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Posts posted by robinj

  1. My scouting reports indicate heavy defenses backed up by an elite droid squadron. Far too many and too strong for me to take on alone or with the help of Mako, so any help is appreciated. You're on your own for bounties but Kreshan's is mine. Additional scout reports suggest that my current expertiece is below the curve ((level 16)) and will prove too difficult at this current time but in the near future I shall be going after Kreshan. Assessments on my bounty hunting experience and progression indicate that I should be sufficently prepared by the time I finish the Melee in the Mandalorian Enclave on Dromund Kaas.

  2. I know there's a damage capacitor or two on the motherboard, but I was mostly tiredly ranting that the usage spike that occurs just by enabling one feature in one game puts enough stress on my PC that it exposes aforementioned "flaws" doesn't seem right to me.

    I have normal BIOS readings for voltage, 1.38 to 1.39 to the CPU, 1.85 to memory, 3.3v to the PCIe bus, etc. there's something wrong but I don't feel like I need to replace anything. I'm part Irish and subsequently stubborn and frugal.

    Anyway, once AMD releases a worth while chip again I'll upgrade the motherboard/cpu/memory.. but for now I find strange humor in the hotwiring I have to do to start the thing up if it's not running.

  3. System failures

    If your system consistently shuts down unexpectedly, please go to this thread and post your information. Some of you have already done this, and your posts have been extremely helpful. We’ve analyzed all the information you’ve provided so far, and this is what we can say…

    SWTOR has the capacity to heavily utilize your system. If you are running the game with high graphics settings, this is especially true. System flaws or inadequacies that might not be evident when idling or playing other games could possibly be exposed when you are running SWTOR, especially in moments that put extra pressure on your system (PVP, Operations, etc.) To name a few things you should look out for:

    Ensure that your power supply is not failing and that it supplies enough juice to power your system.

    For temperature considerations, it’s also worth checking that the power supply fan is working properly. Also ensure that your PC case is properly ventilated and your airflow is unobstructed.

    Ensure that your PC is clean and your system is not clogged with dust and dirt.

    We recommend taking appropriate precautions (monitoring and cooling) if you are overclocking your hardware. Our advice is to dial things back to the manufacturer’s recommended settings until your system failures are resolved.

    Are two fried onboard LAN ports and two pins set to "hot wire" my PC to boot up considered flaws? Not to mention frequent blue screens of death until the system warms up if it's been off for any reason?

    Are 120CFM fans that get cleaned frequently not powerful enough?

    Otherwise, the replacement power supply is more than adequate if not just a little old to run my GTX570 at 750/1500MHz and my still kickin' X2 5600+ @3.1GHz... I realize a new motherboard and powersupply would cover bioware's tails based on that post, but I've ran other games that make my PC work and not had the shutdown issue except maybe once in a blue moon.

    The way I see it there's no reason for things like the holoterminal on your ship or simply turning on their FSAA shader to high should cause my video card to rapidly heat up and cause some "instability" or "expose flaws." The holoterminal issue had to do with the vsync not working at one time, but the crash issue arised again when the client patch with FSAA turned it to high by default. From a game programmer's point of view (that's my job, for the record) and making presumptions as to why the FSAA option wasn't at launch is that they knew of the framerate issues with their shader and either optimised it to be incorporated into the retail clients or it's a poorly made component...

  4. I met this nice sniper on the Fleet last night and boarded the Black Talon for a bit of Jedi padawan killing. While the thought of two blaster pistols was tempting, I chose to train as a powertech. We proceeded through the mission with Mako being "Mako" at healing and occasionally she would wander off or miss the tram, but we survived. We continued on the Black Talon to Dromund Kaas and made our way to Kaas City. Along the way I had to stomach these Imperials that couldn't handle a few slave rebels but they were easy to kill and collected the bounties on their leaders' heads while I was at it. Once we made it to Kaas City, Misae checked in with Intelligence while I cashed in some bounties and picked up some new targets.

  5. A coworker of mine says she started playing TOR with her husband and two family members last week. I was thinking this could be a lot of fun if we stayed in-character for these groups. Aside from never looking for flashpoint members or heroics, the comical social items are quite amusing, not to mention whatever else BioWare has yet to unveil for social items. Imagine a party of 4 sandpeople running mando raiders...

    These set groups would be frequently online at the same time which can honestly be somewhat of a drawl. I remember the horror days of set parties in FFXI being a drain on your sanity but you really had no other choice if you wanted to level up at a decent pace.

    Ideally the group would be setup for flashpoints, i.e. tank, healer, dps, and crowd control.

    So if anyone's interested, speak up. ;)

    I have a level 11 or so assassin that has been drinking at the Imperial Fleet Cantina for about a week, plus a bounty hunter that I haven't decided on a role for yet.

  6. I would like to apply as the Sith'ari, a master of crafting and a bit of role-play influence. I've spent many hours and many many credits on crafting blues+purples and will craft a purple for the guild if I have the schematic. For special requests that I don't have the schematic for I'll churn out a few till I get to purple if some mats are covered. As for the Sith'ari of role-play, I'm not a heavy role-player but I tend to get in light character most of the time. I'm not all that interested in extensive or ongoing character development stories though.

    I can be expected to be online a lot, in game until after most go to bed, on teamspeak idling, and forums as time allows at work. I'm a mom addict and am particularly addicted to this game, a lot more so than DDO. My DDO characters were usually comically portrayed as an 8 int dwarf that was proud of his 6 cha and 40str, my half-orc who was a step brother of the dwarf, equally proud of his 6 cha but also his 6 int, and my half-orc artificer (part rogue, part wizard, part ranger, and had a pet) who had 30 int and brother of the half-orc fighter. I can't really get into the republic stories because my roleplaying tastes clash with the forces story lines.

    I would like to maintain the status of Sith'ari indefinitely, both for roleplaying purposes on my juggernaut but also because I feel committed to the game and enjoy the atmosphere of the guild. In the future, I would like to coordinate "set parties" for alts to maximize social points and have a fun in-character time.

    As for an officer promotion, it seems like every guild I've been a part of since starting to play mmo's in 2003 at some point I was promoted to officer. I would humbly accept the promotion as I always have.

  7. Agent Robnor, known code names: Cipher 9, Jorgumandr

    Current status: -CLASSIFIED-

    Last known whereabouts: Spotted on Vaiken Spacedock passed out in the Cantina...

    History, unconfirmed sources:

    Born in the back seat of an interstellar transport ship headed home to Dromund Kaas, Robnor was born into a military family. His father would frequently be gone on missions which he couldn't talk about. At age ten, his family received a telegram from Imperial Intelligence that his father had been lost. They could not disclose the whereabouts or return any remains. His father was gone without a trace, almost vanished but with confirmation that he's no longer alive. Robnor didn't take the news very well and began rummaging through his father's closet one day when he was alone. He found a worn rifle barrel along with some duffel bags containing civilian and military uniforms. Upon further investigation of the barrel, he noticed some manufacturer designations and a model of "Jormungandr." He then heard his family's speeder arriving and quickly repacked everything before being caught.

    By age 18 he had grown to be a bit of a troublemaker and his mother sent him off to military academy. After numerous fights and quarrels with both superiors and comrades in the academy, including an instance where his instructor was fatally shot, he was given a dishonorable discharge. While the official records indicate the gun misfired during an exercise, rumor has it the gun apparently fired just fine when aimed at the instructor. Imperial Intelligence was monitoring Robnor's progress through the academy, noting his deadly accuracy and preference to operate alone and with free will. As he was packing up his things and leaving, he was greeted by someone who would only identify themselves as "Watcher 12," and told him to report to Intelligence for a second chance.

    With many doubts and a general frustatation with the military, he was reluctant to follow this new lead on a "second chance," but he had no other place to go.

  8. strangely I found the bounty hunter to reward better if you picked light side... *shrug* I also didn't mind mako that much.

    The game overall feels like an offline single player game so far. Very little interaction with anyone, unless we are fighting for the same spawns.. I felt more comraderie with my fellow players during the beta, now it's just a massive world to play your single player game.

    Welcome to any post-2005 MMO, sadly. They seemed to go for the Age of Conan solo->group approach, in which a group quest means it's a group quest. On the plus side, you can help out in the story quests unlike AoC...

  9. Lord Robnar is a vengeance juggernaut... although since past level 30 or so he's been almost exclusively in Soresu stance unless in a party with another tank. On the other hand, he can take out elites +1 levels without any healer. One medpac might be used if the elite is really eating his face, but otherwise he and jaesa make things go away. Oh, and the Warrior's story is indeed epic, especially if you're playing a Sith the right way. *note* I do have self-crafted purple parts on both my lightsaber and jaesa's.

    I agree, though, space combat has much to be desired.

    The crafting system feels well laid out, with incentives to continue crafting blues into purples. The scarcity of purple materials is lower than my personal taste but at the same time it puts more value on the purple variants. As for the exp/synth, I managed to cap artificing at level 41 using the tier5 materials I just came across. *shrug* I do wish there'd be a higher chance to get purple materials if you're running a mission that is well over cap.

  10. artificing hit 300 last night, heh...

    Aside from red crystals which are scarce and the rare treasure hunting purple gems for the legendary versions, I can craft just about anything :D I don't have every recipe (sometimes skipping every other level on hilts just because there's so many, and I don't have half of the shields) but as we start making alts I'll be willing to craft some better lightsaber parts, enhancement chips, or shields/focii/generators.

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