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Just sayin hi


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Hey, I guess i'm one of the new guys in ITC, just wanted to introduce myself. I go by Aizen in swg, and I am currently focusing on becoming an imperial ace pilot. As for other professions, its all still up in the air (goin for master marksmen/brawler for now, real simple way to get my CL up i guess). Personally, I am a heavy anime/gamer, with a real liking towards rpg/shooter style games, space flight sims are also cool. I played SWG at launch and was a musician that played in kadarra on the scylla server. Had a mid life crisis and turned architect/carbineer during that time. Also played a little while last summer, just before JTL, but dropped out of the game early. Now im playing because i think JTL looks good, and the CU caught my interest. Anyway, I hope to make an interesting adition to ITC.

Anyway, Im just rambeling away here, wasting forum space, so ill stop now.....


PS, my aim is vash4753 and email is ricky@klose.cc if iya ever want to contact me outside of game (i carry a blackberry so i can get email anywhere)

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it's because, as i recall, most meaningful communication was made ingame through the mail system >:L



or shall be once my computer finally gets all the required installations and updates done with :p

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SWG forums have always been very slow.  Most people use the in game mail as was mentioned.

And this is why I'm never going to lose my "newbie" title :yub:

That's it! I'm spamming messages! :devil:

gotta get the title grind done somehow :)

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