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Posts posted by Glok'tur

  1. What I meant is there are game-related OOC things that simply can't be entirely left out, so find creative ways of doing them. If you need a smoke or have to go to the bathroom, just say you're going to take a nap real quick or you have to do something real quick, then run and hide somewhere. Don't just leave your character sitting around in one spot for very long, it isn't realistic. Also, if you're talking to someone and you just go AFK randomly, they will probably wonder what's wrong. To your character there is no outside world. So try to keep it somewhat realistic. Remember to have fun though! It's not all rules and regulations. Hence the word Role-Play. =)


  2. Added part 2 to the lesson. That's about all I can think of that's necessary for beginners. Everything else will develope as a person plays. If you really get into orcs, you'll read about them and come up with your own ideas and scenarios. (Maybe even a little advanced orcish language.) Glok'tur speaks a little black speech, he refers to it as the ancient language of the old days(anchent blah ub uld muunz), or "burz'blah." (Burz means dark in BS.)

    You can read more about Tolkien's Black speech by searching google.com for it. He only created an original 2 lines for his book series, but many fans have since taken it to MUCH further depths. If you can't find anything about it or just don't want to search, private message me for the links to a couple black speech dictionary/lessons.


  3. I, personally, challenge you to find interesting sayings in place of some OOC things that just can't be left out entirely.


    Logging on or off - going to sleeb or waking up

    Making sure your group is getting decent experience - "Lat lernun guud frum deze pushdugz?" ((Though if you're going to say something about experience I would suggest adding something like, "Har dem pinkeez nubhosh, bu' dem gib a guud clomp sumtymez!" This way it still leans towards the roleplay of everyday orcish life, but can get necessary OOC things discussed))

    By the way, if ever you are around Glok'tur, and you are obviously powergaming OVER roleplay, he will pick on you in some way. Powergaming isn't very roleplay-like, granted it's also not a sin or anything. Sometimes there's just nothing better to do, or you're really frustrated and just want to roleplay your orc hard at work. But, keep in mind your orc doesn't 'gruk' that he's in a game and there is a large pinkee controlling his every move. If WoW were real life, would you want to work all the time? Do things that, in real life, you as an orc would enjoy for fun, instead of just gain!

    Also, don't be discouraged by people who won't roleplay back, and believe me there will be a lot of them, many who will even try to ruin your fun. (Because they have large tree trunks enlodged in their *mouth is covered by a moderator*.)

    Turn it into fun if you find someone like that!


    Human with tree trunk enlodged in his arse: "Hahaha, you stupid orc you're lagging like a b****. Your computer must suck!"

    Glok'tur: "Da skah? Wud am kumpuuter?"

    Human: "Hahaha I have a tree tr... err you know, that BOX you have in front of you??"

    Glok'tur: "Bogz? Der am bogz en frunt ub me??? WHER!!! WHER DA MOJO BOGZ?!!? Bah, dumskah humiez si tingz. Nub shuud eet da shruumz en foruzt."

    (Heh, actually you probably shouldn't joke about drugs... sorry. But you get the idea!)

    Mojo means magic to Glok, he'll use it often as most of you will probably say maguk or majuk. If you see him ranting about "mojoka" this or "mojokii" that it just means he's complaining about magic casters and their stupid magic tricks. =)

  4. The Shadowclan orcs have hundreds and hundreds of members, collectively. They're spread through many games and only a quarter to maybe a 3rd of it's numbers are actually active. But, it's always been loosely tied and loosely progressive, because of it. It's one of the reasons I switched to SoC for WoW, instead of SC. Plus, SC has no plans for WoW at the moment, though I'm sure there will be a branch in the near future. At any rate, 60 active members would be wonderful. All that can be said for sure is prepare to be part of a regular group of us. There is always a regular group of players in any guild active at one time. You've got your members who're active for periods of time, then seen every now and then for a while, who go back and forth. By far though, especially in RP groups, people who join leave after a little while and never come back. It's the way gaming works. You have to find a community you really like and have fun with, to stay with friends for long periods of time. So, if you like T.H.E. SoC, I would suggest getting to know the whole of T.H.E. (No I'm not trying to boost their participants or anything of the sort, I'm a noob to them, I only stumbled upon them searching for orc roleplay groups.) What I do know is they have a fairly large RP community in different games and along all sorts of RP storylines. Looks like a good group to be part of. I've been trying to be a little active in their other forums myself.

    ~Glok (Davatar)

  5. I'm sure we will be making some allies, aswell as enemies. All in good time, however. It's up to the heads, in the future I would point another roleplaying guild, interested in cooperation of some type, in the direction of Balandar, Martok, or Uglutz.

  6. Roleplaying my orc on Catskills, UO in Shadowclan. Playing an orc by the same name in Ashen Empires beta. (Very good game so far!) It's open so you can try it out if you want. www.ashenempires.com I'm mostly stuck in RP and confused a helluva lot of players speaking orcish. Since NO ONE RPs an orc I often have to (that means .... etc) OOC. Which there will be NONE OF in WoW, keep in mind. By the elder's rules!!


  7. I know Grulg said the changes are finalized except for Captain, and I know we're trying to keep it simple for people, but these words are not hard to remember nor type.

    These are just my suggestions, as I LOVE orcish roleplay: (These are names with black speech suffixes, and the apostrophes can be left out to make it easier.)

    War Chieftains - Chiefob'uk (Chief of All)

    Chieftain - Chief'hai (Great Chief)

    Lord - Goth (BS for Lord)

    Captain - Kritar (BS for Captain)

    Grunts - Fine

    Gruntee - Fine

    Guards - Rogtar (BS for Guard, I was thinking Trustee, but there is no BS translation for trust. Guess orcs don't do a lot of that.)

    Peon - Runt

    We already use the BS word for slave: Snaga. I think this should be reserved for roleplay purpses, ex:

    An orc defies a superior officer and is quickly rebuked "Snaga! Lat dayr dizobey me? Wadj latz tunge, ur id may suun be fownd missun."

    Snaga should be a horrible label/insult, and if a higher officer calls you one, roleplay your disgust, yet be respectful of your elder. Never use the word unless refering to an enemy, or severely rebuking a very disobediant orc.

  8. Whi latz ulweyz blah bowd humie tingz? Rolepleyun??! Wud, lat blahun der am rilly sum beun kuntrollin' ebery thot agh moob me mayk?? Kraazee! Latz guin' krazee!!!

    *Paranoid, looks up.* Da skah... am dat glass ur ski? AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!

    *runs away*

  9. This will most likely be a somewhat ongoing list, as basic orcish tends to change a little like english slurs.

    PART 1(Ash)

    Basic orcish word list:


    Hello = Ug

    Goodbye = Gug'ye (Pending change.)

    Great = Bubhosh (Pending change.)

    Yes = Yub

    No = Nub

    Ok = Uki

    Swear/Exclamation: Skah! (Orcs DO NOT use human profanity.)

    Stinking = Pushdug

    Understand/Know = Gruk

    Magic = Maguk/Majuk

    Day = Muun (today becomes, this day = diz muun)

    Kill/Fight and Duel = Clomp/Klomp and Clomp maj (match)

    Logon = Wayk ub (Wake up)

    Logout = Gu sleeb (Go to sleep)

    Linkdead = Blak owt (Black out)

    Lag = Mud

    Experience = Lernun

    Dead = Flat

    Orcs tend not to use the letter "o" very often in their wording. They also tend to leave some words out, as they are normally a little less intelligent than your average peasant. Ex: "Gib fuud!" - 'Give me the food!'

    Aslong as whoever you're talking to gets the drift of what you're trying to say. Orcs also use "z" to pluralize, mainly.

    Here are a few examples of the words above, accompanied by broken english, as orcs would speak.

    "Ug! Me senz guud humie clompin' diz muun."

    -Hello! I sense good human killing today.

    "Diz am bubhosh fuud!"

    -This is great food!

    "Uki, moob owt orcz!"

    -Ok, move out orcs!

    "Me nub gruk."

    -I don't know/understand. (Literally, I no understand)

    "Gug'ye latz."

    -Goodbye everyone. (Literally, Goodbye you.)

    "Me ben muddie sinz me wayk ub diz muun! Me shuud juz gu sleeb befur me blak owt agun."

    -I've been laggy since I logged on today! I should just logoff before I go linkdead again. (This is the closest to OOC chat you will get ingame, besides chatrooms.)

    "Dat wuz guud lernun!"

    -That was good experience!

    Object words: (Commonly used)


    Sword = Zult (Pending change.)

    Axe = Splitt'r

    Hammer = Bash'r

    Spear = Pok'r

    Bow = Olig (Pending change.)

    Dagger = Stabb'r

    Staff = Stik

    Shield = Blok'r or Sheeld

    Beer, Ale, Alcohol = Drinkee or Likor

    Equipment = Tingeez/Tingies or Stuf (Thingies)

    Armor = Armur

    Weapon = Wepun

    Arrow = Lig (Pending change.)

    Money/Gold = Shinies

    Land = Uzg



    One = Ash

    Two = Dub

    Three = Dree

    Four = Fuur

    Five = Fibe

    Six = Sikz

    Seven = Sebun

    Eight = Ate

    Nine = Ninh

    Ten = Tehn

    Hundred = Hundrid/Hunnerd

    Thousand = Fowzund or Towzund

    Million = Milliun/Milleun

    When describing particular items, orcs usually use an adjective before "tingeez."

    Ex: "Gib me dat bottul tingee." - 'Give me that bottle.'

    Orcs do not use actual numericals(123... etc.) in there speech, as this is "bery humie ting tu du."(Very human thing to do.)

    Examples of the previous words. (Following example somewhat difficult, as using mostly orcish words. Most of your sentences will not require near this many orcish words at one time.)

    "Me hab ash bash'r, dree stabb'rz, sebun stikz, dub pok'rz, fuur splitt'rz, sikz zultz, agh ash olig wiff dub hundrid ligz."

    -I have one hammer, three daggers, seven staves, two spears, four axes, six swords, and one bow with two hundred arrows.

    "Heer am latz armur tingiez."

    -Here is your armor.

    "Whi am latz blok'r brokun?"

    -Why is your shield broken?

    Races and Classes:


    Orc = Orc/Urk/Uruk

    Human = Humie/Oomie/Pinkee

    Elf = Elb/Elfee/Elvzie/Elbzie

    Gnome = Nume/Big'noz

    Dwarf = Dorv/Stuntee

    Troll = Olog (Pending change.)

    Tauren = Bull

    Undead = Deddie/Dedhed

    Slave = Slabe/Slav

    Rogue = Theeb/Teef

    Warlock = Warluk

    Shaman = Vuduka

    Warrior = Klomp'r

    Hunter = Trak'r

    Priest = Heel'r

    Druid = Dru'ud

    Here are some more examples.

    "Pushdug humies! Me wil enslabe dem ull!"

    -Stinking humans! I will enslave them all!

    "Me Klomp'r, nub smelly Vuduka."

    -I'm a warrior, not a smelly Shaman.

    "Gu gid Trak'r! Uz habbin' growler fer fuud!"

    -Go get a hunter! We're having bear for dinner!


    Part 2(Dub)

    This part will give some advice on general roleplay, and will not be as long as the first part.

    Some aspects of the game require you to talk about OOC(Out of Character) things. When doing so, do your best to implement a roleplay means of doing it.


    Making sure your group is getting decent experience.

    -"Lat lernun guud frum deze pushdugz?"

    If you must ask a question, I would suggest adding something like, "Har dem pinkeez nubhosh, bu' dem gib a guud clomp sumtymez!" This way it still leans towards the roleplay of everyday orcish life, but can get necessary OOC things discussed.

    Other phrases that are statements usually don't sound as OOC. (Like, "Me lerned guud frum dat clomp!")

    Private messaging

    -*gets hit in the head by a pigeon* "Skah! Pijun hab messaj fer meeb."

    Having to go AFK(Away From Keyboard) for a little bit

    -"Me gunna tayk nap."

    These are just suggestions, you can come up with your own ways of roleplaying these things, just make sure everyone knows what you mean. Be creative, there are other OOC things you will come across and need an RP(RolePlay) excuse!


    Powergaming isn't very roleplay-like, granted it's also not a sin or anything. Sometimes there's just nothing better to do, or you're really frustrated and just want to roleplay your orc hard at work. But, keep in mind your orc doesn't 'gruk' that he's in a game and there is a large 'pinkee' controlling his every move. If WoW were real life, would you want to work all the time? Do things that, if it were real life, your orc would enjoy, instead of just doing things for gain!

    Pushdug Players

    Don't be discouraged by people who won't roleplay back, and believe me there will be a lot of them, many who will even try to ruin your fun. You can turn it from a negative experience to a positive one, if you find someone like that.


    Pushdug Human: "Hahaha, you stupid orc you're lagging like a b****. Your computer must suck!"

    Your Orc: "Urm... Wud am kumpuuter?"

    Human: "LoL, you know, that BOX you have in front of you??"

    Your Orc: "Bogz? Der am bogz en frunt ub me??? WHER!!! WHER DA MOJO BOGZ?!!? Bah, dumskah humiez blah tu muj. Agh wud da skah lul meen??"

    If worse comes to worst, just ignore them. You will find the occasional player who will go to incredible lengths to attempt to ruin your fun. When this happens, pity the fool and don't make yourself look like one by yelling at him, even in orcish.

    Remember, some people roleplay their characters in interesting ways. Just because Zubat roleplays a sensitive orc doesn't mean you should ruin his fun in any way. Most orcs would tease or push him around, so if that's the way you are go ahead, but do it in a manner that isn't actually offensive, and don't over-do it. Everyone is allowed to have their fun.

    This is all for the lesson, at the moment. If anyone has questions or suggestions, make a reply.


  10. "Id nub dat hurd. Lat juz hav tu membur fuw blah tingiez, agh rezt am juz brokun humie blah. Pushdug pinkeez."

    It's not that hard. You just have to remember a few words, and the rest is just broken english. Stinking humans."

    Remembering the few basic words will be easy, and if you play long enough, you might almost speak "orcish" in real life one time. I've been roleplaying a couple orcs in Shadowclan, on Catskills UO, for over a year. It gets real simple pretty fast. And by the time you've played as long as I have, you can read and write it just as fast as english.


  11. Yeah, you're right. Sorry I just tend to get into the roleplay. I have a fascination with orcs. You guys will have loads of fun with my character. He tends to speak black speech every now and then. ???

    He's going to be somewhat of a continuation of my Shadowclan orc. He has the same name, and "flashbacks" of what seems to be a previous life.


  12. Some of these words are from Tolkien's black speech, some I made up, and a few are combined black speech words I derived due to absence of an exact translation from blackspeech(Warlock, Warrior, Druid, Priest).

    My suggestions:

    Bye = Zug

    Great = Bubhosh

    Troll = Olar

    Sword = Shapat

    Bow = Lak

    Arrow(s) = Lakir(s)

    I also would suggest:

    Dagger = Kurtil

    Spear = Hashat

    Hammer = Magath

    Axe = Zapat

    Staff = Shakop









  13. I think mounts will be optional, but of course have restrictions. Like, only wolves for orcs. I think I read somewhere that at high levels a player may be able to train in riding another races mounts. And was it wyverns for the orcs flying mount? I would think only warlocks, vuduka and the like should be able to ride flying ones.

    Mmm.. emoticons galore. I hate them! DIE! DIE! GID KLOMPED! DIE! :smash::):angry::angry:


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