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Lord Ser Brightblade

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Posts posted by Lord Ser Brightblade

  1. I thought the movie was good.  Underdeveloped but hey how can you fit all that needed to be fit into 2 hrs.  One thing I am really pissed about in the movie is ***ok if you havent seen the movie yet stop reading now*** When Annakin goes to the sand people camp and slaughters them.  This is a major turning point for his character.  We see very little of the brutal violence involved.  How he uses his power to destroy his enemies.  This scene in particular should have shown more and been scripted better.....anyway my 2 cents.


  2. Today while exploring I came to find what appears to be a blocked mine with no way of entry.  From inside I could hear several miners voices.  At first it was thought mining the stone away might gain us entry then explosion potions....alas there was no entry gained.  If you wish to see this mine run north of Safe Haven or due west of the NPC Camp that is just a bit north of the Brit X-Roads near Safe Haven Inn and Tavern.



  3. When is this to occur?

    I will do all in my power to be there to assist in the cleansing of the wretched undead.  Left unchecked they could prove to be a larger threat than the Juka we now face.......

  4. Well met!

    Always glad to have another join in defending the peoples of Britannia from those who would harm them.

    Feel free to contact me at 26562417 whenever I am on.


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