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Everything posted by Jas

  1. Woot! Open Beta (presumably) coming soon, then. Can't wait. Fizit
  2. Jas

    Open Beta

    Okay, so when is this fabled open beta actually gonna happen? Any thoughts? I'm really enjoying CoH, but I NEED some fantasy in my life! Fizit
  3. Jas

    wedding bells

    Sorry to hear that.
  4. Yeah, go Pistons! Or, more to the point, go not-Lakers! About time someone else won.
  5. Jas

    Balandar News....

    Grats, Bal! Hope you enjoy your new job. And, I hope you're earning tons of money. Jas
  6. Jas

    Bartle Test

    Your type is: SEA. 12% of respondents so far fall into that type. The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score. Your answers were split as follows: Socializer 73% Explorer 66% Achiever 33% Killer 26%
  7. Jas

    Gnome Mounts

    I love it! Quirky, but effective (like I think of gnomes), that thing looks fast.
  8. Arr! Les gu klomp sumptin!
  9. Yeah, Bal! Jessica doesn't do it for me, either. We need some beefcake! Post a RL pic of Zemach! Jas
  10. Jas


    Y'all can stop wit da breed'r stuff fer Fizit. She's infertile. Thought it would be a good roleplaying hook anyway, female who wants to serve the clan in other ways (spellcastin 'n' fightin) cause she can't spend her time raising yunguns. But, you all have decided me for sure now - no breed'r here. Fizit
  11. Jas


    Okies, finally created a character for the WoW roster. Her name is Fizit, and she's a shaman. I got penty of time to waffle on this, but I like it for now.
  12. Jas

    wedding bells

    Wow, big news! Congratulations! May your life together be filled with happiness. Jas
  13. WOOT! Welcome to the 30's club. Happy Birthday. Jas
  14. Jas

    WOW Character

    Okay, I've been checking out all the WOW stuff on our forums, and now I'm getting psyched up about the game (I'd been avoiding it so far, because I knew it was a while away, and didn't wanna get too impatient). Having trouble deciding, though, which type of character I wanna play when the game comes out. I wanted to get signed up on our roster, but I need to at least make a first plan for my character (and, of course, come up with a name). I'm thinking shaman, maybe. Gonna have to have a serious discussion with Ugnush about it tonight. How to come up with a female sounding Orc name??? Tough one. hehe
  15. Jas

    In game mail

    Hiyas, Bal! Been busy with family stuff, and not playing any online games with y'all since I quit SWG, kinda got out of the habit of checking the boards. Planning to play WOW with Zemach when it comes out, though, and now that we're playing City of Heroes with some THE folks, I've gotten into checkin them again. I'll be around. I love you guys!
  16. Jas

    In game mail

    That is very cool! Sending presents to friends who aren't even online! :o) No having to meet up to give each other useful items. I hope it works as well as it sounds like it will.
  17. Long time no see, eh (er, hear, er, read, er, whatever)? Well, I figured it was time for me to get back into posting, since I'll hopefully be seeing some of you in CoH soon. My main character is Dark Osprey, and she's on Virtue. I've seen Ayden on a bit, but haven't caught any of the rest of you yet. I'll update my friends list, though, and then hopefully I will. I am really enjoying this game. Very fun combat system. And, as always, I love a game where I get a chance to fly. Happy Birthday! Dark Osprey P.S. Soke, you gotta give us an idea of who your mains are, I don't wanna put all those chars on my friends list. hehe
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