moonkin. The increased armor is nearly worthless, actually, since you'll mostly be wearing cloth (good luck finding good leather casting gear suited to druids). I've talked with several balance druids over the past few weeks and they all agree: moonkin is fun (really fun), but they may spec out of it until more gear is introduced that make it worthwhile. The aura is wonderful for caster groups, though, and I'm not saying moonkin is worthless by any stretch...just pointing out one big glaring issue that I see. Your only hope is PvP gear and even that is more suited to resto or feral.

    I think there may be an opportunity for more feral use in the coming months, so don't plan on branching off unless you really want to (at least that's my opinion). As for innervate...we'll just have to see if we really need it, but every druid I know that has it says it's rarely actually needed. One person that I work with who has a resto druid in a heavy-PvE raiding guild has gone so far as to say that, while it's nice to have, it's becoming too much of a crutch for some of their raids and that tactical adjustments are being made to remove the dependence (they're experimenting with rotating healers out at different intervals than they had before...similar to how they described it in the MC guide that Narsica posted the link to).

    I'm enjoying this thread quite a bit...gives me an opportunity to think more about a druid's abilities and where I'd like to take Hoofstomper role-wise. I've got aspirations of eventually tanking something in MC with him for fun, but it's a long-term goal and nothing I'm overly anxious about...more of a wishlist item. I'm also enjoying that we can even have this conversation, since my original druid (Alliance-side...still stuck mid-levels) was getting demands to respec to restoration, and eventually pick up innervate, by guilds that were trying to court me (I never applied to a guild on Alliance-side...they always sent whispers to me trying to recruit druids). If I even mentioned that I intended on staying feral, they would often berate my choice ("useless to a raid" came up a lot). I'm glad that the Horde, especially this group, is much more understanding, open, and flexible.

  13. RE : Combat Rezing. The best thing, imo, to do is to have your raid leader order combat rezzes. That way you can concentrate on healing and not worrying about weather or not you are "wasting" it per se.

    If the raidleader, who should be focused on teh encounter as a whole, notices, say, that too many priests are dead, or etc, then they can go on TS "Combat rez XYZ" and someone says "on it" and that way its coordinated.

    Also a great trick - if you have 2 dead druids, and a dead priest, and are down healing, you can combat res a druid, who combat resses a druid, who combat resses a priest. Can save a raid.

    Well, I probably wouldn't be concentrating on healing too much as my druid...not much I can do with so little mana (total feral), but I think this may be an advantage, actually, since I would theoretically be able to still contribute by tanking adds, adding DPS in OOM situations, and still be able to shift out for the rez/emergency healing until we get another dedicated healer back into the fray. (I'm a terrible raid healer, but enjoy the versatility of the class, so I stick more to feral if at all possible).

    I really need to start playing "mix and match" with the gear I have to figure out a nice hybrid combo that would allow me to be more versatile while not also debilitating my use of forms (specifically bear). For "lower" instances, I can stick with my tanking gear, but for raids like MC where I may be needed to fill additional roles during combat, I'd like to be able to have a set of gear put together that allows me to be at least mediocre at those roles. So far, it's looking like a Wildheart/+healing gear mix would probably work best (pretty good armor on it anyway + some rugged kits...should be decent), but am also considering getting a second set of tanking gear (with some +healing pieces), a more well-rounded staff, and enchanting the lot of it for +int/+spi.

    Either way, though, Verissi's my main for MC purposes, so this is just more me thinking aloud about the future and tips on being more effective as a feral druid in a raid situation than anything else. From what I can tell so far, some of the newer content (AQ and possibly the expansion) may provide challenges that are more conducive to druids being something other than heal/innervate bots. I'm hoping to help out in that capacity when the time comes, as well as helping in some of the UBRS/Scholo/Strat runs to come (versatility may be very helpful with the reduced caps).

    I thank everyone for the input on the combat rez, though...it was very useful for me. I'm looking forward to some fun times on Wednesday and in the times to come!

  14. Winging it

    If anyone starts singing "Wind Beneath My Wings", I'm pwning faces!

    (This random thought brought to you by cheese)

    I may have to stay a tad late at work today, but I should be around by 8pm at the latest (shooting for 6:30-7pm, but who knows).

  15. Agreed. I'll be taking Waldonnis to 60 tonight when I get home (won't take more than 45mins, most likely...rep farming makes it go by quickly) and really haven't seen a reason to stay in 50-59. As Maube said, seeing the Alliance queue for anything in groups larger than 3-5 every few hours (except AV, which I hate) is really dull after the long run that we've enjoyed. I've never really had any rank aspirations...just wanted to play in BGs sometimes and have fun, but it's just not fun to 5-cap AB against 3 Alliance once every two hours...

    I digress, though...

  16. Maube and I were talking about setting up an attunement run tonight for those who still need it for Wednesday. I think Kalrash still needs to do it and now we have two :)

    Anyone else need to get this done? If so, and if possible, keep some bag space open. I think Maube may want me to smelt some dark iron while we're there and I'm notorious for not having much space available at any given time >:0

  17. I definitely agree about the talk-through prior to the bosses...I especially enjoy them since I always like a memory refresher (since I'm Concussion Man with a bad memory) and it helps set the pace and tone for the upcoming fight.

    That being said, let's plan on a final attunement run tomorrow evening (Tuesday) for anyone that hasn't already gotten it done and wants to go to MC this week (Kalrash especially...definitely don't want to leave a darn good priest behind).

    Also, we should start talking about "abort" situations and what we're going to do if we can't muster the bigger crowd due to scheduling conflicts...I'd hate to assemble 20 or so folks and just have them walk away without doing anything interesting/fun if we had to abort it (this doesn't apply so much to the trash clearing fun...more for long-term planning when we start doing boss runs). So far, ZG was lightly mentioned, but since some of our guildmates have prior ZG commitments, I was thinking that Onyxia might make a better target. The AC's Ony runs haven't really caught on yet, so we shouldn't run into any overlap that way. Obviously, this means some Warlord's Command chain runs, but I think we can muster some folks to help with that fairly easily (I still would like to see Raeda get her Finkle's, Maube her Dragonrider boots, and Greenbull his shield from Drak).


    I'm looking forward to all of this very much. Our instance runs are so much fun as is, so our MC runs should be even better >:0

  18. Combat rez is very useful for boss encounters in both 20 man and 40 man raids. The cooldown is long yes, but keeping that main tank up or a priest up can mean the difference in taking the boss down or wiping and having to start over from scratch.

    It is a gamble either way though.

    That's pretty much what I thought as well...MT or one of the primary healers were my first inclinations, but I suppose it's all situational anyway (gear differential between MT and secondary/OT, etc). Guess I'll get a better feel for the situations once I get in there and see what we're up against and how our raids fill out. Hoofie's no healer since I haven't filled out my set of healing gear yet...and generally suck at healing, but I can do some spot/emergency healing, decursing, or help tank adds in bear form if we think the druid rez would be useful. Of course, this comes at the cost of not having Verissi there, but I'm flexible and if we need a furry druid more than a mage, I don't mind swapping over.

    Personally, I'm looking forward to learning more about the encounters first-hand. I'm an analytical person by nature and, while the MC bosses don't appear to be nearly as technically challenging as some of the new AQ boss encounters (from what I've read), it's still all new to me and should be fun to "figure out" with the good-natured group of folks that we have. I'm still laughing about Smeddy getting mind-controlled and wiping out most of our initially-5-man Strat run the other night...and Tazzy doing some serious face-melting while MC'ed as well...I'm sure we'll get many more funny moments in MC as well.

    Thanks for posting the guide and info, Nars...I found it very informative and the map was the best one that I've seen yet.

  19. This is where Soul stones and Druid's battle res come in handy.

    Having not been in MC more than a few minutes (just to see the sights), I did have a question regarding this point. Does anyone think that the cooldown on the druid combat res would ever be an issue? I'm always so hesitant to use mine because it has rarely saved a wipe (at least in "smaller" settings) and wouldn't mind a few tips on what situations it would be most appropriately used..and on whom in a 20- or 40-person raid setting, especially in light of the changes regarding OOC rezing recently.

  20. ...pretty much tops my wishlist as well, with the Unyielding Maul not far behind it. Honestly, this is one of the best weapons out there for feral druids (especially for bear form/tanking), so if anyone finds one of these, I'm sure either Zuato or I would be very interested in it. Hoofstomper is solid feral as well and about to respec specifically to be a bear-form aggro magnet in PvE.

    Personally, though, I would rather see Zuato get ahold of one of these first since it'll make a much bigger difference at his level than at Hoofie's.

    Reminds me, Huato...Hoofie's 300 tribal leatherworking and friendly with the Timbermaw (halfway to honored), so if you'd like a set of Warbear gear made for your 50s, don't hesitate to ask. Currently, I can only do the harness and woolies, but they're probably the best two of the "set" for a feral anyway. I can also make the two Devilsaur pieces, if you're more interested in cat form than dire bear and/or want the agility instead of strength (although I personally recommend the gauntlets for either form).

  21. Although obviously not a priority compared to the tanks, I'm working on getting the Wizardweave patterns in EPL for any mages that might want some FR pieces. I've been farming on and off for a couple of days and haven't had any drops yet, but I'll keep trying. I'll also do a daily lap or two and look for dark iron nodes in hopes of getting more.

  22. Should we also look into what can be done for NR gear for AQ20 as well? I've noticed that prices on NR pieces are starting to climb dramatically now, so it may be wise to investigate sooner rather than later.

    Incidentally, Verissi can smelt the dark iron bars if someone wants to hold a pack full of water stacks while that's going on >:L

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