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Resources, Resources, Resources...


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I may be jumping the gun on the whole city expansion thing... but I would rather jump the gun now and be miles ahead before the race begins than be with a herd when the start begins.

I would like us to consolidate those who can provide lots and admin us artisan types (which doesn't include me particularly but it includes far to many in the guild) so we can start heavily stockpile resources. Also for those who can provide 'guild lots' off their character for building the 'kitty'.

What I propose is... when you are all said and done with the lots you need to continue at a good pace for your character and have any open lots remaining a harvester be assigned to you to place. With those who can find locations to place that type of harvester all you would need to do is stand there place it (use your lot) then admin a 'list' of people from the guild.

And for those who may be able to contribute credits for the maintaining of those harvesters as well would be an added bonus.

Keep in mind this is a VERY rough sketch of an idea and any feedback (upsides, downsides and why are we taking ideas from a fish) is and will be greatly appreciated.

Now I know lots get burnt when we are finally ready to go for our faction base, but by that time the city should be in full swing and 'semi-self sufficient' and we should also have a good pool of fp to pull from when supplying our base with protection.

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Very good idea Syban.

Unfortunately, Savrem is using all of his lots for the PA hall. Kimpek (master architect) has 3 open lots only. If we coordinate this well, we could have several people harvesting power (for those that are harvesting materials)

Kimpek has enough resources to provide a few heavy harvesters, but is not actively mining.

Any interested let me know.

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One thing that i've seen work in many of the most successful guilds is to have certain houses set up as warehouses and give full members admin rights so they can contribute extra resources/equipment they have and take stuff they need.

If someone has extra lots available they could easily toss up a couple of extra harvesters to get resources to help guildmates. Also, those working on scout skills would have a place to drop off unneeded resources gathered for xp.

For some things (faction structure deeds, mines to reload minefields, rare items, things to be used as rewards in events, etc) we could put a warehouse that only people of certain ranks are added to the list for and those people will be responsible for placing such items there if a member wants to contribute them and for distributing them when needed.

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Cyva’s idea hits the nail on the head with this one. It would be good to have an ITC warehouse for our resource needs. I will volunteer two of my lots for a small (domed good?) house that will store our built up resources.

I have been thinking about it and I know this seems like a lot of work that may pull ‘play time’ away from everyone… so in order to circumvent that downfall or possible problem to move this needed idea forward. I have an idea to delegate one person as a ‘collector’ or someone who would be able to jump on every day and gather the resources from the different parts of the galaxy. (Or maybe assign a ‘planet’ for one collector to manage)

The benefits of having this Collector would be that it would completely free up people from having to constantly run back and forth to get the resources we are looking to acquire. It may also help promote people to offer their ‘spare’ lots for this.

Being that this idea will pretty much crush many peoples first few hours of game time just to run helter skelter around the galaxy I will volunteer myself for this duty.

The only thing I can think that will be a potential hitch would be harvester credit maintenance. I know that who ever is the collector will have a hard enough time trying to run all over the planet collecting these resources and will probably be pretty cash strapped (traveling tickets and all) so harvester credit maintenance will fall upon those offering the lots. I do hope a better solution will be discussed about this problem… I foresee it stopping a few potential lot opportunities for us.


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