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Everything posted by Elathiel

  1. Sorry I missed that, it sounds as though it was a real good time I'll be around for the next one though
  2. Oh my goodness. Last I was at Olympus we were fighting off Wolf and the handful of people he turned and twisted while under a spell of some sort. I come back and find this!?! Well, I'm just glad I seem to have arrived at the right time to lend a hand in defending Olympus for the Empire !
  3. Hello my friends ! Hopefully I have not been completely forgotten, although I would understand for its been far too long. I have managed to pull myself out of the depths of despair (DAoC/RQ/AC2 beta) to return to the only place I have ever been able to truly call home, Britannia. Last I ventured here Wolf was still quite mad and the cure, while close, had yet to be discovered. So, as you can see, I have a LOT of catching up to do. I am quite glad to see many familiar names still gracing these pages though As those of you that grew to know me before, I'm actually quite ctive and look VERY forward to being part of the Empire once again ! Until tomorrow, good night and be safe !!
  4. I havent ventured into Khaldun as yet, so I'm all up for that. Thief or no thief, I cant go Lich stomping without a silver bow of vanq... the archer in me just refuses
  5. Yes, I'm certain we are speaking for the Empire as a whole when we say BEST of luck in dealing with this unfortunate situation !!
  6. *Raises hand also*
  7. Yes, it went real well with me getting crazy nuked while firing my bow. Keith was steadily bandaging, while Lora popped in magic heals when needed... It freed up the other mages to blast away, speeding up the kills nicely. Also, we really really need more archers for the Ranger cohort Been working on recruiting for a ouple weeks and it has been tough... So, if you come across any unguilded archers, have them drop me a pigeon. I'll be more than happy to explain to them why being a PGoH Ranger is the greatest job out there
  8. Are any of the current squires interested in joining the 'elite' Ranger cohort? Have tried recruiting for us, but the handful of people I have gotten went to a different cohort hehe. Finding unguilded archers is proving difficult.
  9. This would just be very very cool ! Enough said.
  10. Nice idea and I agree ... Sounds like a good way to get more gold flowing and the value of a gold piece up a bit, which is always a good thing
  11. For those that were unable to be with us last night, we have begun the quest for an Ancient Wyrm heart for Wolf's cure. After last night's heroic efforts, we did not come away with the heart, but, with HONOR, we did get down a smooth system for crushing the Ancient Wyrm. Now, with continued effort and teamwork, its simply a matter of time before we have our prize. The heart is crazy rare,though, so we must remain true and steadfast in our cause! Anyone have a problem with smacking it aroundfor an hour or so each night until we succeed? If we do that, I think wecan speed up the process and get Wolf's mind in order. I'll be organizing hunts to the depths of Destard as often as I can, but if I am unable to get it going on any given night, I am sure there are many of you that will take over and see us through this horrible experience. Wolf hassuffered far too long already, we must prevail and do so as quickly as possible. His very sanity is at stake !
  12. Elathiel TH - Master Miner ... Picked it up as an aside to treasure huntimg to help with resource collection for thr Empire. Also a fisherman if the need arises for food to be stockpiled I can do that easily enough.
  13. I personally enjoy beating the evil mages on Shame 5 to a senseless mess
  14. It is my understanding that T9C is our sister guild? If this is in fact the case, then I dont see how we cannot help. I know I'm certainly up for some dewd spanking Also, are we able to loot each others things to save them from falling into enemy hands without going grey?
  15. Ah yes... Taking form I see I agree fully with Steel's words and am available Sunday or any time for a meeting. My brother, Elathiel TH is a treasure hunter by trade... He can assisit with ingots and provide all the cooked fish steaks we need as well. Also... He is already GM Cart. and frantically working on lockpicking to start doing some nice treasure maps with and for guildmates and friends of the Empire.
  16. Yes Kurt, I agree completely. Something truly has to chang on this subject as it is starting to seem that the same handfuls of people are adventuring together. This is, in my opinion, not good for the Empire. We need much more trining as a large unit and multi groups to achieve the goals of the Empire. Its easy really... Going on a hunt with a couple of guildmates? Drop a pigeon to the rest that are on. Safety in numbers and works on trining as a team! Besides... You will get to know more mrmbers of the Empire... These are the greatest people in Brittania
  17. Add Elathiel TH, PGoH Archeologist to the list with pride. An excellent idea and I'd be more than happy to help with mining for the Empire! (On a side not: Surgery on my hand went well and with some luck I will be back to adventuring in about a week! Thank u to everyone that sent a pigeon with good wishes for me!!)
  18. Blue gate over the mountain in the woods... blue light and grey walls... Anyone have any idea where this could be? Seems like a clue on where we need to burn with the Empire's fire to me ! I'll begin scouting various areas that come to mind and see what I can come up with. I will get the aide os Ballyn and Keith... Anyone else that comes up with anything please send out pigeons or write here so that we may solve this riddle and have Wolf at our sides once again.
  19. Very decent of you Kurt. i am sure they will assist an Empire archer greatly ! (No, not trying to say I want them, I have been very lucky with bows and would actually rather they help someone else )
  20. Thank you kindly friend, that was very nice of you and is much appreciated :: : > On behalf of everyone in the Empire (even the ones that don't come to the site heh)
  21. Treasure map vendor? Would it not better suit the Empire to ask that maps be decoded and recovered by a guild raiding party? I think this would be a grand time and just one more way to hone our teamwork skills and such Also, do we have anyone with a gm'ish tresure hunter? I am working on one and having loads of fun if we ever need him (just need to get him on the stone when time permits).
  22. Well this looks very neat. I can think of, oh, 100 or so times a banker at Olympus would come in handy
  23. Bleh, being sick is the pits. Hope you feel better real soon!
  24. Good to have you among us friend. I have yet to meet you, but I certainly trust everyone else that responded fully, so I look forward to it. If there is anything you need, just let me know ! Elathiel Ranger Knight (woohoo, i got promoted!) Pigeon # 157772576
  25. Did a quick look-up of this guild on uo.com and it seems they are, uh, very small. Not really sure this is the right type of guild for a good rp war? Just my opinion. Elathiel
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