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Posts posted by Houli

  1. heh dont be worried fomor, ive been play'n this game nearly since its release, and maube's raid is my first "end game content"

    i dont even know what the hell this "golmag" is people seem to be talking about :)

  2. Hehe, this topic needs to go to TS...!

    hot thread!

    You do have a point Qiris, in your last post there...i think you are interpreting it correctly.


    harne right now has a large negative DKP right now...if i had a separate pool of DKP for Haq i would be able to avoid that hole and get some easy epix ;)

    And, even if you did have separate DKP pools you would not be earning anything for your main when you were play'n your priest, whereas now you can, you just gotta resist the urge to take the epic for your alt if you are use'n her - maybe you will get lucky and no priest drops will fall ;)

    Plus Maubster decided early on it was one DKP pool per account.

    This is i suppose one of those occasions where you pick the lesser of two evils...stack up the pros and cons (granted they will vary a lil from person to person) and pick a side... unfortunately for us Muabe is a Dictator ... so we are all screwed, on top of that, i leave for 2 months and while im gone you all put her in charge of the clan! were doomed! doomed i tell you!

    :) ok sorry started to ramble there, i love you maube as much as a friend can without it being weird :)

    *hides from katak*

  3. *fight* *fight*

    i'm glad its not a PM cuz there aren't nuff new threads on this darn'd forum anyway...course i never post unless im in india where i cant play..........

  4. i am not the expert on this Qiris but it thought that the DKP was awarded to the account no matter what...

    however the character has to be present to win the lewt. So if a BoE piece drops for a mage you cant roll on it if you are present with your priest no matter how much DKP you got...

    i could be wrong tho :devil:

  5. I keep wanting to say dabu when im thankful ... it has almost slipped off my tounge countless times ...

    i didnt notice it being a problem when i was back at home in the states... but now that i am surrounded by foriegn languages in india...i just keep almost saying it!

    on top of that i hav'nt played wow for over 2 weeks now thought i wouldnt be having hang'over effects from the game any more...


  6. ofcourse there were usually only 2 or 3 druids when i ran MC with Harne...but most the time i just said morgh you get the first four groups, ill get 5-8....and when there were more than 2 i just sent a tell to each druid with which group they are in charge of buffing...everyone of them replied ok, no problem.

    Nobody likes to feel used / taken advantage of!

    stuff like this happens, lil bit of mis'communication etc etc.. but itsa crusher'n'friends raid im sure it'll work out!

    Also, it wasnt easy, but one time harne was the only druid and i had no reagents...i kept everyone buffed :bunny: course night in and night out that woulda sucked :bunny:

    also in order to quickly determine who needed a paw or thorns or even my HoT heals i used CT raid options to show only buffs i could cast.

    -Harne, warden of Haq-

    P.S. How far did you guys get? did anyone get anytin kool? !!?!!?!:bunny:!!!!!!one111

  7. In the wake of Volonazra's departure, Haq too felt the winds of change. The winds however felt heavy and despairing. Haq had regrets.

    The final departure was missed. The last image of Vol' Haq now holds is him spreading his wisdom to the Clan at the inn of Splintertree Post.

    Time spent with the Chieftan and the Clan was just to little. The lust for the blood of the enemies consumed him for many months, revenge always seems to be bittersweet.

    With the news of Volonazra's departure, Haq resorted to solitude and meditation. Perhaps one day he will be able to prove his worth, to make up for any short-comings. Communication with the clan, and his warden Harne will prove useful certainly. Haq above all hopes to reinforce the values of the departed chieftan, let us not forget.

    But hope remains, Times of change are exciting and Haq knows this. Time will tell a tale of grand adventures, glory, and honor for him and the 'Crushers alike!

  8. i love how innervate will be for all druids now....harne can do some decent healing now (his mana pool runs out so fast healing is tough >:L but more importantly, i can toss an innervate to a priest while fighting bosses and contribute in other ways...i just like being able to help >:L

    when harne was resto...i really really liked casting inner on myself for healing emergencies rather than on priests ! o.O ! but being feral now i really like the fact i can help out the comrads...posibly allowing zu to use his inner on himself b/c me and morgh got back up innervates for priests :alcoholic:


  9. Alot of the stuff im typing here you all probably already know but ill blah' about it anyway >:L....

    I think knowing how to play your class is important (sounds like you do, and this thread so far gives good advice)

    What separates the girls from the women however imo is being a team player and being a smart situational player!


    If you are not on flag gaurd duty (unfortuantely the smart players like you are the only ones willing to stand gaurd in a PuG anyway...) assist where needed, but the second it is safe mount up and go to the swing point or to the flag you think the enemy will attack next. Many times many people will assist a flag defense and they all stay till every last atacker is dead on the ground meanwhile most of them are already rez'd and riding to another flag.

    The mini map (and i use the main map frequently too) is useful knowing where your team is and making a smart decision on where you will be needed most.

    if you are loosing a battle at a flag, burn down casters if you can but always keep an eye on that flag and hit anyone on it first and formost...the rez pulse is key.


    get your groups up on the screen and the mini map. Watch the life of the flag holder know where he/she is assist if you can, hamstring is a grrreat ability obviously in this BG.

    be aware of when your flag holder is goin down so you can be in position to pick it up.

    if on D consider waiting on the roof waiting for the enemy to pick up the flag then drop down hamstring and wail on them...once they have the flag 99% they will just run and let you kill them (granted tips like this are situational and tend to be more prudent in pre60's pvp)

    dont be afraid of using the regen and bezerker huts >:L

    stuff like that i guess :alcoholic: if you were a rogue i'd have more to say but i just dont know warriors abilities well enough

    gromit has done a good amount of pvp with his warrior, i would talk to him for sure about what he does, and what kind of gear and talent builds he has done.


  10. i think they are scared by just how much armor is already possible to get in bear form for druids ... if any real itemization occured for it....

    I got harne alot of armor pretty fast with very little end game raid content...

    and what stave did Huato get?!

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