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    Wolves of Draenor
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Interested in bringing my rogue Ilerria or as the hunter Kriojha. If all the slots are full, feel free to call on me to fill in for DPS /salute
  2. Kriojha


    If they are using a script and... If they are buying for resale, then start listing grays or trash white items above vendor cost and below market value. You can seed the Goblin AH with trash grays, white & green items at a very high price for a few days to drive up the average buy-out or perhaps you can find items players are using trash for gold transfers. You'll make coin off of them because the script probably just looks for profit margin and you just messed that margin up. If they are buying just to dump the item on a vendor for a profit, Then always list your item a few copper over the price a vendor will give for it.
  3. The Continuum Blade is a very good companion to the one he has now, but only if he's willing to give up +block rating (avoidance) for a tiny bit of mana. Personally, I'd keep what he has now for the avoidance, as it's a stat that matters the most for endgame life until he decides to hit the 25-mans. And if +40 can't be afforded, +30 isn't all that bad of an alternative: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=22749 Okay, got the mats so all I need is to find an enchanter. Unholy was something I placed on the weapon as an experiment and before I began to understood how a tankadin works. From the description, the proc is not affected by level and I was curious. I've come to the conclusion (apparently the same one many have come to) that it doesn't need to be because it's simply not worth it at these levels in all it's unawesomeness.
  4. Yep. On the second try, the shadow priest drained my mana within the first few seconds of the fight and I found myself chugging mana pots. However, turn undead does work on Moroes' adds. Our group has 2 priests and 2 pallies as well as 2 hunters. We have the option of shackle undead on 2 and chain fearing the 3rd or the pallies keeping an eye on the shacked targets and fearing them if backup freeze traps fail as well. And I'm sure that if I don't, Zeb will be first to tell me
  5. Some of you may know me by my rogue Ileirria ( and for a while, the Friday Kara run ). I'm just spending more time lately on my orc huntard so I used that name.
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