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Posts posted by Perthes

  1. Hate it when these things happen.

    Me and Lesedi had a break in earlier this year too and we know the feeling.

    Im glad that nobody got hurt and that your co-workers are helping you guys out.

    Your co-workers sure got it right.. The true spirit of Christmas.. The spirit of giving.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    //Rubs some catnip on a new scratch post and leaves it outside Nawt's tent\\

  2. Greetings Verren,

    Good to see you aboard. Glad to see our family is growing.

    Oh and to reply to Nawt's post..

    Saving her tail is not easy.. She gets in to the catnip A LOT!!

    So... be carefull.. she .. well i leave that up to you to find out..

    /Me runs away

    /Me Feign Death's in his tent

  3. :) Gratulations.

    I cant wait until we get more people in there.. That place looks and sounds fun to me.

    Yeah yeah.. :0 work on heroics first.. We trying.. its not easy.. but we are trying.

  4. My name Perthes is kind of unusual for us Sin'Dorei.

    I have an elven name that even I cannot pronounce myself as I did not like to study when I was young.

    So my father re-named me Perthes... I believe it is short for my real name but yeah.. dont ask me to pronounce or even spell it as I cannot.. I hated school when growing up so I skipped them perhaps one to many times.

    But the story of my past is not more scary or special then any other person in this world.

    Let me tell you about my father.

    My father was named Sunarienus and was once a Holy Paladin of the Light.

    I kinda lost track of him after I left home for my life long quest of healing the beasts of the world.

    He said before I left my home that I would be disgracing my mother.

    All I know of my mother is that she died giving birth to me and I was the only child she gave birth to.

    She used to be a Hunter who had started to study the life of a Priest, but I know nothing more then that. My father never spoke of her.

    Last I heard was during the Scourge invasion of Silvermoon City my father was slain.

    Not many bodies was found as we all know but I am certain that I did find my father..

    I took him out to the Barrens and buried him close to the tree of where Humar resides.

    As this was his place of peace and solitude. He used to go there a lot to think and mediate when he was not in service of his master.

    For some reason he hated to stay in Silvermoon City. He didnt like the politics that was part of the city but he served with honor and pride.

    So there it is.. the life of my father that I know. Its not a lot but I felt closer to him when he as dead then when he was alive.

    Sure call me cold or call me an fool.. but I was never close to him. For obvious reasons. I hated his life.. the way he served the upper class of Silvermoon and never got anything back to show for it. He never took the rewards for his service. He stayed by his master's side more then he did with me or my mother. If he would be more home.. he could probably have saved her...

    Last time I visited my fathers grave it was a full moon and found his grave empty!!

    I was furious to see that someone, something... had ruin my fathers honor.

    Not even his crown was left.. He loved his crown.. with the magic he possessed it glowed a bright light of the pure he portrayed.

    But now.. nothing.. all that was left was a big hole of dirt.

    Something didn't make sense tho... it doesn't look like someone was digging down.. Looks more like something was trying to get out of the dirt.

    I hope my father's body is not... no... I do not want to believe it... He was dead.. He was not living..

    He had no pulse.. His eyes was dead, his warmth was gone, he had passed on.

    I have visited his grave several times after he was dead.. How?? WHY!!??

  5. Perthes, Vier and Lesedi are questing a lot and we are now left with Icecrown and Stormy Peaks. We can prolly finish them up pretty quick and well, then we are left to do the instance's for gear upgrades.

    We are looking to get an group made up so we can start doing instances on a more regular basis.

    What we are lacking is a tank and another dps or dps/off heal.

    We are starting with none heroics first.

    When the group feels more secure about the performance we are giving out.. then lets move on up to the heroic level.

    If you want a specific item from an instance.. or if you just want rep with a specific faction then lets work together..

    I dont feel like asking this in-game due to not everybody is online at the same time and I kinda hope most people read the forum.

    If you have a certain schedule then we can work together to set a time ingame for running the instances to fit us the best.

    Please let me know if anyone is interested.

  6. Ive noticed that we are slowly working our way up on the leveling ladder. I think we have what 8 level 80's by now.

    What 10 / 25 mans are we gonna start out with and progress to?

    Also how many groups are we gonna run with.. Meaning.. before the expansion there was talks of Baracko's group being one group, Shelah and Holy's group being another and not sure if Gordantell was gonna continue on a 3rd group.

    I do see that yeah being level 80 should be something that most people are working towards as a goal so then start some raiding but others are also exploring and taking the slow path so I just wanted to see if there was any confirmation on what is planned from each raid leader and what time each wanted to try and start their raids.

  7. Ive typed up a reply but deleted it several times due to me being a concerned friend.


    these things can be fixed so easy.. But due to some company policy.. they are not.

    But im not gonna go any further.. for my own sake. :hello:

    I hope all gets fixed fast so we can get back to the questing and exploring together Spleen.

    I miss you by my side when we are questing and exploring together. ;)

  8. Well from talking to you last night Spleen.

    It does seem like Blizz support is not taking the seriousness of this a 100%.

    I guess paying them a monthly fee is not enough.

    Well lets hope that your toons will be transferred back today and the stuff you lost will start to pop up.

    A time line of a week is some what slow... I know for a fact they can check the logs just the minute or an hour before any of this happened.

    Then take a mirror / copy of the toons the way the were right there and paste em in now.

    Sure they need to make sure all that happened was not intentional but when several people sends Blizz a ticket that something is wrong..

    I do wonder... will Spleen's time during the "downtime" when Blizz is investigating this.. Will he be given an extension on payment etc.. as he have not had a chance to do much while waiting for blizz to go through the logs..

    Prolly not :hello:

  9. Christmas Cookie Mix

    1 cup of water

    1 tsp baking soda

    1 cup of sugar

    1 tsp salt

    1 cup of brown sugar

    4 large eggs

    1 cup nuts

    2 cups of dried fruit

    1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequilla

    Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the

    Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup

    and drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large

    fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again.

    At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try

    another cup...Just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break two leggs and

    add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit, pick the frigging fruit

    off floor...Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the

    beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the Cuervo to check

    for tonsisticity.

    Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who giveshz a sheet.

    Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

    Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.

    Greash the oven.

    Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget

    to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish

    the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.

    Cherry Mistmas

  10. We hear ya Smed.. Its a game and it should be fun.. not a competition.

    Lately that is what it has been feeling like..

    Hopefully this will go away soon.. Im getting tired and fed up with the fighting over quest mobs / achievements etc.

    And yes the dreaded waiting time to log on... Gah!!! If I just get home an hour late.. its a 45min wait time AT LEAST...

    That aint fun or cool :tease::tease:

    Sorry for the rant.

    Back to work :tease:

    Good to see you are still around Smeddie :tease:

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