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Everything posted by Rhoach

  1. *waves goodbye to Slythe* Ah, Slythe, we hardly knew ye. Ah well, he was naught but a Rhoach prototype.
  2. Suckage. And so close to release, too.
  3. Hey, they're worth it! *hugs his cuddly little squirmy bug*
  4. Take a guess which pet Rhoach will want...
  5. Heh, is this the start of a new help column?
  6. Ok then. Have fun taking that up with the entire global community of archaeologists. Feh. This isn't worth my time.
  7. Rhoach


    Only when I found myself chewing on my own face for lack of something to do
  8. Uhhh... the earth is estimated to be millions of years old, duder.
  9. *casts his vote for some sort of white/black/brown/crimson combination*
  10. 33% done, 24 hours to go. See you ingame! Someday. Heheh.
  11. Troll rogue here. Just to letcha know.
  12. Rhoach


    *pisses on a gnome*
  13. Might I have a link that would lead me to an open beta opportunity?
  14. Rhoach

    The Feast

    Maybe she's so pissed because she lacks nipples. >8]
  15. Lookin' good there as always, Wolf.
  16. Eh. Halo never struck me as a very good game, actually. 'course, I played the PC version, not the Xbox version, so I may be missing out. I could list off quite a few (new) first person shooters I would rather play, actually. But I won't. *cough*
  17. Those damn halflings. Hands down. In fact, I actually (no joking) had a dream last night where about 20 attacked me and I had to put them down with whatever was at hand. I distinctly remember putting a pointed stick through the eye of a charging halfling and watching the nasty little thing fall to the floor of the garage (why we were in a garage, I have no idea) and twitch spasmodically.
  18. Kinda like the pygmys. Or asians.
  19. Nice. Makes me think of Thief 3.
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