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Minister Openings


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Jagleh and Sesh have decided to step down as Ministers for the time being. Their current schedule does not allow them to have the time to play at all. :angry:

And you already know that General Zandahl has been re-assigned.

I promised a few weeks ago to let eveyone know that the position was open. I am hoping Jagleh and Sesh have some time to make a RP post on the forums as to their leave of absence.

In the meantime: There are currently THREE positions open with the ITC leadership.


Minister of Commerce

Minister of State

Any that are interested in these positions, please send an email to Martok@pgoh.org and Balandar@pgoh.org with the following:

1. Why do you want the position?

2. What is your vision of the ITC?

3. How can you aid the Empire in reaching its goals?

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Just an add on comment....

In the next few days the official backdrop storyline of ITC will begin to appear and "catch up" with our current time in Galaxies. The storyline will be running parallel and intersecting with the official SWG storylines over time. This storyline will add to current SWG storylines with missions, interactions and goals to reach. There will become some PvP within the ITC storylines where the SWG Storylines will continue to be NPC based.

In this there will be a level of Roleplaying that will needed by the participants.

#1 and ONLY way to be able to gain any interaction from SWG Dev/Personell is thru successful consisitent RP. They have repeated that comment over and over and over again.

With that my suggestion is for you to spend a small amount of time seeing your character within the Galaxies itself....but more so see them as if you would see them on the movie screen itself.

Some of us are simpler roles.....Militia units supporting the mission....others are crafters supporting trade routes, supply orders that the ITC is involved in buisinesswise.

The Mayor and some of the Ministers roles will be higher leads in this Roleplay existence interms of interactions and "reveiws by SWG directly and COVERTLY (invisible)". How would I know this....based on my personal experience doing the DIRECT SAME THING in other game engines.....evaluating opportunities to expand official storylines with intesections with the client base storylines......enhances the game scale and depth....more importantly it specializes or makes shards unique. SWG will have some similar form of evaluations.

SWG is more than repeating missions......it is developing characters within the Galaxy and within this timeline of the official Star Wars Story. It is my personal goal to get my brethren recognized to the point that at least on Eclipse.....ITC becomes so intermixed within the minds and memories of the ongoing content that a new player would not know the difference between the contexts.....player or dev.

The hardest part of succeeding at interactions with Dev teams is having the PATIENCE to maintain consistency, continuity and community.....your character becomes a PARTIAL FOCUS not a WHOLE FOCUS of the Galaxies experience. There is much more fun in numbers than being alone.

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