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Guild Leader
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Posts posted by Kadi

  1. I don't have any channel rights there. Might be helpful.

    Do you happen to know why there were a bunch of people from a guild called "Phaze" from Guild Wars 2 on our Teamspeak server tonight? I didn't recognize a single person there and it was a bit disconcerting since I didn't see anything here about it.

  2. We have the Vigilance name still.

    Marcohs has it (guild shows over 279 characters)


    The "current" guild is Vigil. The 'vigilance' guild that Morgh is talking about is actually a clone of the one from the old server.

    Long story short, Bioware ######ed us on the original transfer, then 'fixed' it later after all of the active people at the time recreated the guild on the new server.

    I currently have leadership in Vigil, so feel free to send Taira or Isendra a mail and I'll get anyone all hooked up. :)

  3. With the expansion pack going live on Sunday, I thought that now would be a good time to post a quick note on the state of our guild.

    Having taken several months off the game before returning, I can definitely say that there have been many changes made to it, most of which are positive. Is this enough to get most of our old guild members interested again? Probably not, but I thought it was worth noting.

    The guild name is still "Vigil" on the new server (The Ebon Hawk) I don't see much of a reason to change it at this point. My alt, Taira, was promoted to leader at some point (surprise!), and I have mostly just been keeping the doors open.

    Anyone who was in Vigilance or any of The Honor Empire guilds are welcome to return to it on our new server. Just send an in-game mail to Taira with who you are and I'll get you set up.

    Hope to see some of you again. If not, safe travels in whatever you do.


  4. You CAN transfer cross server, but if you want to move your shared guild items over, the guild LEADER has to disband the old guild, transfer, reform the guild on the new server, then put in a ticket. Apparently, no one else can do this.

    We could just form on the new server and leave the old one active on Shien as well, I suppose. Either way, we'll need a charter and signatures on the new server.

  5. Once the transfers opened up, the server went from 'bleeding profusely' to 'mostly dead'. I think that fleet had 2 people in it... one of them being me.

    If there was interest, we might want to put something on the new server for those who are interested... just in case in the unlikely event that people want to come back, there's a place for them.

    But, on the other hand, it may be a good time to call it quits as well. If we do that, we probably should put a news post up on our website to that effect, then officially disband the guild. In that case, maybe we could just randomly send the stuff from our cargo hold out to the 'mains' of the guild members still on the server until it's empty. At least that way, some of it might get used someday.

    Let me know what you decide. I will probably move my last two characters one way or the other soon.

  6. I like those posters!

    Orcala making sense... its the end of the world. But yes, I'm in the same situation. I'm logging on occasionally for events, etc.. And I'll be playing the expac when it comes out. Hopefully we will see you skywatcher on the darkside, and we are still waiting for more 50's so we can start 16 man ops, and have a more steady roster too boot.

    I'm in a slightly different situation, but my account is definitely active until January 2013. I should log in once in awhile to say hello and see what's up, but I echo the sentiment here that there's nothing really 'new' to see and do.

    It felt like after the 'newbie' quests were finished for Cata, Blizzard pretty much gave up on the game. They probably have their 'best and brightest' working on their new projects (like Diablo and the new secret MMO), and are keeping WoW on life support until they are ready.

    I do look forward to the new expansion, though, to see what it might bring... though I REFUSE to play a Panda!

  7. Despite the absence of Uncle Reavus (who was busy getting drunk off cough syrup), Vigilance went to visit our old friend Soa under the guidance of experienced cat-herder Karslak.

    Soa remembered us from our last visit, got scared, and offered us a ride if we would just go away. Instead, we kicked his butt AND took his car, the Tirsa Elite!


    Next week, Karagga's going down. Watch out, hutt-boy!

  8. I really hate to say this but I may not be able to make it tonight. Have some RL stuff going on that I was going to try to get out of but now I may not be able to very easily without creating drama. *sigh*

    I will still try to make it online if at all possible, but if not, good luck tonight and I look forward to meeting everyone in the guild soon.

  9. Beat me to this, Kailand. I was going to start a thread like this over the weekend but ran out of time.

    Anyway my professions are the same as Iriko.... synthweaving, archaeology and underworld trading. All are Maxxed out at 400.

  10. I find it hard to believe that no one has "replied directly to this topic" yet (unless they've been deleted after processing) but I suppose I can suck it up, put my big girl pants on (no fat jokes!) and reply in front of the whole guild... since that's what the instructions say to do!

    1) What position are you applying for? (Master or Lord)

    Lord. I would like to be involved with more aspects of the guild than simply Raiding and one other 'Master' task that I choose to do. I feel that I can contribute many things to the guild and its operation, and am willing to put in the greater amount necessary in order to do so.

    2) Why do you think you would make a good guild officer?

    I think the number one most important thing in an officer is accessibility, and I can bring that to this guild. With very few exceptions, I feel like I get along with everyone I have encountered during my time in Clan Skullcrusher and the myriad of other guilds and online games that I have been on. And even in the case of the "exceptions", I am willing to put the time in to deal with the questions and concerns of those individuals. One aspect of my 'real-life' job is solving problems, trying to put together things that don't always fit, and making it work. A guild, in a way, is much like that. Several pieces (players) who don't always get along, but are part of the same 'team' or 'family'.

    3) What improvements would you bring to the guild?

    I can give crash courses on standing in fire while eating snicker bars. It's more difficult than you think, since chocolate can get all melty fast in that kind of heat! In all seriousness, this is a very difficult question to answer at this early stage of the game, as I have not yet gotten to know everyone in the guild, and haven't gotten a good feel for what we would like to do as a group, other than the obvious Heroic Flashpoints, Dailies and Operations. I plan to do all of these things, plus I also have several ideas for the guild itself, such as organizing events or accessibility to guild resources (even now, before there are in-game mechanics for it). And, most importantly, EVERY guild benefits from having at least one female officer. I volunteer to be the token. I know, I know the sacrifices I must make... ;)

    4) What past experience do you have in administrating a guild?

    Believe it or not, I do have past experience in administrating a guild, just not on an MMORPG. I was a guild leader for a couple of rather active MUDs (Multi-User Dungeon... the text-based precursor to the MMORPG) back in the day. Since you don't really care about the where and when, I will gloss over that stuff. I was first a guild leader, and then I was later promoted to an administrator of the game itself, not just one of the guilds. In all circumstances, the focus of the game was on roleplay, not "kill X monster and get experience, even though that was an aspect to the game). The job required a lot of organization, cat-herding, patience, a willingness to listen to people's ideas, concerns, and even be an outlet for them to simply ###### and complain (and not belittle them for it even if you think they are as dumb as a bag of hair) to let off some steam. And don't get me STARTED on all of the drama that goes with the job ("I hate X, so they should be demoted." "Y isn't roleplaying their character properly. Dodging 1000 arrows is against the laws of physics, so do something!!!" "I need to have more toys because I'm special. I don't care if Z earned his after hours or work, you need to give me one NOW because I'm awesome and therefore deserve it." etc., etc...). To be honest, it was very much a mixture of being a psychologist, a referee, and an inventor all at the same time.

    One question that was not asked is WHY I would want to do this. I had no real interest in doing something like this in Warcraft. II am not sure why exactly, but I was happy to get away from the hassle of 'running things' for awhile and just go with the flow. I DO want to do it for Vigilance though, not only because I feel like I can get in from the beginning and help build the guild from the ground up, but also because I really am encouraged by the 'in character, roleplay-like' feel to the game and because I feel driven to try to help make our new family a better place to be.

  11. I always figured if you gave a commitment to something, you stuck with it, such as getting Deathwing down.

    I don't think that's the most accurate description. I for one definitely wanted to go on, but then again, it was easy for me to say given the status of my subscription. Am I disappointed that we aren't "Winning the Game" by killing Deathwing? Yes, I am... but I'm not going to hold it against those who choose not to keep two subscriptions active when they are only going to use one... either because they cannot afford it, or simply see it as not getting enough value for their money.

    I hope to see everyone around, be it on TOR or Warcraft, or wherever. I have been in a few guilds in my WoW career, but it is here that I consider to be my little 'online family' so to speak.

    If ya ever need help with anything, let me know. Drop me a message here, or on Teamspeak. I'm on Teamspeak nearly every night these days.

    Take care and hope to see ya all soon... wherever that may be.


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