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Posts posted by Holyssa

  1. Sorry about the double-post, but since Orcala can't register (board owners: fix yer sh!t!), she says:

    "Grats to everyone and especially Perforated and Taiden for great teamwork on West side! (oh and thanks Borealis for healing me when I got the static charge, I probably would have died a few times for moving too far from the healers if you weren't there) See you all next week... when I'm old and grey waaaaah"

  2. If you're like me, and work/school is moving at the speed of tumbleweed, you probably read a few forums in your time, namely the WoW official ones. They are a handy source of advice, stories, and epic lols. But the keyloggers are getting craftier with their tricks.

    URLs that resemble familiar sites seem to be the latest weapon in their arsenal, (such as warcraftsmovies .com), not to mention a plethora of supposed WotLK/2.4/Season 4 articles. If someone posts something and you think it's suspicious, just click the little "View Posts by This User" button. Most likely if it's a keylogger, the moron has probably spam-hammered it all over the place.

    Beware of what you click, and if you use Firefox, remember to keep stuff like NoScript & AdBlockPlus up-to-date. The last thing anyone needs with all the new content out is to have some kid "loggin' ur keyz", and have a blast with your purples.

    Call me Captain Obvious, but they've been more rampant than ever, and I just felt like reminding people to use protection...when browsing sites, that is. :)

  3. *bump*

    Killed Illhoof and Netherspite on our first night of attempts at these guys, with only one or two attempts per boss. Got Prince to 40% first try too, but infernals were full of unlucky & fail. Good signs of progress for this group, however!

    Run your Heroics and get some gear to fill in those blue gaps fellas, cause next week I'd like to do some Eredar-tipping for more badges! :)

  4. Yup, "Rush the AS flag everyone!" seems to be our battlecry. With 2.4 though, I have noticed my win ratio in PUG AV about 50% now because of the increased defense. Much better than the PUG ratio I used to see.

    Last night my hunter was in two AV games before bed: one was a disastrous Alliance turtle (74 to 0...what the eff), but the other totally made up for it: a 582 to 0 Horde victory with well over 500 bonus honor.

    Thank goodness Horde have learned to adapt to the changes (for the most part). IB chokepoint FTW.

  5. Well I found WoWAceUpdater on the site that Holyssa recommended though Im not sure if that one is the the same, though I guess it would be. However, it says in its description that it doesnt recommend this for non-Vista OS users.

    Link:WoWAceUpdator page.

    And I of course use Windows ???

    The one you linked is the UAC (User Account Control) build designed specifically for Vista, which is why that page has a little warning at the bottom.

    Get it from the addon's official site: http://wowace.com/wiki/WowAceUpdater. It's XP-friendly.

  6. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com

    Damn. Blizzard really went wacky with the April Fools jokes this year: Bard Class, WoW for Atari (the trailer is amazing), and...well, just visit the official forums. I can't stop laughing at certain sentences, so it's very hard for me to read them this early in the morning X)

    I cannot help but think of a quote from The 13th Warrior: "Bears...they think they are BEARS!"

    EDIT: To turn off the massive swarm of "lol"s, disable JavaScript, or if you have NoScript installed on Firefox, forbid scripts from worldofwarcraft.com. You'll have to re-enable it if you're going to post something though.

  7. Yeah everyone has told him to change the enchant on his sword. He plans to but had hoped to get a better weapon first if there was one before sinking a ton of gold into mats for the Spellpower. He is very very close to revered with Keepers of Time and can maybe get the Milenium Blade from them?

    The Continuum Blade is a very good companion to the one he has now, but only if he's willing to give up +block rating (avoidance) for a tiny bit of mana. Personally, I'd keep what he has now for the avoidance, as it's a stat that matters the most for endgame life until he decides to hit the 25-mans.

    And if +40 can't be afforded, +30 isn't all that bad of an alternative: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=22749

  8. Heya Holy. I have a Tankadin Q for you. You sort of cover it in the Kara section. However the situation is slightly different.

    The Saturday Kara run I do now on my prot warrior actually has a paladin as my offtank, where as Jalzin is the Main Tank. Right now he just does not have the gear/HP/Armor to tank both Attumen and The horse. But he's getting there slowly, so Im MT Attumen since Jal is better geared.

    The Q is for Moroes actually. Your guide has the tankadin offtanking the adds in the corner. That sounds good but we only have two tank types in our run usually. So my paladin friend is the only one we have to be an offtank, unless another friend comes on his feral druid, which he has occasionally, but then we loose a Shaman totems. And sometimes that Shaman has to come on his priest to heal if a regular can't make it.

    So we can't always bring the druid. How would you recommend my paladin offtank to help my prot warrior in building threat on Moroes? As MT I pull Moroes off to the side well away from the CC. Jalzin doesnt seem to have alot of trouble building and holding threat. However my paladin friend sometimes does due to being blinded or stunned. Making it so he is not using spells to build threat. And sometimes inevitably, somone else tops him on threat, and I can usually tell thats happened when Jal gets stunned and Moroes goes rampant into the ranged dps/healers:(

    If Moroes gouges you, he will immediately go after the 2nd highest person on his aggro table. Having a hunter place misdirect on him isn't a bad idea, nor is having him burst DPS the boss as if it were a trash mob. Judgement of the Crusader --> Exorcism, and a dose of Wizard Oil will provide just enough spellpower to lay on burst damage, and laying down Consecrate will help substantially (keep Moroes away from CC if you plan to do this!). Also, tell your DPS to lay off Moroes himself while the tanks & CCers position mobs, making sure the biggest troublemakers (mages, hunters, rogues) have Salvation up at all times.

    With any group, it's highly advisable to outright kill the shadow priest mob first. Even with Turn Evil, they can break the Fear with just a single poorly placed DoT. Shackle the melee mobs (MS Warrior, Prot Warrior, the Ret paladin), kill the Holy Paladin & Holy Priest, and keep the others under crowd control.

    If needed, have your team hold off on DPS until you're absolutely certain Moroes will lunge for the tankadin after the first gouge. If he does? Keep him healed, and resume your attack until the other tank regains control.

    EDIT: Just saw his Armory. Very good gear from what I can see so far, but...Unholy Weapon on the sword? Toss +40 spellpower on that marvelous blade. It's worth every gold to farm it.

  9. Holy, I added the arena specs. for BG's spec doesn't really matter. For arena and pvp deterence doesn't matter all that much (that's what entrapment and scatter is for) basically the trade off is your pet vs your health with the two builds I posted. One thing I should adds is pets.

    Scorpid for PvP - this is the best PvP pet since its poisons mask your stings.

    for raiding if you do not have an elemental and an enhancement shaman and your crit rate is about 30% (BM spec)

    Windserpent > Ravager > Cat/Raptor


    Ravager > Cat/Raptor

    Hrmm...I have a Ravager with the highest rank of Gore/Bite, Great Stamina, Avoidance, and some in Natural Armor. I was going to ask what works best for PvP, but it seems like Scorpids are the way to go.

    I also have a freshly-tamed Trachela sitting in my stable. Is it worth keeping as a pet designed to annoy the crap out of people in BGs?

  10. Here's some paladin specs, but keep in mind this is coming from a tank's perspective:


    Cookie cutter tankadin spec, with 3 points left free for anything else (Improved Seal of the Crusader, Pursuit of Justice for all you slowpokes, or even Seal of Command if you're feeling crazy enough to play DPS-roulette). At higher avoidance levels, Reckoning isn't absolutely necessary (the higher your avoidance, the less you get hit), but can be very helpful for a surprise burst in DPS. I personally kept it because it provides a generous mana boost with Seal/Judgement of Wisdom combined on most mobs. Seal/Judgement of Light with Reckoning can save your life also.

    If you still plan to main heal or off-heal, start gearing up: it's still very do-able, but you need to do some number crunching to fill in specific gaps.


    Holy's old pseudo-healadin build from many moons ago, back when she was a Karazhan main healer. Improved Lay on Hands can be a good lifesaver, and there's just enough points in the Holy tree to function as a Heroic healer. Again, it helps to have gear back it up, since mana conservation is very iffy.


    Anti-caster tank build. Eye for an Eye & Spell Warding make those casters a bit less painful as an offtank, and it can really annoy people in PvP that tend to zerg the paladin first with a barrage of spells.


    Holy's current build. Similar to the cookie-cutter spec above, but Reckoning was kept for mass AoE-grindage in exchange for the +hit talents. Hey, a paladin's gotta farm somehow, right? :)

    Well, I was asked what some cookie cutter specs for hunters were, so I thought I'd put them down

    Hmm...are there any specs that work particularly well for PvP? My hunter (*points to Kaerina's link in sig*) is MM/SV spec, but I'm looking for a secondary opinion.

  11. http://www.worldofraids.com/

    "New items

    • The Fists of Fury (Weapon set: Claw of Molten Fury + Fist of Molten Fury) added to Hyjal loot table.


    • New music in Orgrimmar/Thunder Bluff inns.

    • The buildings connecting the various bluffs in Thunder Bluff no longer dismount you.

    • There are new loading screen tips.

    • When landing in water - you now initially sink enough to have to hold your breath (underwater).


    • Druids that were in Moonkin Form or Tree of Life Form will now be able to auto-shift out to mount up.


    • Ammo Pouches and Arrow Quivers can no longer be simultaneously equipped in your character's bag slots.


    • Cheat Death ability now properly reduce incoming damage (was bugged since 2.3.2 patch: it decreased all incoming damage by 90% and then absorbs 90% of damage taken. In summ it is 99% of absorbtion for 3 seconds.)

    • If you try to pickpocket a mob that already had it's pockets emptied, one will receive a message saying so.


    • The absorb values of Ice Barrier have been increased.

    • Icy Veins now has a sound when cast.


    • Touch of Weakness no longer interrupts channeling when it procs.


    • Charge and Intercept will now always get player casted it to his target (not miles away).

    Dungeons & Raids

    Black Temple

    • Reliquary of Souls is bugged and isn't casting Deaden nor shielding in Phase 2.

    • Supremus is much, much bigger now. Also, the hitbox of Supremus has been reduced significantly.

    Mount Hyjal

    • 12 rep for each mob kill, 375 rep for each boss. 1500 rep for Archimonde.

    • Horde Camp Witch Doctors no longer put down healing totems.

    • Archimonde's Targetting hit circle is now about the size of the one on ROS.

    • Warriors can no longer intercept back on air bursts.

    • Mining nodes in MH don't appear to drop green gems anymore, have a higher rate on epic gems and now drop a grey fragment that sells for 30g/stack (20 stack).

    • The area around Archimonde in Battle for Mount Hyjal has been decreased in size and players are no longer able to go into the hills around his area.

    Tempest Keep

    • It seems that Void Reaver in TK no longer temporarily switches target to ranged player before lobbing an orb at them. Boss mods that rely on VR's target switching to announce incoming orbs no longer function properly, so players have to actually watch the air to figure out if any orbs are headed toward their general area.

    Magtheridon's Lair

    • The duration of the Mental Exhaustion debuff has been reduced, such that you only need one person to per cube.Also, there can only be one Infernal per Channeller.


    • Releasing a chess piece in kara sometimes bumps you back to Curator's room now.



    • 350 epic goggles have a L62 requirement.


    • Mining nodes now drop more blue gems than before.


    • The "Netherwing Crystals" daily has had the number of crystals required reduced from 40 to 30.

    Item changes

    • Stats of Shifting Tanzanite changed from +5 Strength +4 Agility to +5 Agility and +6 Stamina.

    • The PvP mounts Swift Warstrider and Reins of the Black War Elekk have been added to the game.

    • Golden Cenarion Greaves - Blizzard took away 35 spell damage and healing from this item.

    • Philosopher's Stone is now a trinket with +5 to all stats (level requirement 35)

    • Battleworn Tuskguard - Changed from 40 block rating to 40 defense rating.

    World Environment

    • Ravagers in the Netherwing Mine spawn more frequently, and there are more of them.

    • Monstrous Kaliri now fly way more quickly and more or less dismount you with one hit.

    • Netherwing Transporters will now hover above you and shoot you full of arrows before finally descending into melee range.

    Graphics & Animations

    • Will of the forsaken animation was changed.

    • The animation and flight speed of Avenger's Shield has been increased. It's now more like a gold laser beam.

    • Sprint has a new animation when casted below your feet.

    • New animation for Zapthrottle Mote Extractor.

    • New skin for druid gladiator headgear: the faceguard portion is now colored to match the rest of the set.

    • They changed the way warlock vengeful gloves look.

    • Human female's weapon sizes are completely out of proportion.

    • Dwarf male shoulderpads have decreased in size, and weapons have increased in size."

    Way to make Skettis suck more, Blizz. Those flying turkeys did NOT need the speed boost. The Netherwing changes are very nice (moar ravagers!), and I'm looking forward to fighting Archimonde without the ez-mode hill trick.

    I lol'd at the offhand speed for that fist weapon set.

  12. By the way is the direct link the one you DLd it from? Is it working ok? I just want to know if I can trust the source.

    After banging my head against the wall with Curse in the past, WoW Interface.com has always been my 2nd place to go and it has yet to fail me.

    The direct link comes from the "World of Warcraft 2.4 AddOn simple list" above it, which has all the updated addons, but without the flashy bullcrap :)

  13. A lot of sites will be running at the speed of slug thanks to 2.4. People will be looking for mirror links constantly, and even during the daytime things seem kinda slow. People are probably trying to DL stuff during work or school hours to save themselves the trouble later.

    If Curse doesn't work, try these:




    http://s.wowinterface.com/the_list.html <-- 2.4-specific updates.

    http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/down...OmenThreatMeter <-- Direct link to Omen.

  14. Alright, so the form is now up and running. All you need to do is put in your name, check the boxes corresponding to the loot items you want and put in the number of badges you still need. I highly recommend doing this with Wowwiki open in another window, they have excellent TK/SSC loot pages.

    Google spreadsheet forms are still kind of new and there's some funkiness involved. If you make a mistake or want to change your information just go ahead and redo the form (I'll deal with the outcome later). Don't rely too much on the form's "Previous Responses" section, I have no control over what Google writes there and it doesn't accurately reflect the data that's been gathered. I've instead added a link with the non-formatted data inside a spreadsheet (updates ~3min or so).

    At some point I'll have something more formal that will clearly represent the data.

    The links can be found in the first post.


    Mini-FYI: I didn't see the Verdant Sphere in Kael's table. :)

  15. Draegloth, Orcala (offtank/DPS), Taidenenuwy (heals), Karrock (rawr traps), and myself (main tank) cleared the Terrace last night on Normal. Some thoughts:

    +Very challenging, yet not too lengthy of a progression pace. I can easily see farming the first 2 bosses over & over for rep & shards.

    +Really nice cinematic for those that did the orb quest inside.

    +Very AoE-friendly. Each pull had at least one or two casters, but they were soft like tissue paper when matched with our DPS's gear level, and it'll be a bit easier with more controllable CC in the group (mage, rogue Sap).

    +Loot from what I saw is decent compared to L70 Outland blues. Not a bad place to gear up friends before tackling Badge-azhan or Gruul.

    -Way too much trash. Each pull after the first boss had maybe 5 to 6 mobs per pack, usually including a healer, caster, or multiple combinations of both.

    -Too reliant on CC. The amount of casters is kind of silly, and a poorly placed mob or timed Fear can easily spell doom for even a heavily geared group.

    -I got an uncomfy feeling of deja vu from the boss fights...

    ~Selin Fireheart: an utter joke, even with our healer locked outside (because we didn't read up on the fight like noobs. Hey, it was late :D). It's Kalithresh 2.0, but even when he channeled the crystals to full power, he didn't lay a dent in me.

    ~Resistance fights FTL. Vexallus (the white voidwalker guy) dropped fast, but bringing Arcane Resist will make him a lot less painful on Heroic. He's Curator with AoE.

    ~Priestess Delrissa. The word "douchebag" immediately came to mind when I saw her with 4 adds:

    We got a Shaman (he heals & plops totems at blazing speed, but went OOM really quickly), Rogue (crippling poisons & he stunlocked me at his leisure), Gan'arg engineer (chucks bombs & does an occasional fire breath), & Mage (Ethereal guy that can sheep & spam fire/frost spells). To my surprise, all of these guys could be stunned, but not taunted off other group members, which made for an icky mess. They died fairly quickly once we got an understanding of what their spells were.

    ~Kael was a pushover once we understood how Gravity Lapse worked (hint: learn2swim!). Phase 1 was about DPSing his bird adds & surviving Fireball spam (they hit me for about 2400 even with my Aura up). Phase 2 was icky, and we wiped twice because we had trouble avoiding the orbs, but put the rotted Prince in his place once we figured it out. He dropped some nice epic gloves. Great practice for when we take on the 25-man version.

    Overall? The new 5-man isn't bad, and I am very excited about doing this on Heroic. But it requires some very funky group composition, good coordination, and more importantly: lots of patience.

  16. I would like the following from all the raiders (I've ask this in all the raids I've done and I know from experience that only ~33% will comply):

    - An ordered list of the remaining drops that are upgrades to you in SSC/TK.

    - The approximate number of badges you require to get the new 2.4.0 items that would be upgrades for you.

    The idea here is to get an overview of where the raid should be going, which bosses are still needed and how much gear is left to be gathered. If no real upgrades are left then we'll work exclusively on Vashj and Kael'Thas and then move on (I doubt this is the case for the time being).

    If possible, can we get a new tab added to the Google Speadsheet/Raid Roster for this? Or do we just shoot you an in-game mail/PM?

    I can also post Orcala's wish list, since she cannot post due to the forum's email authentication problem.

    Currently my #1 most wanted item is Vashj's Helm of the Vanquished Champion. It is a significantly large tanking upgrade over my T4 helmet & there doesn't seem to be much else from this particular place that could push Holy any further.

    Don't get me started on Badge loot. Blizzard must have hired monkeys to toss so much +spellhit on tankadin gear, when we really need +melee hit to avoid taunt resists. Mrrr...

  17. http://boards.worldofraids.com/topic-11847-1.html

    Took em long enough.

    So what are you looking forward to the most?

    - Moar dailies = moar moolah!

    - 5-man Sunwell instance.

    - No diminishing PvP returns. Although WSG is going to suck now...

    - BoE Primal Nethers/Nether Vortex. Let the price-gouging begin!

    - Badges from 25-man content.

    - New T6 pieces (belt, bracers, boots).

    - Turn Evil. Rawrghlsauce! Warlocks will pwn me lesser in PvP now.

    - lol attunements. Although I do look forward to getting my "Hand of A'dal" title. ^_^

    - Blue PvP gear for alts. Yum!

    - Skipping straight to Vashj & Kael.

  18. Just a biiiig FYI:

    Orcala and I will be offline Thursday, April 10th. In celebration of her birthday that week, we're going to go see Dr. Jonathan Katz in Somerville that day.

    Her role should be easy to fill, but I know of no prot paladins who are on-par with my gear level that can handle the content we're in. I'm posting this in advance so that people can find a filler for me that knows what the hell they are doing & can keep the raid alive in our absence.

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