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So Im at my boys first match


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46 seconds in he gets em in a Kimura armlock...well needless to say dude thought he was tough and didnt tap


Dislocated shoulder and compound fracture of the humerus. He feels terrible about it. Which I dont think he should personally.

If you participate in a contact sport and hurt someone like that would you feel bad? Especially considering the fact he should have tapped?

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Me and my twin sister played Varsity fastpitch softball for our high school. I was centerfield and she was shortstop.

Weeeell, there was a high fly ball, and from my position I could tell it cleared the dirt, so I was running forward, calling the ball "mine! mine!". Unfortunately, my twin sister was also calling the ball and running backwards.

Needless to say, we didn't hear each other, and although it should technically have been MY ball, heh, we collided and fell to the ground. Once we could breathe again (we were two of the fastest on the team), the trainer came out to check to see if we were hurt. When we hit each other we were both bruised, but the angle that my sister hit the ground at caused her collarbone to SNAP.

Aaaand I felt absolutely AWFUL about it. she was out for about half the season. X_x

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Ya know, i wrestled for 8 years and one of the things I figured out early on was knowing when to tap. Its one thing to bridge for an ugodly amount of time but when you're stuck in a hold like that . . . well its better to tap and win the next match than to end up like that.

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Well blood is another story(though if it was a brother Id probably feel the other way lol)

But at least Im not the only one that thinks he should have tapped, guess Im a bit combative/ruthless in that aspect. Once you cross the ropes its win/lose. Ive had my nose broken more than a few times(even in test sparring) and the teacher tried to stop the match cuz i was bleeding all over the place...but i was up points.... saying we have at work "If you aint bleedin you aint working" lol

I never did let them stop the fight just because of blood.

I'll be training at the same school here shortly


(yeah i have another addiction beside WoW *cackle*) Actually one of the Brazilian jujitsu teachers there studied under one of the Gracie's O-o Though glad I'm not in the same weight class as my boy lol

Edited by Oriahtundra
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I CALL A RIP FROM JSS!!!! :):):gold:;) "i'm leerking"

read it several days ago... but i'm with the rest of the jss crew in saying the guy knew what he was getting himself into. he should have tapped out.

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You know Alex(least i think) drive the supped up silver Altima? Actually gonna be training under him(or at least that school) depending on what style. There is also another Ju-jitsu school right down the street form the house(Billy that used to have the Stage 4 blue WRX trains there). Gonan compare training programs and pricing before i choose.

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You know Alex(least i think) drive the supped up silver Altima? Actually gonna be training under him(or at least that school) depending on what style. There is also another Ju-jitsu school right down the street form the house(Billy that used to have the Stage 4 blue WRX trains there). Gonan compare training programs and pricing before i choose.

Sweet tell me how it works out! thought about taking up boxing the have a boxing center close to the house.... just for athletic aspect of it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late replying to this post, but was just surfing the boards and came across it.

I've played competitive sports for most of my life, primarily soccer for 26 years. I have caused my share of injuries; broken ankles, torn ligaments, stitches, etc.. and I don't think I would feel bad about causing an injury like that. Perhaps for a few minutes right when it happened but not after that. It wasn't intentional, injuries are a part of sports. I mean you never like to see an opponent or a teamate go down injured but I think everyone that participates in a competitive sport, especially a contact sport knows that there is a risk of them getting injured, perhaps seriously.

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