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Posts posted by robinj

  1. So can I remove armoring mods from BM/Rakata gear?

    The part that only applies to new gear is the set bonus. Before Game Update 1.2, the set bonus is attached to the shell item, and thus it cannot be moved from old items. In Game Update 1.2, the set bonus will be attached to the armoring, meaning you can move it between items.

    And here is where people in that thread go on a tirade that existing pieces are (currently) not extracting the armoring with the set bonus... But on the plus side since my sniper has 0/5 rakata, he can keep his imperial uniform from hammer station. :) Plus with the armor color normalizing feature he'll "match"

    1.2 - New Rakata Itemization

    1. Yes, we have updated the stat distribution on Rakata gear with 1.2.

    2. If you have not modified your gear, it will seamlessly update the mods inside when you log into the game the first time after the patch has been applied.

    3. If you have modified your gear, it will retain any changes you have made. Any mods you didn't change out will update.

    4. Restoring the original mods into the item, before 1.2, will cause them to upgrade at the time of the patch.

    This sounds promising, just as long as you reset the mod configurations prior to the patch... Still won't be able to pull the armor and get the set bonus but at least the stat changes will update.

  2. There's almost always a hundred on the fleet when I get home from work, so it's quite likely the bulk of the population is indeed east coast. Having a more robust crafting or harvesting system could also blow away some time. The JTL patch for space combat would be something as well.

    I definitely agree that there is a lot of filler content (for instance Quesh). *shrug*

    On the other hand, if you look at TOR as a BioWare game, I get the feeling they *want* you to replay the game (i.e. level an alt) so that you learn more of the story they want to tell. That ties in with their legacy system which for phase 1 isn't terrible but definitely expandable for future content.

  3. I'd rather do the new corellia dailies than the ilum ones which are somewhat of a waste, 4 things to do and one is ALWAYS bugged.

    I think what's happening is there's a lot of expectations people have of the game, or want to see things added that are like <insert feature from another MMO> that haven't been addressed.

    I was looking forward to space combat being (hopefully) like the Jump to Light Speed stuff in SWG but that wasn't the case. Personally I would have preferred that leveling to 50 takes several months but that isn't the case either.

    I think people are expecting too much from an MMO that's hardly 3 months old. Trion tried to keep pushing more and more stuff out after launch to keep people playing but Rift had an identity crisis from the begining and a lack of story to back it up. TOR has a well-thought out story to it, and obviously that's where BioWare spent more of their time during development. If anything, I think they launched before they were ready. Rift had a very clean launch but had lousy content. TOR has a rough start but much more (albeit some still lousy) content.

    Still, I'm curious why you guys are complaining that BioWare is "trying" (apparently not what you're looking for, but still "trying") to address the general populus's concerns and yet you're still unhappy.

  4. I rather like the bounty hunter and warrior pve sets...

    The columkataeese set for warriors has too many hoses and stupid frills that doesn't look anything like the iconic Sith character I want to play.

    At least the new set has a cloak.

  5. *shrug* I guess the healing between the 3 classes had to get adjusted at some point, and let's face it: 2 sorcs meant that healing was well covered pending staying out of bad stuff. However a raid of 2 sorcs, 2 juggernauts, 2 marauders, and 2 of the others isn't very "balanced."

    Also, when any developer mentions "unintentional" in a patch note, to me that means it was an exploit that is in my book considered cheating and should be fixed regardless of the outcries of "NERF!!!" "NERF!!!"

  6. Added Enraged Defense, a new ability that allows the Juggernaut to spend Rage to lower threat. While active, one point of Rage is spent each time damage is taken to heal the Juggernaut for a small amount. This ability is usable while stunned and is not limited by the global cooldown.

    Excellent, an "oops I didn't mean to hit taunt button"!

    I don't see where those sorceror healing changes are listed...

  7. On a non-sarcastic topic about operatives and healing the vault:

    I joined a pick-up ops group over the weekend on my sniper. The two healers were an operative and mercenary. Now granted they may or may not have run EV many times (if any) as those healing classes, but we did struggle quite a few times on the falling platforms parts of Soa. It took them 3 tries to figure out how to keep everyone alive during the descent, struggling due to the lack of that giant purple healing bubble sorcerors get.

  8. http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/coming-game-update-1.2 if you haven't seen it already...

    new daily missions, yay... but on corellia? Couldn't they find a zone that has less loading time than Belsavis?

    the legacy family tree looks interesting.. and yep, you can play a chiss smuggler or sith consular (not so sure on this one) and uh... force choke to anyone???

    few other things I picked up on from the teaser: thank you for "improving" the tioneese/columni/rakata textures, but what were you thinking on the horned atrocity for warriors? Vader helmet and cloak, where is it?! The inquisitor set looks rather interesting/odd too.

  9. establishing secured connection... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

    uploading decryption cipher...

    Cipher Agent Robnor, formerly identified as Cipher Agent IX, reporting to base on Belsavis.

    I request additional daily commedations for my undercover work. Esh-kha were not in the job description. Energy banks are depleting faster than they recharge and requiring "two steps forward, one step back" progress. Please forward bunker coordinates on this secured channel.

    *transmission lost*

  10. It seems like we get stuck on the puzzles more than standing in "bad ######" more than anything else. The tower or Hanoi puzzle isn't as complicated once you understand it as it is to manage their clunky controls and then not take out your frustration on Reavus and catch him in some toasty had ###### ;). How many weeks did it take us to jump down to Soa's floor correctly?

    whoever wants to train themselves on the Hanoi puzzle, google it or play I think it was mass effect where the Hanoi puzzle rebooted a computer core.

  11. A typical full daily run nets 100-150k if you get any good junk loot. Quests grant 10k or so each. Not to mention, once you get all the armor mods, that's more profit.

    A Chinese credit farmer could make 700k-900k a week spending just 3-4 hours a day.

    Anyway, I kind kind of feel ripped as an artificer that you can buy +41 crystals. Not to mention the wider variety as well.

  12. I was bored this evening and got the ts3 overlay plugin to work...

    Add this to ~youruserfolder/AppData/Roaming/ts3overlay/config_user.ini (you'll need to show hidden folders to see AppData)


    I'm not sure what the magic line is in there, but it seemed to do the trick. also, I'm not sure if running TS3 in admin mode is required and I don't believe I am.


    Go to Program Files/Teamspeak3/plugins/ts3overlay... set InstallHook.exe to run as administrator, then you're good to go.

    You should see a tiny faded window pop up somewhere in the game that you can move around, right click and customize on the character select screen. Note: it does rotate the player portrait when doing so, heh. Also, it appears that you can't move the overlay without "interesting" results if you don't have a giant window open like the guild details :D

    • Daniel Erickson: The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2.

    hrmm... this could be comical. chiss sith... true blood smuggler...

    • Daniel Erickson: Yes! Expect to see the first new gear coming in Game Update 1.2 and some dramatic changes to the social gear system just around the corner afterward.

    *cough* all the more reason to join a social group!!!

    • Gabe Amatangelo: Yes. Target of Target on primary target and party frames will be part of Game Update 1.2. Primary target already has a visible casting bar on live right now. In Game Update 1.2 target of target frames will have visible casting bars as well. Additionally, there will be various customization features in all of those frames (e.g. repositioning).


    • Gabe Amatangelo: We are going to continue to introduce new Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations on a regular basis. The story line will continue with all of the above as well as in solo-able missions. We will continue to evolve Crew Skills and crafting. We’ll be introducing the Legacy System soon, as Daniel mentioned. Additionally, we have exciting PvP features planned, the first of which includes pre-season Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2.

    rise of the rakghouls 5 coming soon... hope they change things up and/or introduce new planets and species entirely.

  13. That makes two of us ready and willing to kill Orvis again and commandeer his ship... But unfortunately two juggernauts would not get very far and we need more help. If your anger isn't strong enough to take on this battle then either you are too weak or not a true Sith.

    Channel your hatred, let the anger at Kilran and Orvis flow through you.

    Or turn in your Sith Card if you even have one and go pug roleplaying events in the Fleet cantina.

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