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Posts posted by Houli

  1. wow! Harne a happy cow :(

    i cant believe i didnt know about this sooner!

    swiftmend... is it going to finish off the rest of a HoT (by "finish off" i mean instantly award the rest of the heal over time), or will it be an instant heal only castable if a HoT is currently on the target?

  2. Hmm... i wonder if a weapon for driuds could be made that copied how benediction/aethema (sp) works...so it is transformable to suit the needs of caster form and feral forms beter...

    cant complain tho... +420 atk power is alot :(

  3. Scryll, im going to mail you some rune cloth just because your post is clever and eloquent ;)

    (not sure when and i might forget, but at least the thought crossed my mind :( )


  4. doh! i solo ran it with haq a week or 2 ago... i watched a video on how to do it tho... i would bring a rogue tho, unless you just plan on 4 or 5 man stealthing it...

    just sneak up to the bar, pick pocket, unlock door, scoot outa the room fast like to avoid phalanx aggro, then make your way to the firelasher lord guy (the one who spawns lil fire ele's when you fight him). sneak behind him to the far left edge, you drop down into the lava and jump real quick up onto a ledge out of the lava. then you hop best you can (you can actualy avoid damage) to an island where 4 fire elementals sit. you can rest on the very edge of the island without getting aggro at lvl 60 :) and prolly lvl 59 too. if you can make it to the island, you got it in the bag...just sneak over the island jump into the lava and head under the bridge, and stealth by the last 2 groups of fire ele's on the bridge in front of the instance portal to MC.

    druids are handy in that while one of you jumps across the long lava run to the island, the other druid can toss some heals as the other makes his way across.

    also, you dont have distract, but for the last part (especially with a 59 ..you may be just fine, but i think i tried to solo this with harne at 58....and i just could not get by those last 2 grps of fire eles for the life of me ) hoofie could get close enough to the center one so that it notices him and turns to him, he backs off, but for 2-3 seconds the center fire ele will be turned sideways and zu could try to sneek thru a lil easier...

    gl :lostit:

  5. Greetings!

    We have lots of shaman ;)

    I'll let other more qualified personell try to suggest what class you should be...

    however... its not a big deal! play what you think you will like!

    also, for additional info on the clan and in order to fill out an application goto www.clanskullcrusher.com

  6. erm... I found improved power word: shield ... and improved power word: Fort to be quite hlepful while solo'n....and in that tree is the wand dmg increase talent.. also good for deal'n some dmg whilst not use'n / regening mana. ....

    however especialy on solo... the shadow talent that gives 100% increase to spirit after a kill is grrrreat and imp power word pain helps deal sommor dmg , and mind flay is just handy dandy >:L

  7. ok... i have a test on thursday....not until 1:30pm tho ( no classes before ) and i have a structures problem due on wednesday midnight (1.5 hrs to do it) , my fiance likes it when i keep my play time to 2hrs a day max, i got to submit a portfolio - letter of intent - etc ... for a scholarship application on thursday... so basically i am really fugg'n busy.

    so, answer me this, What time will i be able to log off WoW on wednesday if i go to MC?

    OO, and also:

    i am currently resto 31, and balance 20 ... i got +heal equip that add up well over 100.... but... i want to pvp more with harne and was considering goin feral.... does that make a pretty big impact on my help'fulness in MC? if so i can cope in the BG's i am sure as i am! Wudda'ya think?

  8. i think i goin to get ,

    5/5 spiritual guidance

    1/1 divine spirit

    5/5 spirit tap


    and you are asking ... !?!? you got another character?!!

    yes , me and my finace's duo...Houli the Priest ;) and her, Aviah the Warrior!

    we are currently lvl 13 and rise'n!

    ( we will join the guild soon i think, when she is less embarrased...she has a newbie selfconsiousness ;) its cute ;)

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