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Posts posted by Perthes

  1. I am a little surprised to see how many quests there are.. dont get me wrong.. im happy its a lot of quests around every zone...

    Im more interested to see the lore in the quests that have come around .. This will help me lvl up another alt up..

    Speaking of leveling up my alt up.. I was out with Rakin and my wife was with Cakke.. And this Earthbound Cape dropped for us.. Since my lil Rakin is tank wannabe.. i needed it for the time when he is to reach 72.. so he can use it.. its a sweet upgrade in every way then what he have now.. he have now a purple dps cloak.. so replacing purple with a blue is scary .. even with a green is still beyond me lol

    Im not speaking from experience when BC came out of course as ive talked to a lot of people who say THAT was just crazy..

    And for questing in every zone.. yes.. that is something that Im working on my self.. getting close to finishing up dragonblight.. then its time to run a few instances.. then when thats done.. start at the howling fjord and work my way up to Grizzly hills.

    All in all.. im happy with this expansion.. Im still thinking you people who are so close to lvl 80 are crazy :tease: :tease: :tease:

  2. I think Remmetta or Harne will be the first Crusher to 80.. Its gonna be close. Xenojin is close behind..

    But damn you 3.. what is your motivation?

    What do you do to get so much xp that fast.

    I know I wont reach lvl 80 until prolly 2-3 weeks or so lol...

    I wanna take my time to explore and see the land and see what Blizz has put in this beautiful game.

  3. Im so looking forward to reading people's rant about yesterday... i love reading people's opinions on Trade.. i get such a kick out of it.. lol

    Reason for it is...

    Warrior35: I could not play yesterday.. duuude!!! I pay $14 a month and I couldnt play one day.. man I want my money back.

    Mage156: stfu n00b..

    Hunter95473: I hate you blizz... you forced me to work around the house!! damn you... oh on the brighter side.. I finally found my dishwasher.. it was hidden under all the dirty dishes..

    Paladin87: I tried to bubble the servers but it got canceled by blizz tech's savvy pirate...

    Priest583: WTB Port to Shatt paying 2gold

    Rogue4567: Priest you n00b I hate you.. you have more money then me!!!!! Burn...

    Shaman1337: I love you all.

    Warlock: Reported!

  4. I can see it now...

    Blizz Tech 1: Ready guys? I will flip the switch in 3.... 2... 1.... <FLIPS>

    **Server room goes black**

    Blizz Tech 2: Oh crap!!!

    Blizz Tech 3: Oops.. sorry my fault... I tripped over the power cable.. hang on.. let me plug it back it..

    **Server room still black**

    Blizz Tech 2: ######!!!

    Blizz Tech 3: Okey that was NOT me this time!!!

    Blizz Tech 2: <Tries to sneaks out of the server room with an empty Pepsi bottle that he is trying to hide behind his back>

    Blizz Tech 1: Errr what happened Tech 2?

    Blizz Tech 2: I spilled my Pepsi on the player data base server when the room went black.. sowwy

    Blizz Tech 3: Well.. who wants to tell our players that we some how lost their toons due to a Pepsi mishap?


  5. I have to say.. after running a few instances this weekend with my Warrior whom I respeced 5 or 6 times between Prot and Arms/ Fury I feel now torn on who to play when the expansion comes out.

    I loved the whole tanking aspect .. but I also love the whole ranged dps of my hunter.. damnit.. :thumbsup:

    What to do what to do...

    His equipment is lacking at the moment but im not to worried.. that is just an added spice to the tanking rush lol.. how low can I go >:L

    I will prolly go with my Hunter due to he is better geared but.. damn.. i so wanna run with my warrior as well..

    I guess my question is.. how many tanks will there be going up in the first place as a "main focus" when the expansion comes out?

  6. Since we now have had the chance to test out the new specs for our classes..

    Have everybody decided what to put your main focus on when it comes to set our feet on the new continent?

    I now like the changes to all of the classes i have played.. but I think my main focus will be my Hunter..

    What can the rest of us expect to see from YOU?


    When the time comes when i need a change of pace from running around with my Hunter i will run with my Arms Warrior whirlwinding anything in my path..

    If I get all my 70s to 80.. the next "logical" choice for me is to either lvl a Rogue or Druid to 80... As I want to have one class of each armor type.. RAWR

    I will prolly have my rogue as a Twink and level a druid to 80.. im not sure yet but i have been playing with that idea for a while now.

  7. Well i found out what it was.

    **sniff sniff** I smell smoke.. Hmm yes i do smell smoke...

    My gfx card was going out on me... damn j00... well on Friday evening my gfx started to be kinda.. odd.. lots of lines going all over the place and bam.. cannot see anything.. just lines up and down and.. well .. /scream ..

    Afraid it might be my monitor i tested with Lesedi's monitor.. and that was the same.. yay.. yes it was the gfx card.

    So we drove down to the local Bestbuy and bought a Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT.. RAWR.. and a new PSU.. so yeah.. im all set now.. Fixed the problem..

    Fun thing is that the day before I had ordered a new gfx card as I knew this was the problem and a new gfx card would fix my low fps problem.

    Well it was time for an upgrade anyway hehe. Now.. Lesedi's computer needs an upgrade.. I feel so broke.. :)

    So when the gfx card that i ordered comes .. we might upgrade her computer too :laugh:

  8. *lights a scrunchi and then grins at what Mali says* does lat say wut mez tink lat say? *dodges kalea's smack*

    :innocent::0 :0 :0 :0 :0

    Me... Hate.... scrunchi.... *tosses more scrunchies in the fire at the Crusher camp*

  9. Howdy,

    I have had some issues lately in 25 man raids , 5 and 10 man instances and / or when I run skype / TS in the background my frame rate drops to 2-9 FPS.. but my most common rate is 3 FPS.

    What I have done so far is reinstalled windows, updated windows, updated my motherboard, updated my gfx card, tuning down the hawtness of the game to minimum .. (/cry) and STILL during any grouping my FPS sinks to the bottom and it suxx as this effects my total dps for the group im in..

    I have noticed that tho when im not running TS or Skype in the background my fps gets a little better.. but not a whole lot.

    I am not home at the moment and I cant recall of the top of my head what my spec on my computer is but when i do get home i can give a quick run down of my system in more detail.

    My one thing I have also noticed is my system resources are running mostly at 60-100% when TS / Skype is running in the back ground.

    This also makes my computer slow down and make my FPS drop like a ton of bricks..

    Its not like im running a P2 200MHz ... I have an avarage computer and it SHOULD perform better then this.. my wife's computer is over a year older then mine and her's is getting 10-20 more FPS then me in groups / raids then me...

    Please give me some idea's on what I can try to improve my FPS.

  10. *logs onto Kaerina*

    /target Perthes

    /use Tranquilizing Shot

    *logs off*

    Ah thankee thee.. I was just about to start drooling and well... a Sin'Dorei drooling.. is not a pretty sight.. Almost as bad as seeing my hair when I wake up in the morning.. Jeez.. Thank gawd for Scrunchies.

    If this nerf keeps up.. i dont mind trying out Hyjal, BT and even Sunwell as an experiment to see how far we can go before we hit the wall so to speak.

    But as we all know.. we need to know the fights.. Im just wanting to try and see those places before everybody moves to Northrend and wont look back until they are 80.

  11. As Holy mentioned yesterday.. TK might be our new playground if we wanna farm for the mount Ashes of Al'ar.

    I for one was surprised last night on how fast and easy we did the encounters.. I was wanting to do more... my adrenaline was pumping hahaha..

    Lets do Hyjal and BT next LOL then lets do Sunwell RAWR

    I know i know.. calm down!!! BUT I WANNA DO IT NOW!!! okey okey.. im calm im calm :smurf::(;)

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