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Valhalla Vanguard Colors/Emblem Recognized


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Last evening Emperor Borg, Ancient Balandar and Elders were granted official colors and emblem unique in Gawaine.

A member must be of at least 20 level or 400 skill to be allowed to wear the colors of the Vanguard as decreed by the GODS of Valhalla.

This first sacrifice from Elder Hothgorn, Ancient Balandar and Emperor Borg will now allow the Vanguard to stand proudly as the frontline of Valhalla....into battle on the wings of Valhalla!!!


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Quote from Araton, posted on Nov. 14 2001,8:08

It is a great achievement. I wish I could have started earlier so that I might have had the means to contribute gold to its purchase. I can't wait till I become level 20 so that I can wear it.


You can still contribute gold. Borg is kinda in debt now from that 300 gold.

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Very cool emblem.. But I have a few questions as I am just as of 10 minutes ago getting the game (God bless Wal-Mart and 2am purchases :devil: )

Why Norsemen? and do you have to be a noresman to be in the guild? I really wanted to go Albion....

Any of you have Albion alt's?

Anyone ACTUALLY ever on? (I'll post my name when I get the chance.)

If someone wants to take some time to show me how to play after thanksgiving, it would be greatly appreciated..

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You playing ALBION?  gah..

In order to be in the guild, you must play in Midgard.  Now, heres the tricky thing, you can not have characters in DIFFERENT realms on the same shard.  For example:  Damar Stronghammer is a Thane in Midgard.  I can not create another character on the GAWAINE shard in ALBION or HIBERNIA.  I can only create additional characters in MIDGARD.

And, if you do see an enemy from the other realms, there is two things: 1. Prepare to kill or be killed.  2. You can't understand anything they say, it all shows as gibberish. (who would want to listen to an elf or holy rolling alby?)

Most of us have grouped together in GAWAINE MIDGARD....I hope you do as well.  Argos is currently playing one the roleplay server in Hibernia.  (mumbles about nasty elves)

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Quote from Coldren, posted on Nov. 22 2001,02:59

Anyone ACTUALLY ever on?

Ummmmmm....you're joking right?


We always online....we each have our own schedules, but manage to get together just about every day.

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Alright guys, I get the point. But I like the Arthurian legends, so I'll be playing Albion quite a bit...

And I can see where this is going to be a problem... That sucks that you can't create chars of different shards.. Kinda lame.. Why did ppl choose Midgard anyway? *shrugs*

Well, let me fool around Albion for a bit, and if I don't find it too terribly interesting, I'll scratch them and make chars for midgard....

Until then, beware my blade....   :devil:

hahaha.. can you say, "Idle Threat"?   :smash:

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Quote from Coldren, posted on Nov. 22 2001,4:02

Alright guys, I get the point. But I like the Arthurian legends, so I'll be playing Albion quite a bit...

And I can see where this is going to be a problem... That sucks that you can't create chars of different shards.. Kinda lame.. Why did ppl choose Midgard anyway? *shrugs*

Play on a different shard instead of Gawaine if you are going to play in Albion. Play Midgard on Gawaine. Otherwise you will never play with anyone from PGoH.  Why Midgard, well as Borg put it to me. GODS. Hibernia looks like disney land. And Albion only has humans.

The reason for only allowing one realm per shard is so that you don't cheat. You could log into an enemy realm and find out their battle plans to raid the other realm and then alert the others to it.

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