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Posts posted by Houli

  1. i realize that by posting i keep this thread alive but....

    STOP POSTING HERE. MAUBE WONT LEAVE. IF SHE DOES.... HAQ WILL KILL AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE FIGURE WITH HIS EARLOBE. I have already lost Marjaan, and now Rhoach. Im done with the loosing. .. . ... ......

    /rant off. :)

    /casts a magical spell that fixes maubes internet D/C stuf. yay ;)

    P.S. i got a free netgear wire and wireless router when i bought my new laptop fer da' fiance... not even open... we already got one(exactly the same :) ) .. i can mail it to ya if you want ;)

  2. Crik, sorry to hear this! I hope it all works out. Noth'n worse in my opinion than get'n a headache like this out of the blue for no reason... espcially when 50'gazillion opportunities have presented themselves to the people in charge to efficiently end this silly escapade.


    on the note of the officer debate :) ... most cops i have run into are "difficult" to put it nicely...


    One time in Nebraska, on the way home from a ski trip in colorado... the officer got me goin 80 in a 60 mph workzone :D... he was the NICEST cop ever, and i say this despite the fact that i got a GIGANTIC ticket ;)

  3. i am almost positive you cant transfer to Argent Dawn :orc:

    for now any way.


    in the future there may be a fee based system that bliz' is gonna set up that would allow you to.. not sure when they are gonna implement such a service tho.

  4. I am forming a PvP group for lvl 60's ;) (( wen we all get there))

    When i am on, i will pst those ppl to see if they want to pvp ;)

    and i will post a list of who they are so you guys can get things goin wen i not around!

    within a couple weeks we should have:

    Haq(rogue), Saralondo(rogue), Anakyn(mage), Heitan(huter), Shuata(druid), Maube(mage), Wormrott(mage), Huato(shaman), Grawuulf(rogue), Greenbull(warrior), Okktar(shaman), Rhoach(rogue) and a couple priests i stil gotta talk to and others!

    I just started planting the seed of a new 60's pvp group, and most of the ppl are upper 50's atm. I hope to have it organized soon :laugh:


    I got two lvl 19 alts i can lvl to 20's no problem, and would love to join in for some pvp :devil:




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