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Everything posted by Elathiel

  1. Ok, now that I have expressed need for a GM Bowyer, Ballyn has discovered that we are actually in need of a GM Tinkerer to make the special bows we have useable. Through a generous purchase from Rand I aquired many elemental/daemon/dragon slaying bows that need a little tinkering before they can serve the Empire's interests Anyone that help me out with this please reply or send me a pigeon when u have a few moments. Many thanks in advance !
  2. Come one guild member, Come ALL guild members!!! A tournament is being Hosted by FrZ, the ladies Queen Ruby and Duchess Ciara, on Januray 4th and 5th in Nujelm. On January 4th, the first day of tournament, will be Tamers mages warriors and brawlers of each guild fighting their fellow guild mates until one emerges champion in each sect. Tamer battles: bonded pets only, 20 of each regs, and 5 bandaids. Jousting: gm armor (non magical), gm weapon (non magical), and either 10 bandaids or potions of healing. Mages Deul: 20 each reg and a robe. Free Style: Your choice of combat style limited; 20 each reg, 10 potions, 10 bandaids, gm armor only (non magical), gm weapons only (non magical). The second day these champions of each sect advance to the finals in which they will battle their way to being only one mage one tamer one warrior and one freestyler (Brawler) then the mage and the tamer duel and the freestyler and the warrior duel the winner of these two matches meet to crown o! ne champion above all in the land and their guild willl recieve 100k gold Each combatant participating in this tournament will be expected to carry a gold colored bag carrying 1k gold which the winner of the duel will loot off the loser. Mages and tamers will be required to carry a red bag with no more than 20 of each reagant which the winner of that duel will loot in addition to the 1k gold bag. So at the commence of the second round each cpmabatant as 2k. It continues onward. The winner in each group the first day goes away with his cash. The second day they start again with guild champions and their 1k. Prizes shall be awarded to the winners in each different combat style; e.i. a kryss of vanq for the jousting or a agapite war axe of power. There will also be auctions, and a hat sale and a bag sale. The bag and hat auction are interesting - you bid on the article not knowing who the owner is then you have that person's company for hunting, shopping, or just chatting for 2 hours. The auction is for items you might like to sell bring to the auction and your cash will be sold and a 10% fee paid to auction house. All proceeds go to fund the tournament. We are looking for Guild masters to work on panel of judges to help with tournament the more GM's the better. Please pigeon The Lady Ciara @ICQ 99560315, if you would like to participate or help out. I will be there if we can get enough turnout. Who else will be there to give the Empire a strong showing?
  3. An Elven sailor? Cant say I have ever seen that before hehe. I dont think that it would interfere, but I cant claim to be the 'authority' on the subject either, as I have never seen it come up before.
  4. Same to you my friend ! And same to everyone in the Empire ! I hope you all have a wonderful and joyful day with your families!
  5. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone !!!
  6. Ah well, the pics didnt work, but you can see them on the AoS site AoS Promotions
  7. A new promotion, called the Early Settlers Rewards has been added to the UO:AoS homepage This is what the promotion page says: Be an Early Settler and Get Exclusive In-Game Rewards - A Mini House Collectible and a Blessed Deed!* Upgrade or activate a new Ultima Online™: Age of Shadows™ account by February 28th, 2003 to receive your rewards for being an Early Settler! Actual Size In-game Each character that logs into Ultima Online with an Age of Shadows level account will be given one randomly selected Miniature House Collectible and One Blessed Deed. Some of these Mini Houses will be more random than others, so you may have to put your bartering skills to work to collect all 20! Don't delay; pre-order your copy of Ultima Online: Age of Shadows today from your favorite games retailer to be the first to get in and be an Early Settler!
  8. You do not have to wear armor at all times Leah. The main part of the uniform is what shows your Empire ties, ie. sash of your cohort color and purple apron .. add cloak where applicable.
  9. Haha, this is the 1st official time I have had more than one reply ready to go and end up cancelling both ::
  10. I pay via credit card ... Kurt was the other applying for the open Seat that is having a problem with that unfortunately.
  11. Council of War I mentioned is the War Oversight Commitee heh. Been a good while since I burshed up on that part of the Codex *dusts off his copy and sits to read a while*
  12. UNITED PIRATES CALL TO ARMS Held January 4, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST Catskills Felucca Check url http://www.martianweb.de/pirates.html for full event info. REWARD! Over $50,000 in gold plus other Booty! A call of arms to bring justice to the Mutineers of the Whaler Sosaria. The bounty is their ill gained plunder! STORY: The mutiny aboard the whale ship Sosaria has been called the bloodiest of Maritime crimes in Catskills history. The Sosaria was less than one year out on a 3 year voyage from her home port of Vesper when the crew rose up against the officers of the ship and murdered them all with the exception of the Quartermaster Barbarossa, who is rumored to be the instigator of this mutiny. In addition to the gory and bloodthirsty acts of murder, the Mutineers have been reported for Acts Of Piracy on the High Seas and apparently have made quite the haul. The Mutineers have joined up with the United Pirates. It is estimated that The United Pirates may have as much as $50,000 in gold alone aboard ship at any time, not including the value of the weapons, armour, potions, and who knows what else. The United Pirates have evaded the Crown for far too long. The Britannian Royal Navy has lost several Warships of the Crown to these Buccaneers and is calling forth Guilds and Individuals alike offering to grant Letters of Marque for a small fee of $1,000 for each crew member to anyone wishing to join in on the hunt for these Pirates. The Crew who brings in the United Pirates, Dead or Alive, will be allowed to keep the booty of the Pirates as their reward. The United Pirate Ships that are captured will also be granted as Rightful Plunder under the Privateering Regulations of The Britannian Royal Navy. It is not known how many ships the United Pirates have under their control; they could be as few as 2 or as many as 6, and their numbers are growing every day. The ships will be identifiable by the trademark U.P.S. before the ships name, standing for United Pirates Ship... The hunt for the Mutineers of the whale ship Sosaria know known as the United Pirates will be held On January 4 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm EST in the waters of Fellucia. But here is the caveat preemptor: Remember, all of you who would be Privateers. These are pirates. If your crew falls to them, they may add your ship to their fleet! To Join the hunt: Letters of Marque Will be handed out upon Request by appointment By Tristyn Aspengrove of the Britannian Royal Privateers. These Letters of Marque Will have a purchase Price of $1,000 gold or higher end Item/Artifact for each member of your Privateering crew. These funds and items will be added to the $50K being offered by the United Pirates for this event. Tristyn Aspengrove can be contacted by parrot (ICQ) #10034417. Or by emailing mjollnirup@hotmail.com RULES. Standard ROE followed by most Role Playing guilds with the following exceptions: ATTACKS: Planks can be locked, unlocked, or locked open (this can be done with the ship key on a key ring) if you lock your planks please carry your ships key. Exception!!! We may attack on sight Anyone who we figure out is a privateer. You may attack us on sight as well. LOOTING: Individuals will not be looted of anything. Exception!!! Please carry your Ships key, or leave the planks unlocked. This is part of the event. Ships keys May be looted if at all possible by any party, Pirates, or Privateers! Captured ships will be considered plunder and may be looted. If an Entire crew is killed the victors will be allowed to loot anything in the ships hold. If you wish you may try to evade the enemy ship and run while dead, they may not be able to loot the ship key. SURRENDERING: Exception!!! If all of the crew of either privateers or pirates are not killed the survivors may be given the opportunity to join up with the opposing crew. If they Refuse they may be keelhauled and/or marooned. DEATH IN COMBAT: If you are killed the enemy is to resurrect you, if you hang around that long, the Caveat here is, see the Looting exception. If Pirates get your ships key we will board you and you will be Marooned after you resurrection. RESURRECTING: If you are resurrected in a guild war, you must not interfere with the actions for 30 minutes. During this time you should wear the death robe. Instead of resurrecting you can also remain a ghost for some time, and put a story behind your resurrection. Your murderers can hardly be punished, if you resurrect, because then you are not really dead. If you remain a ghost, maybe special actions have to be taken, to bring your soul back to the living. CHARACTER: We always try to act in-character. Pirates can behave very mean, that is their character. Don't take it personally, when a pirate addresses you with "dirty landlubber scum"!
  13. Very glad you made it to the Skypage Pride, welcome
  14. I absolutely agree with what I have seen in recent weeks. The sense of community, thus development, has increased nicely and is on an upward trend. Lets keep it up and reach the goals we all have in mind for the Empire and its citizens !
  15. Yes, I have a cousin that is a GM cartographer and gaining tot hat end in lockpicking already. If it is needed for the Empire, then he will begin work tonight on disarm trap. His thievery is in the 60's as well, so with a bit of work I can have that covered as well. (Whether or not I get chosen to fill the Senate seat, I will still work these skills up before Feb 11th so that we will be prepared for Dungeon Doom, as well as anything else we need those special talents for)
  16. Actually, none of us have swapped our gifts yet
  17. As our Emporor said after this post though, we need to stockpile bolas as well ::
  18. I will get to work right away filling the stockpiles of the items you mentioned. I think its a good idea to start compiling the necromancer reagents already in game as well. I ahve started doing this the last few days and already have a decent collection for anyone in the Empire that decides to follow this dark path.
  19. The Senator of Espionage also sits on the Council of War which is charged with finding us another guild to have a RP war with ::
  20. Hail Emporor! Oh man oh man oh man ! I love this idea ! Where lese is this going to be posted so we can add comments and support to it?
  21. Guess you missed the post all about that? hehe
  22. One other idea that was brought up at the meeting tonight was the dress-code for the women of the Empire, or rather, the lack of. I would like to raise the topic of a seprate dress-code for our lovely ladies. What are the thoughts of the leadership on changing the current items for a bit more of a 'dainty' feel for them?
  23. I'm personally not fussed either. I just want us to adhere to the dress-code as stated in the Codex. Only asking for one last vote, because most seem to be leaning back to the former purple of PGoH. Seems that if we had a vote then the ones not adhering to it now, would after. At least thats what was discussed at the meeting tonight. Doesnt matter to me though .. I just want us all on the same page once and for all.
  24. As most of you know, or found out at tonight's meeting, I very much want to be the Senator of Espionage! My reasons for wanting the position are simple. I want to be part of something larger than myself, leadership in PGoH would afford me this sense of satisfaction. I want to add something to the Empire that I feel it has lacked for some time with the House of Espionage being dormant for so long, leadership in PGoH would afford me this sense of accomplishment. I want to help PGoH grow back to what it oncw was: feared by enemies and greatly respected by allies with both knowing full well the true 'reach' of the Empire and its citizens, leadership in the Empire would afford me this sense of pride. Do I think myself vain enough to deserve the position? Well, I dont think myself vain at all, but I do feel I am most qualified and able. I am a Shadowrider. I am lightly equipped with a tremendous amount of stamina. I have an excellent knowledge of the land and its denizens. I am skilled at hiding, allowing me to gather information discreetly. I have extensive plans for Elathiel TH, PGoH Archeologist to begin a schedule of treasure-hunting so we no longer have to go outside of the Empire to get treasure maps completed and share the spoils within our ranks. I feel I am very outspoken and keep abreast of things concerning the Empire, but know when to stay my tongue as well. I have a very extensive list leading men and women alike in Dereth, Norrath, and Camelot with an impeccable reputation in each land. Bottom line? I love the Empire ! I have seen the Empire go up and down many times in the past year + and truly feel like I can be part of the next upward trend (which has already started!). In closing ... I think I would make an excellent Senator of the Empire. I have the leadership ability and the EXPERIENCE. I am very active and knowledgable in all things PGoH and have a zeal to make us soar! Simply put: If I am chosen as Senator of Espionage, I will take the position very seriously and make everyone wonder how we ever got by without one! Thank you to everyone that has expressed support in my quest to become the next Senator of the Empire !
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