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Everything posted by Rumblebore

  1. Rumblebore

    Matrix 3

    Anyone who didnt see the end of the Matrix 3 being based on the religous elements was being foolish. The previews emphasised only a FEW of the matrix-based sequences. They showed a LOT of the RL carnage and action. Put it together, and you should have been prepped for what we got. I left feeling great. Not as pumped as 1 and 2, but definitely sated that an end had been reached and the philosophical and religous themes were suitably addressed. I was not expecting a lot of Matrix action but did expect a lot of the battle for Zion action. Oh well. People wanted the solution to happen in the matrix. In fact, it came in the Real World. And the sacrifices people make for others.
  2. Also - FFXI has a live viewcam ingame on one of the servers - here is the link http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/multimedia/wind/ click on it and you can see what it looks like in game.
  3. Surprise - thought you would never see me on one of these boards? Here is what my co-worker says about some things you have mentioned - he researched the message boards for over a week before buying the game and shared these tidbits... 1) Fight in enemy zones for conquest control to earn conquest points which can be turned in for Legionnaire Armor available at the Irom Musketeers at your city gates. From level 10-30 this is a inexpensive means of gaining decent armor for your levels. Dont stick to your own zone - head into enemy territory. These places also (rarely) drop nicer items. 2) Here is a trick to making money - Crystals and later, other things. I KNOW the market is flooded. But here is some background. The Japanese playing live in a marketplace that (in real life) set a price per item. they are used to paying X amount for a CD, Y amount for a microwave, etc. In game, they had established the economy the same way. They EXPECT to pay 2k for a crystal. Dont sell your crystals for 1500, instead, keep your comp on overnight, set your crystal prices at 2k, and they will be bought by the Japanese players for the price they Expect to buy at. If you play during early AM hours (midnight and later) then watch the market and learn what people will be ready to buy and set your prices that way. 3) Make additional characters that are based in other cities. Many items are only available in City A, while other items are only available in City B, etc. What people do is buy from traders in that city and price them at 2-10x the rate so people in other cities will buy without all the leg work of traveling to get it at the cheaper rate. Use this in your favor. As I understand it, components and such to make scrolls and spells, or to tradeskill requires you to travel and travel a lot to get all the items. Make a few chars, load up items, sell off to those who are lazy and dont want to hunt the items down and spend the hours of travel time getting them. Make a little profit. I hope just these 3 things help someone.
  4. Maga still drops into Inny on at least a weekly if not almost daily ocurence. Still good to see you around Tareo.
  5. Welcome back Coppelia! However, you should know that as of June 6, SLoT will have ceased to exist. There may be some who form a guild or another guild that comes to use T.H.E. as its base. Whatever happens, be welcome and look for your friends - they are quite likely to still be seen around.
  6. Just saw it at the botom. Have NO idea who you are, but everyone deserves to have their birthday remembered. !!!
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