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Macro Primer


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Common commands you may use in a macro:

/target self;

/pause x(in seconds);

/clear(clears queued actions including auto attack)

/ui action cycleTargetOutward;

/ui action cycleTargetInward;

/ui action cycleTargetPrevious;

/ui action cycleTargetNext;

/ui action radialMenu;

/dump; (stops looped macros that are running)

Other useful commands

/flush fullReset; (clears graphics cache, can help with lag)

/bactashot self; (use in a macro to self heal since healing is buggy)

/bactajab self; (I’m not sure if this is right, need confirmation from a doc)

/ui radarSelect X(1-3); (space only radar skin option change)

/ui reticleSelect X(1-5); (another space only option change)

/grouploot; (brings up looting options)

/harvest [bone/hide/meat];

/getvet; (see days logged for vet rewards)

/claim; (claim rewards)


For example; you make a macro with “/slap %TT;” it will automatically replace %TT with the name of whoever you have targeted

%TU - your full name (first and last)

%TT - your current look at target target's full name

%NU - your first name

%NT - your target's short version name (first only)

%SU - personal subjective pronoun: he/she/it for the speaker

%ST - he/she/it for the target

%OU - personal objective pronoun: him/her/it for the speaker

%OT - him/her/it for your target

%PU - possessive: his/her/its for the speaker

%PT - his/her/its for your target

%RU - your species

%RT - your target's species

%KU - your profession title

%KT - your target's profession title

Simple Farming Macro

(comments in parentheses, don’t include in macro)

/target self; (fixes out of range NPCs sticking targeting)

/ui action cycleTargetOutward; (targets mobs in to out)

/pause .25; (may be changed to fit your toon’s weapon speed)


/pause 1.5;


/pause 1;


/pause 1;

/macro Farm; (the actual loop, whereas “Farm” may be whatever you named the macro)

As far as the skills don’t use just /attack as will use only your autoattack you have chosen which is usually a low dmg basic attack, not efficient, take the skill you want to use, and remove the improved or advanced in front of it and just add a slash before it, chances are it will work such as Improved Center of Being is just /center, also, the looping method of slapping a macro on your toolbar and having it call that toolbar slot, is archaic, /macro <name> command is much less likely to be broken and it saves clutter. Ok now, you say, what about heals? Well if you stuck a /bactashot self; line in that attack macro you’d run out of mind rather quickly, and you prolly don’t need that much healing anyways,and if you added in a pause x line to increase duration between heals, then you’re making the attack macro very inefficient, solution, run a concurrent looped healing macro, I set mine to go off every 60 seconds. This can apply to a case where you MIGHT need KD recovery, where us imps hunt we don’t need it, but if you venture off elsewhere for this and do need it, just set up another looped macro for KD recover every 45 seconds or so,no use adding extra pauses inside the attack macro, you want speed after all, and you can have many looped macros running at once.

/bactashot self;

/pause 60;

/macro TimedHeal;

Armor Equip Macro

First, your toolbar, in macros your toolbar is labeled as such…

Toolbar 1 = /ui action toolbarPane00;

Toolbar 2 = /ui action toolbarPane01;

Etc, etc, you will have toolbarPane00 through toolbarPane05;

Your toolbar slots, hopefully you have them stretched into 2 rows by now

Ok, top row, far left button #1 becomes /ui action toolbarSlot00; and going to the right its goes to /ui action toolbarSlot11; now your 2nd row, left to right again, /ui toolbarSlot12 though /ui action toolbarSlot23;

OK next, take each piece of armor, and lets say you put it on toolbar #4 and first row, take each piece, and drag it to a separate box 10 pc armor would take up toolbarSlot00 through toolbarSlot09

The macro code to automatically unequip or equip that armor depending on whether its currently on you are not.(could also apply to weapons,food, etc)

/ui action toolbarPane03;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/ui action toolbarSlot01;

/ui action toolbarSlot02;

/ui action toolbarSlot03;

/ui action toolbarSlot04;

/ui action toolbarSlot05;

/ui action toolbarSlot06;

/ui action toolbarSlot07;

/ui action toolbarSlot08;

/ui action toolbarSlot09;

/ui action toolbarPane00; (optional, returns your toolbar back to Toolbar 1)

Harvest Macros

(change to what type resource you are wanting, loop it and makes it real easy)

/harvest meat;

/macro MacroName;

Informant Macro

(BH missions are repetitive so I made a macro for while on my speeder)

/pause 0.25;


/pause .5;

/target loowrah; (name of the informant I use, change to yours if need be)

/pause .5;

/conv; (talks to the guy)

/pause .5;

/target barc; (targets speeder, change name to the type you have)

/pause .5;


/macro GetSig; (again the loop, change GetSig to whatever you name your macro)

Alarm Macro

(I use to notify me when a skill is ready to use again)

/pause 0.25;

/stoppingshot; (change to your skill)

/pause 48; (depends on how long your skill’s recharge is)

/alarmAddIn 0 0 Stopping Shot Ready; (displays system message Stopping Shot Ready, change to whatever you want, but leave the 0 0)


(basically aliases are macro type commands bound to a text command)

Example. Re'nee’s guildchat thingie

To set the alias

Type: /alias gchat /chatroom who guild.42002.guildchat

To Call It Type: /gchat

Explanation: gchat is the name you want, change to what you want, the /chatroom part and everything after it is the macro type command, use just about anything you want except the /macro command, however you can call aliases inside an actual macro and loop it there, great for commands that long enough to not want to type over and over, but too short really to warrant a macro, for example, that graphics reset command from up top

/alias lag /flush fullReset

So all I have to do is type /lag and it flushes for me(ok I am lazy, so what)

Macro to Key Bindings(Modeless Keymap)

Some players like to be able to use their number pad to control their skills, this is how.

I’m not typing all this crap out, go here

Helpful Links

Force Sensitive Journey Guide

Allakhazam Quest Guides

Slicing Calculator

Full SWG Command Line List

Geo-Caves Map


Avatar Station Map

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