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Lord Ser Brightblade

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Posts posted by Lord Ser Brightblade

  1. My dexer Erishkigal could use the dragon slaying and daemon dismissal bows :-)

    And as far as activation goes I am sure that Lora's family member will activate them if Suin is unable.


  2. Thanks for getting this together Borg.  It was a blast for the 30 minutes I could be there.  I'm finding out just how rough it is to be a daddy and and find playtime  :alcoholic:

    Seems my little one decided this was the day to cut her first tooth and that makes for a very unhappy little Maggie.  :D

    It was great to see PGoH come together and I look forward to the adventures to come!


  3. Congratulations to all the Arthril family.  DC is a fun little town.  Kate and I tend to be down there from time to time when we go visit her family in the Baltimore/DC area.  Who knows maybe we will bump into each other at some point.


  4. I saw this on stratics.

    And another review of UO:LBR. This time Games Domain took a closer look at the game. Games Domain doesn’t seem to give points in their reviews, but the conclusion of it is quite hard:

    All said, the purchase of Lord Blackthorn's Revenge is pretty much a love it or leave it situation. The extra content, minimal though it is, will probably be enough to give existing players reason to pick it up. Those unfamiliar with the game, however, will be better off giving it a wide berth and going for a newer RPG, such as EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot or even the much-improved Anarchy Online if a sci-fi romp is in order. Ultima may have been King of the RPGs once, but it has been standing still for too long in a world that moves at a million miles an hour.

    I think what they say is correct, that things have been standing still.  However lets remember that just because on the surface things look quiet doesn't mean that below the surface there is a whole world of things ready to errupt.  Lets just hope this is the case here.  May the gods hear our prayers, may new content abound and may seers once again walk the land to add the flare that the quest generators seem to lack.


  5. God I need more free time.  I'd love to take part in galactic chess....pretty much how I see this game  :D

    Who knows perhaps after I move the hour and a half a day I will not be driving will afford me the opportunity to do such things.  Then again perhaps Maggie (ok perhaps Kate) will not allow such frivilous activity.

    :alcoholic:   With luck and a little Mother daughter bonding time away from daddy; I might be able to load this up this upcoming weekend and check it out finally (after having had it sitting on my desk for a month now)


  6. Sweet!  Bal time was exactly the reason i stopped.  I mean to drive an hour each way then set up time etc. etc. well it was no longer just a 2 hour a week event it was a day long affair.  Something my schedule doesnt have time for anymore.  With Neverwinter nights those AD&D groups should be even easier to put together.

  7. Neverwinter Nights finally ships on 6/11!

    Who is going to be getting this?  I know several of my friends will be getting it and we are going to try to set up a group to play on a regular basis.

    I love EQ, I love UO and I loved all the games that came before but before them all was D&D then AD&D....this is where the true fun lies!

  8. For a people with a town of your own I would think you would have some understanding of my position. Clearly I was wrong to think i would see some form of Honor. Well enjoy a home that has no meaning to you.

    I do not think Balandar was begrudging you your town, he just desires to keep the residence of the Elves where it is which to him holds meaning enough.

    Second can you explain how Honor comes into play with the decision he made?  You kinda confused me with that line.  Has he dishonored you by upholding the wishes of the prior owner of the residence?  If so I shall begin presenting the list of castle owners that have dishonored me and shall now be slayed!

    Your father was a hampster and your mother smelled of elderberries  :alcoholic:

  9. I bought a copy of the new expansion.  Now the question is do I put it on my tamer account or do I but it on Brgightblade/Hephestos account.  I will not be buying Blackthorne for both accounts.  Also if anyone knows someone looking for a large marble and a Vet account let me know.  Scout has decided she will not be coming back and would like to profit in a real life way from all the time and monies invested in the account.

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