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Posts posted by robinj

  1. I did the math, at 180K/sec which is about 90% of my max bandwidth and I believe the standard traffic setting on my tomato router, it'll take 30 hours without interruption :-P Fortunately I have 8 days to download it!

    Just started downloading this 2GB video I've seen a dozen times and don't care to watch again, yay!

    Actually, the servers are being brought down in ~10 hours, and for most of the day tomorrow, fun. At least I'll uh, get that great video again...

  2. I'll have to find my overclocked TI-85 to compute that faster... oh wait, it blew up.

    I'm still not completely sure how the enhancement slots/extractions will play out in the long run, but from the sound of it we could dress up as level 10 apprentices and run raid operations... we'll just have a lower base AC. *shrug*

  3. Robnar - Peace is a lie, there is only hatred. A true Sith of Korriban, descended from a long lineage of powerful warriors who embraced the dark side of the force. While seeking out his ancestors tombs, he accidentally activated a holocron of Darth Adas. Through Adas's teachings, he learned the true ways of the Sith. His hatred turned xenocidal, quickly dismembering anyone who crossed his path the wrong way. A passion for cookies or the lack thereof fuels his anger. <To be continued...>

    Ro'boo, step-cousin in law to Lord Robnar on their father's side, was born on Hutta to her Chiss mother after she was exiled from Korriban. She has almost purple skin and deep set purple eyes. Born in exile, she escaped any involvement in the Sith Academy recruitment by peddling wares on the street with her mother as they began a new life. While she may be force sensitive, her midichlorien counts must not have been substantial enough to be detected and pulled back to Korriban. Instead she learned to defend herself and soon got in touch with her inner pyro. Her mother was paranoid sometimes of what her daughter was getting into but soon realized her daughter was in fact defending herself and making a little money on the side. Several months after her 18th birthday, funds were getting tight and her sister had a small accident with some thermite, burning off one and a half toes. Her mother told her to get out of her house and take all those dangerous things with her. With no where else to go, she heard in passing of an event called The Great Hunt and recalled years prior that her mother forbid her from ever thinking of joining that. One night at the cantina, she met someone named Mako who said she could get her a job.

    ((Placing this one here for future use when I get around to the char, even though s/he'd be in the cantina guild))

    Robnas - A dark jedi, flagged too many times for being disobedient. Why is one deemed disobedient for having a drastically different opinion, or frequently being the devil's advocate? Soon to be exiled from Typhoon and the Jedi Order, Robnas seeks out the holocrons of the Dark Jedi and Sith Lord Darth Malak.

  4. I found myself hitting escape quite often to pick the good answer when I played the bounty hunter, but sometimes I had to disagree with why I got the light side answer on my sith for what I thought was evil... *shrug*

    In the thanksgiving beta, my bounty hunter was close to 2000 light, my sith had a total of -1650, with over 2000 in dark but like I mentioned above I got some non-evil thought to be evil answers. and that was before I found out about the escape key :D

    the thing about the light or dark only sabers was merely affecting the color it seemed, if you want to run a revan follower with a blue saber... I compared the stats and they seemed practically identical. Would make a bit more sense to give a dark saber a tap effect and a light saber a regen or something.

  5. Definely playing a sith, need that Darth title... Not sure if I'll go juggy or marauder though. This guy will be named Robnar

    Also played a bounty hunter merc although it felt silly spamming heals when I know I could lay waste to things... Everyone survived the talon at least... Usually name a healer Roboo (pig tails a plus)

    Agent sniper would be a third alt, and when I get tired of looking at Drommund Kaas, a trooper. I have a few other names I could use for those.

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