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Everything posted by Borg

  1. I think Morgh can make the elixer for you....will check when I get home....may need some supplies to do it but dunno...if I can make em I will.
  2. Borg

    Zeppelin Fans

    hehehe AWSOME hehehehe
  3. Blizzards site is up again.....seems the forums crashed.
  4. Morghs suggestion to Blizzard about player birthdays
  5. Smedlock has completed the quest....but not after a great deal of gut wrentching work on solving Borg's riddle question. "What should Mohnesha have learned over the sad events that have occured....what saying should she have learned?" after several tries and wrong paths of thinking.... Smedlock responded.... "Dont cry over spilled milk" Correct. muahhahaha Now that the riddle is solved.........this quest is completed I was going to make this a pre-requisite to the next ones...but bah....Ill get snapping on the new one. BUT only make the items that Mohnesha needs be a pre-requisite for the next quest (Maube and Smedlock wont need those...everyone else will) Which means...the next quest will again begin with Mohnesha.....so everyone else will need to find out where she is in hiding hehehe (yes it will be the same place always) I will have the second computer on with her in game just so players can find her....(wont be playing her but she will exist ingame for finding) Smedlock has chosen the TAUREN Toy as his reward.
  6. Borg


    Morgh has sum aye..... message me after you lick your wounds from my arse kicking Im gonna do to you this weekend in football eheheh
  7. Good.....Participation is the part of the fun.....ask Smedlock....eheheh Someone will get the rush feeling of finding things......others will get a rush of the chase or challenge overall. FYI....this like ingame quests will be a series of quests.....with our little bonus that the first to complete the new steps winning the toy BUT....you will have to get that previous step finished BEFORE you are eligible for the new quest.
  8. Okeeess....its 947pm Smedlock has collapsed at keyboard.....tired and cannot continue to search for Borg. UPDATE so far... Smedlock has an adorned belt to give to Borg.....but he cant find him. Maube found Mohnesha but needs to find rest of items and location of Tauxen's body to tell Borg. Grulg has items but cannot find Tauxen's body....and he is pissed off that he cant find it. No others were trying this event tonight out of the 12 Skullcrushers online..... So... Event is on hold until my next day off........which is Thanksgiving. I will not go home for thanksgiving and to family so I can be in front of computer for the event. I will log in Mohnesha and Borg at Noon Thanksgiving day and see if anyone is gaming. See yall soon.....*waves*
  9. 830pm Smedlock gives final thread to Mohnesha.....and she makes a magical belt for Smedlock to take to Borg in his crypt. Smedlock now heads out to find the location of Tauxen's body so that he can tell Borg where it lays. So far only Smedlock has gotten this far......still he has alot of searchin to do..... Grulg's eyes failed him and caused him a headache in looking for Tauxen's body......while Galam the Warlock was standing near Tauxen's body....Grulg rode around and did not see the location.....in too much of a hurry......he went to bed in anger of not finding the body. Anyone can still win da pwize.
  10. 821pm Maube has been unplugged.....out for now Smedlock arrived with all items EXCEPT 1 coarse thread Grulg is still searching for location of Tauxen's body. others in quest...unknown
  11. 8pm UPDATE......MAUBE found Mohnesha but did not have all the items (Maube needed 5 Coarse threads, 10 linens, 2 more seashells and 2 more bat hairs) .......then the worst thing happened.... Maubes hubby pulled cord out of wall of puter.....she no can pway tonight no more. boooo hisss.........sigh So.......... NO ONE IS IN THE LEAD STILL.....8pm 3 hrs into event.
  12. So far............2 hrs 41 minutes into event........ Nobody has found Mohnesha
  13. There ya go Crushers........ INGAME FOR ALL STEPS... Gather the items that Mohnesha needs to make the adorned belt Find Monesha (she will make belt for you to take to Borg) Find Borg and give him the adorned belt Tell Borg where Tauxen's body is laying. Take Borg's advice (answer his question to you) to Monesha First one to complete all steps.......winnah.
  14. Greetings Borg.... I write to you in hopes that you can help me. The other day my family's shipment of milk was ambushed by the Venture Co....this was a terrible loss to my family business. My brother Tauxen, the upbeat Tauren that he is, tried to lift my spirits and moral by suggesting we go on an adventure to take my mind off the catastrophe. I accepted his offer and we set off together...Tauxen showing me places and things I, being a simple tailor would have never seen otherwise. So we set off for the great Tuaren City and on the way, Tauxen harvested a beautiful red feather from one of the wandering burds. Tauxen tickled me with the feather and I felt like the luckiest calf in the herd to have a brother like him. When I told him that....he told me to wait here and he would return with something that would make me really lucky. Soon he did return and said that the local wolf was no longer lucky....with my new lucky charm in my pocket we continued on our journey and after gathering some supplies....we were off to the Barrens. We only stopped by the crossroads for a short time to snack and then moved northward toward the great city of the Orcs. As we moved northward a pride of large cats took interest in us and we found ourselves fending them off one by one....I had a small furry paw as my memento of that moment. Thankfully, Tauxen and I were able to survive that attack and we kept closer to the roads until we found the great Orc city towering before us. I could hear the Horde Army War bells sounding and just as we reached the city gates...a legion of Orcs marched out of the towering city...incredible sight it was!!! Tauxen asked me if I wanted to follow them...but I said maybe another time...not today. Tauxen then took me to a giant balloon in the sky where he said we would travel to the world that you are from. Dark and Scary he said it was but not to worry...the Forsaken protect the Horde in thos lands. I do have to say I did not like the baloon ride....I would rather keep my hooves on the ground. Well we reached your lands and began our journey Northward still...Tauxen said that on the edge of The Great Sea here...there are shiney seashells aplenty and that they would make wonderful decorations for my cloths. Oh how I wanted to see them glimmering in the moonlight. I do have to say that your lands are certainly full of some scary flying bats....eewwww and yucky they are. On the other hand thos same bats do have very water resistant hair which would make great cover for a hat or boots. As we passed a great lake, Tauxen told me a lich lived on that island who was a friend...and if anything happened...that I should go to him for help....sadly this would be the case. Shortly after we arrived at the North Beach on the edge of The Great Sea I had only gathered a few of the beautiful shiney seashells when...a group of red clothed humans ran down from the mountainside toward us. We were trapped...Tauxen stomped and stunned them as we ran up the nearby hill. One of the humans grabbed at my backpack and it broke open...spilling all my treasures we had collected. As I glanced back I could see little creatures from the water gathering up the shiney seashells. We were staying just out of the humans reach when at the top of the hill we were confronted by several other humans...all in the same red clothing. Tauxen yelled to me to RUN and not to look back....I tried to help him but was knocked down the hill by one of the humans. I ran and ran and ran....to the liche. Still...some of the Humans chased me....and as I began to swim toward the island I guess the noise caused the Liche to take notice and he ordered his followers to attack the humans. As I reached the island the Liche raised his decaying hand and lifted me out of the water. "You are far from home little calf...what brings you to the land of the Forsaken?"; the liche questioned. "Adventure...but you must help my brother Tauxen...he is back there"; and I pointed toward the mountain. "If he is there....he is dead already."; the liche said coldy with no compassion as he returned to his work. "Please....Please....can you rescue Tauxen for me?": I urged as I began to cry. "There is no rescue for the dead...only everlasting life as a Forsaken"; the Liche responded without even a concern. "Return home little calf before it is too late for you as well...my followers would take well to your living flesh."; the Liche said with an evil smirk. I grabbed my birthstone which remained sewn into my backpack and reluctantly returned home. Upon arrival...I could not tell my family that Tauxen was dead and it was my fault....so I gathered my things and set off to find a way to bring him back from the dead. I travelled to see my shamen teacher, who told me I could bring Tauxen back but it would take powerful magic and an enchanted item that would be able to bring Tauxen back to the moment of his death. As a tailor I thought....I could do this by making something and adorn it with the treasures we had collected on our journey...that would help his spirit find a way home. Sir Borg....here is my dilema....I am in hiding and need the treasures to adorn one of my brothers old belts. While I was wandering looking for a red feather a bully pig grabbed at my brothers belt and that squeeling pig ran off with it toward the cave of boars near my home. Can you or your friends help me get it back and the following? 1) The Belt back from Squeeler 1) "lucky charm" from a wolf in Mulgore 2) Plucked Red Feathers from Mulgore 1) Small furry Paw from the Barrens 3) Patches of bat hair from Trisfal Glades 4) Shiney Seashells from Trisftal Glades 5) Corse Thread 10) Pieces of basic Linen I hope this reaches you well in your crypt away from home....please help me Sir Borg. PS I hope the Alliance diggers have not desicrated your Imperial Crypt you are at now.....those lands are too bad for me to be able to find you....tis why I post here on your skypage. Mohnesha
  15. I am shooting for 5pm......the first posting of the event will occur.
  16. I will be starting the event on the RP thread of this website.....I tried to get Blizzard to make me a book that I could email all of you but.....no go....ehhehe though they loved the idea (might be in future addition eheheh as means to start quests by players) Still have a little bit of fenangling to do with one character but the quest is written and ready to roll...good luck to you all...my only hint will be.......remember asking for help or hiring help is not necessarily a bad thing.
  17. Dabu brethren of da Clan.... thank you very much. On my way to NYC for a USTA meeting....be back Late Sat night.....whooot.....final prep time for da Sunday event.....whoot.
  18. Make sure if you are participating.....that your character is listed on this website's ROSTER for the Clan... ROSTER of CLAN SKULLCRUSHER on website The event will have a few parts..... Some Finding.... Some Gathering... and some Solving. Good luck in advance to those who participate.
  19. Now to add some smiles....I will show what the winner will geet.... Choice of 1 of.... Troll Tauren Deadie Orc Toys....... hehehe
  20. On Sunday November 20th there will be an INGAME event for all members of the Clan Skullcrushers to be eligible to participate in if they so choose. Details will appear on this website for the instructions etc.... Keep an eye out for the information. STEP ONE though is simple..... TO BE ELIGIBLE to win the contest.... the character MUST be registered on the CLAN ROSTER of this website AND Member must be registered to use this forum. Further steps will be listed here by myself. NOTE: ALL members of the Clan are eligible...including the Cheif.....so that means HE DOES NOT KNOW EITHER the contest or secrets. muahahahaha POST a reply below to either test you are able to post on the forums OR to list your character that you will be using for the contest IN GAME
  21. Anyone hear from Meifftor at all anymore? I was watching Capt. Clomp II on my work sales floor computer.....yup use it to show off guild heheheh wus wunderin what happened to that trolly priest....
  22. Thank Muru.....and thanks Maube (again)...sending out your 2nd shirt for ya..... MAUBE!!!! TAKE SOME PICS OF YOURSELF in DA CLAN TABBARD at your convention....whoot!!!!
  23. Muru has outfitted himself and his two little Orcs with shirts........dabu Muru and a Skullcrusher in CT has also picked one up....>DABU!!! Da Shineeze da Clan geets frum da tabard-shirts goes into da Clan Treasuriee fur da Cheeftum to do events wit.
  24. Yup....or just order 2 of em... I am trying to get them to carry the WoW specific keyboards and most likely will have that available soon too.....its loaded with presets that are officially approved and set up to work with the WoW game interfaces.......whoot. Success.....almost... CLICK HERE FOR KEYBOARD I will get the info for the WoW overlay tonight/tomorrow....but keyboard is above......let me get the EXACT WOW unit...but that gives you an idea of the item.
  25. Click Here to go to purchase YOUR Clan Skullcrusher T-Shirts
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