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Posts posted by Holyssa

  1. Not sure that you need them tonight, but I have two made for ya, Holy.

    - Bar

    Thanks Baracko! The flasks & Wizard Oil made quite a difference and helped me control the weapons during Kael a bit better.

    +600 spell damage on a pally = GODSAUCE

  2. http://www.wowhead.com/?item=22861

    "Flask of Blinding Light

    Requires Level 65

    Use: Increases spell damage caused by Arcane, Holy and Nature spells by up to 80 for 2 hrs.

    Counts as both a Battle and Guardian elixir. This effect persists through death."

    Seeking a generous Alchemist to make as much of these as they can for lil' Holyssa. They'll come in handy for stuff like Hyjal trash, and every little bit of spellpower helps.

    Won't be able to farm the herbs very well (my own herbalist still lacks a flying mount), but I will happily pay for the mats to compensate.

  3. Well, I've been working on the gear thing recently, check my Armory link to see what I have managed to get so far. I miss the old days where you could do a mix of PvP and PvE. is PvE gear really 100 percent bad in PvP? do you really HAVE to go one way or the other?

    Other than that, I gotta work on my heroic keys and my attunements for raids, I still gotta get that Kara key. even if I don't have a slot in the raid, I guess it won't hurt to get attuned.

    Well, it's not THAT bad to have in a BG. If you look carefully, plenty of people wear the T4/5/6 sets to BGs simply because some stats (mana regen, set bonuses, hit rating, etc) outweigh their darker-colored PvP equivalents. However, thanks to Resilience, PvP gear is a must to stay alive and not wind up getting 2-shotted by many of the "flavor" specs (PoM-Pyro mages, BM Hunters, warlocks, Skillherald Warriors, and pretty much any rogue with epics in their hands).

    Although a Kara key isn't 100% mandatory (the attunement requirement is gone as of 2.4, but the key is still needed to open the door), I'd still get it to reap the eventual dungeon loot rewards as well as become familiar with the games more patience-trying instances, like Shadow Labs (which happens to be a closet favorite of mine ^_^).

  4. We finally cleared Karazhan for Shelah's group after some scary infernal placements during Prince. That, and one-shotted Netherspite after two weeks of not having any real cracks at the blue dragon. Grats to all who made it work!

    However, I'd like us to blow through the content at a faster pace, and try to squeeze the run down to one night as much as possible. I know not many of us can stay beyond the 11:30PM mark (I especially...GG work), but our chain-pulling butt-whippin' knee-slappin' lazer-pewin' dual pally-tankin' run on Sunday proved we can make it a reality if...

    ~People show up on time. Remember, Shelah or myself will do invites around 7:30-7:45PM-ish, and begin as soon as we got a full raid of 10.

    ~People study the loot tables and know in advance what they want for their main spec. The faster loot gets done, the faster we can keep moving.

    ~If you're gonna be late or absent, please PM me or Shelah in-game or on this forum in advance. This way we don't have late starts, and can find a filler asap. We seem to have a lot of trouble grabbing off-healers if anything else.

    This raid makes me happier every week :yub:

  5. I know you guys are just trying to help, I'm just getting frustrated that instance groups aren't working out. (And I don't blame you guys or anything, I know that you all are busy. but when I try to find stuff like healers outside of the Guild, and they cop a tude and say that "they don't have time to heal noobs." it frustrates me.)

    Then there is Tailoring, The first problem is, I simply don't have the sheer dedication of Time Investment to put into making a lot of money, and farming up a lot of stuff. Also, Crafted gear seem to be very temporary upgrades, and it'll feel like my work is for nothing.

    And, PvP. It just feels horrible that I have to put everyone on the ignore lists, and I can't work together with people, because everyone won't listen to anyone else's input, and they are just there to "farm other players.". and by the item costs for some of the PvP Items, I guess I don't blame them, the cost of the PvP items seems a little ridiculous and it seems that you have to "farm" PvP for a LONG time before you ever feel rewarded for it.

    Again, sorry for the vent, but I'm getting to a breaking point, here. maybe that's because I just feel a bit lonely and just want to play with other players that will treat me with some respect. but I understand that you guys are really busy and I don't wish to step on your toes.

    PuGs suck. Plain & simple. Unless they include some very good friends that want to tag along & help. I had to deal with a lot of VERY stupid healers during my days of gathering tanking blues. But over time, things got better as people looked outside the box and said "zomgz, paladins can tank?!". I still get one or two tells each day or so from total strangers, most of which haven't even broken the +700 healing mark or insist they can keep me alive in Heroics with just Shadow Priest tricks. Better to not always get a PuG 99% of the time, only to wind up stuck in a wipefest for an hour or so.

    Tailoring. I'm not trying to discourage you, but it's only going to get much harder once you hit the 365+ mark...especially when it comes time to gather Primals from mobs that don't play nice with specific specs (Frost mage + Nagrand water elementals = /wristcrit). If you can get the Arcanoweave patterns from TK instances, you'll be all set though. Great way to tackle the last few points. As for the gear being replaced? It happens. It's all part of progression. Some of it will last you a very long time. I still see people wearing Shadow Weave or Spellfire sets well into Hyjal/BT progression.

    PvP? It's taken a much better turn compared to the days of diminishing returns and Horde refusing to do simple tasks (defending IB Chokepoint, for instance). Yes, every BG has it's morons. I say just roll with the punches and play to the best of your ability. The grind is also a lot less tedious if you grab a guildy: I know Muato & Aleis are always looking for people to fry some Alliance butt most nights. Even my Orcala has me toss a sneaky heal or two when we go gnome stomping.

    All these points are just some of MMO-life's little annoyances. Just remember: they didn't put the "Game experience may change during online play" warning on the game box for nothing :yub:

  6. I don't foresee any repeats of system crashing but I really can't say it won't happen again or that it will. So if you want me to come and just hope for the best thats fine, or if you want to replace me temporarily. Because I would like to keep coming along as long as I am needed, I just need a new PC, but can't get one this weekend.

    Bah, it's cool Zeb. Hell, my own machine (which is close to the 3 year old mark) used to crash like mad until I finally updated the motherboard biob & nVidia drivers..which wasn't until after a year or so (yes, I'm slow. lol). I know it's a totally different issue, but a crash-happy junkbox didn't stop me from fightin' for purples :yub:

    To save your comp a little bit of stress, I suggest you lower WoW's graphical settings a bit, which will give your video card a bit more breathing room. *hugs*

  7. Heroics are an amazing way to train & coordinate yourself for the 10 & 25-man challenges that lie further ahead in life. And over time, you can spend badges on even better goodies that rival today's endgame gear.

    And if you have trouble PuGing or finding guildies, the new Sunwell stuff is a great source of money, and the Revered blues aren't all that bad. Run the Magister's Terrace on both difficulties, and you'll be a very happy caster.

    For some reason, I get a feeling of nostalgia after seeing your Armory. It's nothing bad, just reminds me of my own mage (now retired). :(

  8. Some of those will be purchasable from a rep vendor associated with BT/Hyjal, if I remember correctly. Check me on this, Holy?

    You are correct.

    Some guilds kill a few bosses in Hyjal to get a basic start on gear, then whittle down stuff in BT to get a jump start on rep (Najentus through Shade of Akama is apparently the "easy" stuff). They then build the basic SR items from Friendly rep and work on the bosses they skipped in Hyjal that have an equally demanding SR check. Given how easily we plowed through Mr. Winterchill, our results may vary above the norm & we may not have to farm as heavily if people play it smart.

    While it comes to mind, Kaz'rogal's Mana Drain is affected by this stat also...

  9. Sounds like you're way ahead of the rest of us, Holyssa. I'm at the point in the quest where you have to retrieve the artifact from Mt. Hyjal, but remember that a lot of us could still use gear from SSC/TK.

    I know the lists seem a bit intimidating. But this is good for people who want to get a jump start on the material farming process, so when the patterns are available from rep vendors, we can get cracking on 'em as soon as the opportunity arises & save time/trouble. :(

  10. With Kael's death just a gnome's throw away, we'll be climbing up Mt. Hyjal soon. However, Baracko has recently brought to our attention that most people still lack their Medallion of Karabor.

    Just by looking at the stats, you can tell this will be useful for something other than a (now) defunct instance key. It is a mandatory item for a few situations: namely Anetheron and Mother Shahraz.

    Thankfully, there's a list of Shadow Resist Gear at this link:


    And now the Q&A before the QQ:

    Q: Shadow Resist is da poop! My greens will save me!

    A: The greens are a good way to get started, yes. But even if you manage to grab every +stamina/SR item on AH, your DPS & HP pools will still pale compared to the massive stat leap the items in the above list provide. Yea, you'll seem uber in the face of warlocks & these mobs, but what good does it do you if you got the punching power of a 12-year old?

    If need be, collect greens to act as "filler" items (belt, bracers, pants, etc.) before crafting the epic stuff.

    Q: Where do the Hearts of Darkness come from? How can I get some for crafting my stuff?

    A: Hyjal/BT trash, or performing special "favors" for people already farming these instances. As for availability for when our own raid starts seeing them? Ask the officers when that time comes. Keep in mind they are used to craft other crazy-strong items besides the Shadow Resist gear, so DON'T BE STINGY!

    Q: Hmmm....a lot of that crap requires Ashtongue Deathsworn rep.

    A: If you did your homework and completed your chain to get the Medallion of Karabor, you should be well into 1900+ points Neutral with these guys. Some of the patterns become available from Friendly and up, which can be acquired via killing BT trash.

    The vendor is a Broken named Okuno.

    Q: I can't find the Greater Shadow Resist to Cloak formula! /wristcut

    A: Grab your enchanter buddy, and go farm Voidshriekers. You may get this on the first kill, or after your first one hundred kills. Results may vary ^_^

    Q: My SR is still kinda wonky. Got any ideas for my miscellaneous slots?

    A: Yup. This link has Gear Guides for the other slots and consumables. Keep in mind a good portion of this stuff comes from quests, mindless crafting/farming, or pre-BC instances (Naxx).

    Some items from BC still don't show up on that list, like green L65+ rings/necks. Don't be afraid to go the extra mile just to number-crunch!

    EDIT: Added colors for a bit more "whoa".

  11. I personally recommend the Medallion, despite its (sort of) intimidating price. The shorter cooldown & tiny resilience boost will make the difference between life & death, especially from a healer's standpoint.

    16k honor isn't too difficult to acquire either. Do your PvP dailies! :yahoo:

  12. Good job on enduring the bug-happy Void Reaver, and an even better job at Kael progress!

    I know Cal has given you guys specific instructions to watch Tamzin's film, but here's a list of the boss abilities in detail so you know what to expect next week (my comments in bold):

    Thaladred the Darkener (getting used to the Gaze switch is tricky, but it will need much work in order to survive Phase 3).

    * ~360k HP

    * Melee – 3-4k on plate plus 2.5k every tick for 12 seconds

    * Gaze – Fixes aggro to a random person in raid; 9 second cooldown

    * Psychic Blow – 4-5k damage plus knockback to his current target, 30 yard range

    * Silence – Silences anyone within 8 yards

    Lord Sanguinar (no problem here, but Fear Ward needs to be on-the-ball)

    * ~350k HP

    * Melee – 3-4k on plate

    * Bellowing Roar – 35 yard AoE fear centered on himself, 1.5 second cast, no agro reset

    Grand Astromancer Capernian (I noticed some people other than myself soak up Conflag on almost every attempt. READ THE UNDERLINED PART!!)

    * ~210k HP

    * Fireball – 6-7k single-target fire damage

    * Conflagration – Randomly targets players within 30 yards; causes disorient effect with 600-900 damage per second plus 300 damage per second to all players within 8 yards of the debuffed player. Capernian will not attack players afflicted by conflagration.

    * Arcane Explosion – 4.5k Arcane damage plus knockback and slow debuff; only used if players are in melee range

    (For Cappy, I will stand just shy of the 30 yard mark & spot heal the warlock tank. Someone with a fat HP pool will have to fill this role in Phase 3 though)

    Master Engineer Telonicus (No issue here, but I must remind people: gimme time to lay on some burst threat & run back from playing human matchstick with Cappy)

    * ~360k HP

    * Bomb – 7-9k fire in a small AoE centered on current target's location, 1.5 second cast

    * Remote Toy – 60 sec debuff placed on a random player, periodically stuns the affected player for 4 seconds

    For a list of the Legendary weapons used in this fight, click this Wowhead filter & study their uses.

  13. With regards to the "changed" Void Reaver, he's still relatively easy to kill as long as you keep in mind a few things:

    ~He will not target his Arcane Orb victim.

    ~Combat Logs will not report him launching the Orbs. Boss mods can't save you here!

    With that in mind...

    ~Do NOT rely on Omen. Deadly BossMods or BigWigs

    ~Watch the sky if you're a ranged class, and keep moving.

    ~Orbs have been known to hit melee DPS as well. Like ranged DPS, healers must keep moving & pay extra attention.

    ~If you're melee, bring a bit of Arcane Resist for this, but don't gimp yourself.

    ~Stock up on those TK-exclusive Vapor potions.

    ~Did I mention you should keep moving?

  14. season4-shoulders-ratingm.png

    Maybe it's just me, but does anyone get a sense of deja vu when they read the 2200 rating requirement? Like, the kinda feeling you get from the days of grinding High Warlord/Grand Marshal?

    I'm not too crazy for Arena (it's all gonna be available for honor one way or another, just like S1/S2), but I will laugh my arse off when this system turns around & bites Blizzard in the rump come WotLK & the gear quickly becomes heavily dated.

    For those who doubt the image, there have been two "leaked" items so far:

    Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle

    Brutal Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders

  15. Quoted from the L1 Bloodhoof alt on Pg.6 of the thread:

    I'm not from your server, so I have no way of verifying this for myself, however.. There have been numerous posts about this on General Discussion and various realm forums.

    They are using btmscanner with appropriately set filterings, and using a script to auto-buy things out. As it is right now, btmscanner will pop a window up, asking if you'd like to purchase it, the user usually has to click yes/no. This script eliminates that need, becoming fully automated.

    If this person has been buying things out with VERY quick response timing (as in, you post it and it's instantly bought), he is using this. Even your biggest basement virgin who can be online 24/7 is unable to respond that fast.

    Yes, Blizzard knows about it. On an earlier post from the General Discussion boards, someone posted a link to a well known pseudo-omg-ikanhaxagaemlol! website, which was forwarded to Blizzard, detailing exactly how it was done, including screenshots of how much money they've made from it.

    Your best bet is if the buyout is instant (and i do mean INSTANT) to report him.

    In a nutshell: watch your auctions, and if needed: coordinate with the trader via Vent/TS (gg factional language barrier) as to the best time to do this. I'm not one to trade stuff to/from the other side of the fence, but a little communication goes a long way, even if it's between old foes :yahoo:

  16. If you're having trouble viewing the Kael'thas tutorial at Warcraftmovies.com, here's a stream from Curse. It's loading 3x faster for me, at least. Easier on the eyes too.


    For those of you who have experienced Heroic MrT Kael'thas, he's very similar as a standalone mob, but there's twice as much room for what I like to call the RBS (Random BullSh!t) factor, and he has 4 very big pals.

    If anything, your encounter with the 5-man version is but a demo: interrupting spellcasts, dealing with adds, getting by the damn barrier, and learning to swim during Gravity Lapse.

    Study the video, and let's make our experience with this maggot short yet victorious.

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