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Stealth Combo


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Okay, Maester and I are starting to plan out a stealth combo. We're thinking either scout/assasin, or two assasins (one mage, and one rogue). We have an question, important in our decision: As a scout, does using your detect hidden skill reveal you? This could put a damper on the detect-then-double-backstab idea we had for taking out enemy stealthers. Any suggestions as to what would make the best two person stealth combo? Neither of us has tried a stealthy character yet, so we have no practical experience with it.


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First of all mage assassins absolutely kick butt.

Example: A templar was giving me and some friends trouble at the runegate last night so we decided to be fair and let him duel one of us. The templar had been calling my assassin friend a "noob #####" (im not gonna spell out that word on these forums) so that's who he ended up fighting. The assassin barely got hurt at all since the templar spent most of the time stunned (and there was no hiding, backstab, or shadow pet used in the fight).

On a side note, the templar and the confessor he was with were both MGA. They approached me and a PoV friend of mine while we were sitting at the campfire by the gate talking and drew their weapons, so naturally things got off to a bad start :devil:

After the templar fell, the confessor had a good laugh about it and then went afk for a cigarette

If you want maximum damage I'd say go with two mage assassins. If you want a movement buff to get around faster and easier and want to hunt other stealthers, I'd say take a scout and a mage assassin.

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Detect hidden does not reveal anybody only lets you see them, you get another power reveal that you can use to bring him into the open you get track at lvl 30 also with a scout. Thats what I've been lvling the past couple of days, Getting angry with thieves stealing from cyclops all the time.

Time for revenge is almost at hand :D

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Yeah, I know the detect hidden doesn't reveal the player it's used against (to anyone but the scout using detect hidden, anyway). I was wondering if it reveals the one who used it, but Veironymous answered - you can use detect hidden (and even reveal, actually) without being revealed yourself. So, you can stay stealthed while looking for hidden enemies.

This is a really tough decision. We're decided that we'll have one assasin, but as for the other part of the duo we still can't choose. A thief would have the best backstab, another assasin would get the cool assasin spells and abilities, and a scout would have detect hidden, pathfinding, and tracking. Tough choice.


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If I make a scout for this duo it would be a dagger/blackmask scout, because I want to enjoy the backstab ability. The problem with this is that all of my dagger styles will be only lvl 10.

But if I am hanging out with a mage assassin, my low damage output after the backstab may not be a problem.

-Maester Zemach

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Last night Track, detect hidden, and Sneak saved my Arse. After we were defeated in KoB's town, there was a mix of all sorts all over the area. I snuck into Ardan, tracking a thief. I found said thief, detected him....revealed him...All while I was sneaking. The fear alone chased him off. I could only track the other thief whom was better at sneaking than my detect, but he left too. I like being a scout for the fact of otherwise i'd always be lost. I don't have to kill, I just find. Killing, for the most part, is someone elses job.

I was thinking about a H2H Character any suggestions? H2H Were-wolf? or should I go with the norm and be an Irekei Sun Dancer?

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No problem if I can't track, with Griffin by my side. The plan is to always play them together, so they'll compliment each other. I won't need track, as long as I'm always hanging out with a scout. :o)


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