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Posts posted by Holyssa

  1. Degeneration: "Instantly attack the target, dealing $s1% weapon damage and inflicting a disease dealing ${$m2*7} over $48428d. This disease will corrupt an existing heal over time spell, removing it and dramatically increasing the damage dealt. While afflicted by this disease, other heal over time effects on the target will have no effect."

    If this is Blizzard's idea of dealing with Resto druids, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

  2. You were only going to do the one Kael kill? Aww, I wanted to see the carnage when the Ashes dropped :gruntcool:

    Seriously, aren't there a couple of drops from him that you won't see equivalent or better gear for until late in Black Temple?

    While I'm all for taking a baseball bat to Kael's kneecaps again to help get people more T5 chests, there's oodles of stuff from Hyjal alone that more than easily makes up for the stuff Kael drops. That and the difficulty is noticeably less compared to the terrible two that is Vashj/Kael.

    As Cal said last night, we did not expect to go so far into Hyjal immediately with positive outcomes. Once we get a solid strat on the table for Anetheron & beyond, we'll be swimming in loot sooner than we can imagine ;)

  3. Hmm..I guess I can drop tailoring for now, and I can always farm engineering mats via my hunter.

    Getting him a decent robe & belt will be no problem, as I can dual-box with my rogue to get Nero what he requires from dungeons. He has the Arugal robe & belt for now.

    And yea - I'm dying to get the Hotshot gloves. Subjecting myself to the nightmare that is Gnomeregan will suck though, but will be worth the punching power.

  4. In the meantime, I'll give Kael a punch in the face just for you. *HUGS*


    Great job tonight, guys! Now for T6! Excelsior!

    Punch? Pfft. We drop-kicked him down a flight of stairs practically. That last attempt was flawless.

  5. Instead of skipping the hard stuff, we plunged through and made it happen, knowing we'd learn things we'd need later.

    Congratulations to everyone on all their hard work! Hyjal and BT, here we come. Goodbye Pink Temple of Vag.... *waves*


    We are officially awesome now.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but I shall keep my own very brief: congrats for making this a reality, Clan Skullcrusher & pals! :gruntcool:;)>:L

  6. Nerodamus just hit 20 not long ago. But now he's in dire need of gear so he can roast Alliance butt!

    I'm thinking of making him a deep fire mage, but have had little success with finding stuff on AH. If anyone happens to find the following (quest items aside), Holy will gladly compensate you for your trouble:

    EDIT: Somewhat different list after taking Scryll's advice into consideration. As you can see, I'm rather new to this & don't want to screw up. lol

    Head- Elder's Hat of fiery Wrath

    Neck- Gnomeregan Amulet of the Eagle

    Shoulders- Magician's Mantle / Berylline Pads*

    Chest- Beguiler Robes

    Legs- Elder's Pants of Fiery Wrath

    Wrists- Gallan Cuffs

    Finger 1- Deadman's Hand* / LoreKeeper's Ring*

    Finger 2- Charged Gear of the eagle

    Trinket 1- Arena Grand Master (how the hell do people snag this so soon??)

    Trinket 2- Defilers Talisman*

    Weapon- Advisor's Gnarled Staff*

    Wand- Dancing Flame*

    Back- Conjurer's Cloak of Fiery Wrath

    Hands- Vital Handwraps of Fiery Wrath / HotShot Pilot's Gloves

    Waist- Ghamoo-ra's Bind

    Feet- Defiler's Cloth Boots*


    Weapon: +30 Spellpower

    Gloves: +20 Firepower

    Bracer: +15 Spellpower (for Gallan cuffs)

    Legs: +35 Runic Spellthread

    Head: Arcanum of Focus

    *Quest item/BoP Vendor thing, or something Holy is still unsure of what to fill in with.

  7. Touching up on a few things we spoke of last night:

    ~ Be on time, or be replaced!

    There are a few obvious exceptions to this, and you know who you fellas are. DPS is a dime a dozen, but again - finding healers that show up at the 8:00PM pulling mark has been an utter b*tch. Yes, I know RL comes first and foremost, but if you plan to raid & snag an easy 22+ badges a week from the tower, you gotta show a level of commitment without expending the free time of the other 9 people that want to stomp the tower.

    ~ Pick a character & stick to it.

    Some nights we will have people swap alts to fill specific roles, like an offtank or (see above) offhealer. Keep in mind that the primary reason to come here is to get gear & cruise through content later on in life, but if you swap characters on a constant basis, gear distribution becomes a scattered mess & hurts the less fortunate that can truly take advantage of what falls.

    ~ Absence notice.

    Many of you have been very respectful about this rule, but if you will be late or cannot attend one of our Badge-azhan runs, please give either Shelah or myself at least a 24-hour notice. This will give us both ample time to find someone to fill in for you. Failure to do so WILL result in forfeiting your spot!

    This raid has impressed me quite a bit - ever since our first clear we've overcome the RBS (Random Bullsh*t) factor at every opportunity. Heck, Sunday night we began at 8:45PM (45 minutes later than usual), the server threw up/crashed, and we STILL killed Aran & Illhoof a half hour before our usual 11:30PM cutoff. Quite an accomplishment with so few clearings under our belt.

    We could have pushed on, but the trash leading to chess is very unforgiving during the later hours...especially with a crazed tankadin leading the charge (me, lol). But it's something to keep in mind with regards to what this particular group can dish out. Let's come back next week, and make the Badges flow like spice! >.>

  8. That being said, blizzard is being anal about locking these rewards to a certain level. Who cares if everyone in the game has a bear mount? There will just be another prestige mount in the expansion to replace it.

    I'm willing to bet money that the mount's "replacement" item is something silly like yet another ring, a weapon like the one Zul'jin is holding, or something more awesome like an


    I kinda wish Blizzard provided alternative methods to getting these soon-to-be obsolete items, like an "item museum" where you can buy outdated but nostalgic things with lots of Badges (Sulfuras, Corrupted Ashbringer, TF, or Baron's mount). People will only run the old content so many times out of boredom or for alts, but it would give today's generation a chance to see what they missed out on. :\

  9. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...o=1&sid=1#0

    By Tigole:

    I wanted to give a very early head's up to all of you Zul'Aman raiders out there:

    Once Wrath of the Lich King goes live, you will no longer be able to obtain the Zul'Aman bear mount by saving all 4 prisoners in the timed run. The Bear Mount will be replaced by a very good, epic item that is level appropriate for people doing the zone. To be clear, the Zul'Aman bear mount is supposed to be an item of very high prestige. We want players who have earned it during the appropriate era (aka before the level cap gets raised) to be recognized for their accomplishment. We have absolutely no problem with higher level players (above level 70) going back and doing Zul'Aman after Wrath of the Lich King is live. We just want to preserve the accomplishment of having saved all 4 prisoners at the intended difficulty level.

    We will most likely do something similar with the titles "Hand of A'dal" and "Champion of the Naaru" as well.

    Please don't panic! You still have plenty of time to complete these feats! Wrath of the Lich King is coming along great but is not ready yet! In fact, we're not even in beta yet! So have fun adventuring for your bears and titles but please consider this your early warning.

    I know WotLK is a long ways off, but it makes sense: at L80, people would steamroll the poor Amani trolls & those bears would be everywhere, ruining the novelty of the item.

  10. Would having our PvP trinket equipped the whole fight gimp us too much?

    I't might help with the Remote controls, Fears and Mind Control...

    It doesn't work on MC (I'm not sure about Remote Toy), but it will most likely dispel everything else. Then again, this is why people need to click the Staff buff immediately :(

    Also, this may help a bit:


    Mental Protection Field

    Places a mental protection field on friendly targets within 30 yards, granting immunity to Stun, Silence, and Disorient effects.

    "It works like a paladin aura except for affecting all friendly targets and not just party members. It lasts, like the buff states, for 15min unless someone affected by it is subject to a Stun, Silence or Disorient effect, at which the buff is consumed, much like fear ward."

  11. We're slowly but surely making progress with this creep:

    ~ Take your time during Phase 1. Remember: if you aren't sure if you're going to steal aggro on a specific add (Telonicus & Capernian, namely), don't touch it till an officer makes the call! A good way to tell if Holy has decent threat buildup is to wait till a full Consecrate cycle finishes up (8 seconds) then let loose.

    ~Weapon DPS was teh sex.

    ~ Phoenix DPS was good, but I think as soon as Cal called for Shock Barrier DPS, people panicked & forgot all about the eggs. There were a few instances where I was stuck DPSing down an egg all alone and had way too many of those flamin' chickens flying around to properly tank. ###### happens, and we will learn from it like we did with Vashj's add control...no biggie.


  12. http://www.worldofwar.net/n/413356/breakin...ng-presentation

    Breaking News - Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation

    "Earlier in the week, we were invited to attend a Wrath of the Lich King presentation at Blizzard's offices in Irvine, California. Once there, we were shown Northrend in its current state of development, a Death Knight in action, given several hours to play the expansion for ourselves, and were also permitted interview sessions with three of Blizzard's top developers - J. Allen Brack, Jeff Kaplan and Tom Chilton.

    Blizzard dished the dirt on a whole range of things about Wrath, and you can read all about the trip in our Wrath Presentation Article, as well as articles covering all we learned about Death Knights, filmed interviews with the game producer and designers, a tour of the Blizzard campus and museum and much much more. We've gone into great detail on all of this, but for now, here are the most exciting things we learned from Blizzard about the coming expansion:


    * All 25 man raids in Wrath will also be available to complete with 10 players. This is so that more players will get to see end game content (Even the Arthas encounter will be available as a 10 man raid).

    * There will be completely different loot tables for the two different raid types. They will also be on separate cool downs, so players could fight in both the 10 man and 25 man raid on the same day if they wish.

    * The mounts available to buy in Wrath will probably be able to take passengers. These mounts will also work in the old world (Provided they are land mounts), so players can give low-level characters a ride! The new mounts will also be slightly faster, around the speed of the Armored Netherdrakes.

    * All 5-man instances in Northrend will feature Heroic modes, and the loot tables for the 2 modes will be totally separate. Heroic dungeons will have their own "Tier" of armor completely unique to that level dungeon.

    Death Knights

    * Death Knights will be available to players who have a character level 55+ on the same realm. There is no other requirement at this time.

    * Players are allowed 1 Death Knight per realm that they have a level 55+ character on.

    * Death Knights will be "born" in a floating Necropolis over the Eastern Plaguelands, similar to Naxxramas.

    * Death Knights will start at level 55.

    * A Death Knight's starting armor will be a mixture of green and blue quality items. The first few quests that they encounter will provide upgrades to these starting items, and these upgrades will be armor specific to Death Knights.

    * Death Knights can dual wield.

    * One Death Knight spell is Raise Dead, which converts a fallen unit into a ghoul for a time to serve the Death Knight, similar to a Hunter's pet. If the spell is used on a fallen friendly player, the player will be presented with an option box similar to a resurrection message, and if they accept, they will take control of the ghoul and will be able to use its abilities for the period of time that it is active. This can work as a sort-of battle res, and Chilton stated it may be available in Arenas.


    * Northrend is Huge. It is larger than Outland by a couple of zones, and some of the zones in Northrend are bigger than the largest zone in Outland."

    Optional 10-mans? I'd hit it. And Northrend's size guestimate is making my inner-explorer happy in the pants.

    DKs sound like a lot of fun, but the power to rez people in Arena troubles me a bit. I can easily see a 2v2 DK team endlessly rez one another unless they chuck in some silly rule to counter this (long cooldown like druids?).

    Tier sets for Heroics would be awesome. Maybe they'll put some of the unused recolored T1-3 sets to good use. Still bums me out that they never did anything with Felheart besides the horns & boots.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention: this is just a tiny snippet. Click the link & read the full article!

  13. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to apologize for not being able to make it yesterday, I had to attend a last minute birthday party I couldn't miss.

    I'm glad to see you guys weren't too gimped without me. From the impressive list of loot Baracko has sent, me I see that you guys succeeded quite well. Gratz!

    We pretty much one-shot all of TK (save for Kael), rofl'd all over Rage Winterchill, and got Anetheron down to about 54%ish on our first try. Oh, I got a hideously purple cloak >.>

    *note to self: bring multiple shields. Going from 120 durability to 50 (using my ZA shield) by the time Rage spawned SUCKS* :(

  14. Sent you 2 flasks yesterday.. Hopefully I spelled your name right

    Got em in Holy's mailbox just before heading to sleep. Thanks so much!

    Again, let me know if I owe you anything to cover the flask costs. I know the herbs aren't exactly easy to come by >_>

  15. We're trying to get our own run on Sunday/Monday down to a one-night clear as well, and it's a lot of fun having to chain-pull anything that blinks.

    I swear, Medivh powdered the walls of Karazhan with crack before he died. I've done this place on not one, but three characters this week alone o_o;

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