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Everything posted by Martok

  1. Martok

    Jedi Outcast 2

    I have dungeon siege. Been playing it a little bit. But Jedi Outcast is much more fun!
  2. Ok you newbs. Go buy Jedi Outcast 2! Prometheus has it, I have it, and now Baltazar has it. We can have some major fun with this game!!! Or are you afraid of Darth Martok?
  3. The movie was great. I have NO complaints. It was all I hoped for and more. Its SOOOO hard to make a movie where the expectations are so enormous. I think Hayden Christensen did an outstanding job of playing the young Darth Vader to be. The YODA part was ...well.... WOW...WOW... Did you all catch the part where it showed Anakins reflection as he left the Tusken Raider tent, right before he started chopping heads off? Look in the background. In his reflection it shows almost the HELMET of darth vader. I guess you notice that kind of stuff when you have seen the movie four times. Visit StarWars GALAXIES stratics for the countdown to episode 3!!! There is only just over a thousand more days to wait! Baltazar: You can put your Jedi Robe and lightsaber away for now, you have to wait until 2005 until you can dress up as Baltazar Kenobi!!!
  4. ACK! You are going to try to change the color of my PGoH purple cloak!!!! I have had the same cloak for three years now! What is that saying about old dogs and new tricks? ARGGGGGHHH You can't change my cloak!!!!!
  5. And if you have seen the movie, you can blame everything on him. ITS ALL JAR JAR'S FAULT!
  6. Saw it earlier today (boss let me leave work early!) If there are any StarWars fans out there, I must say, this is by far the BEST of the series. The lightsaber duels and the storyline are second to none! I am still hoping JarJar gets killed off, I guess I'll have to hope for the next one! GO SEE IT!
  7. Martok


    Hahaha. Happy Birthday Liz!
  8. Wow! Never seen one of those before!!
  9. I have Bridge Commander. Love the game, but was too darn short. I guess spending a week of free time on the game day and night makes it easy to complete the game.
  10. You can include me in that as well!!!!
  11. Martok

    New to PGoH

    Welcome to the Empire brother! You may look me up and I will help any way possible. pigeon coordinates-75691389
  12. You can always count on your friendly Ancient Warlock Martok!!! I feel sorry for the new Knights of the Warlock cohort! Liz can be a most brutal teacher!!! I am not real sure who is currently a warlock, for my list is VERY outdated. I look forward to seeing what you can put together for the GREATEST and most POWERFUL cohort of the LEGION!
  13. Good deal! I will most certainly be playing!
  14. Martok


    How could I ever forget my many battles upon the bank of Trinsic with you! (How could I forget all the deaths!) Its good to hear from you again!!
  15. Martok


    Greetings friend! I welcome you to the largest BROTHERHOOD you will find anywhere! Martok
  16. Martok


    Dunno. I don't picture Martok wearing such a thing. How hard it would be to get the SMELL from the hide!!! egads!!! But perhaps a lightweight DRAKE armor suit would be nice!~!!
  17. Martok


    North of Trinsic in Trammel. It is located near the Castle Vendors establishment. It is just a bit to the south of the swamp on the coast
  18. Glad to have you back Prom! One thing to remember, the friendships you have forged in PGoH are made of tempered steel. You will always have friends among us, even if we venture to other lands and games.
  19. I am getting pretty sick of DAoC myself. I been playing more and more UO as of late. Today was the straw that broke..... Its pretty sad when I can't even kill a yellow albion healer ONE on ONE! And they say the game is balanced? blah You'll find me in UO.
  20. Several oil lamps illuminated the roadways of the city. Martok continued his path down the road, slowly trotting down the roadways upon his white steed. It had been many years since he had last been to Britain, and he had forgotten much of the city, including the roadways. Several petty thieves lurked within the shadows of the buildings, looking for a passer-bye to prey upon. They eyed Martok carefully, as if weighing their risks in their heads. By his well-dressed appearance, he looked the part of some nobleman of a far away aristocracy. Ebony leather armor inlaid with silver runes covered his body. Freshly polished black boots with silver buckles covered his feet. Even the royal purple cloak that hung around his neck was clasped together with a silver braided chain. He was obviously a man of some wealth, and the thieves were the first to notice. No one traveled this section of Britain alone at night, and rarely did they travel it during the day. It was rare to see someone wandering down these streets, let alone an apparent nobleman. The thieves concluded that the man was either crazy, or extremely powerful; either way a gamble too great no matter what treasures the man had hidden within his undoubtedly deep pockets. They watched him pass unmolested down the street into the darkness. Martok cursed as he continued to travel throughout the city, continuing to turn down each crossroads he came across. His memory must be failing him, for he did not remember the Brown section of town being so large. The Brown section of Britain was one of those untold stories of the cities history, the part of the city where the extremely poor went to live. Its small huts and tents housed exuberant amounts of people, all nearly starving. It was largely ignored by the general populace, and was never talked about. Martok continued down the dimly lit street, in search of the familiar inn near the economic heart of Britain. He had important business to attend to in the morning, and had traveled far. He was weary and wished for a refreshing glass of wine and a good eve’s bed rest. His mind continued to turn the events over of the recent days. His long mission was ended, he had been summoned. How long had he been gone? Months? Years? He was not certain, for time held no meaning where he was sent to by the Pater Imperium, but that is another story. The man that became a god was once again a man. Borg had returned from the heavens and once again sat within the halls of Olympus castle. How strange that word sounded to him, Olympus. It had been too long since he had stepped foot into that great castle of HONOR. A smile crossed his face as he thought of returning there once his business had been completed in Britain. Martok was quickly pulled away from his thoughts as he came across a man standing in the center of the roadway. The man appeared young, his muscles clearly defined through his chain armor. He gripped the broadsword at his side as if he had plans of using it. “Good eve to you sir!” shouted Martok with a large smile. “Tis a good thing I came upon another! I feared I would be traveling these roads until the morning! Perhaps you would be so kind as to give me some directions sir?” The armored man did not speak at first, but eyed Martok suspiciously as he gripped his broadsword. “Directions you ask? Perhapst I could help, for a fee.” Martok frowned at the man’s response. How dreadful had this city become? Asking a stranger for coins in exchange for directions, how deplorable! “Thank ye anyways my good sir,” replied Martok coolly although under great agitation, “But I shall be about my way. I shall find my destination and arrive with a full purse.” Martok pulled the reigns in on his horse and attempted to walk his steed around the man. With an evil grin the man stepped in front of his path, sword drawn. “Speaking of yer purse, old man, I shall be taking it,” the ruffian sneered. “I wouldst suggest you be giving it up quick like and I may let ye leave with yer life!” With lightning quick reflexes, the man waved his sword in the air, causing the steed to jump in a fright, tossing Martok to the ground. As he lifted himself from the ground, Martok noticed he was looking upwards to the end of the broadsword pointed at his head. The man held out his hand in expectation of getting Martok’s purse of gold. Without fear or apprehension, Martok placed his hand around the blade of the sword and pulled it from his head, and raised himself to a full stance. The ruffian swung his sword, aimed at Martok’s side, and struck. To his surprise, no blood came from his strike, for it did not even appear to scratch the leather armor! Martok extended his hands out to his sides, and appeared to grow many times his size, fire blazing from his eyes and sparks of lightning appearing at his fingertips. His voice shook the crumbling buildings around him, and caused the ruffian to fall to his knees, covering his ears. “Do not meddle with in which you do not understand young one!” he voice boomed. “I am the wielder of a power you could not begin to grasp!” he shouted as some bricks from the nearby building crumbled to the ground. The ruffian shivered in spasms of fear, looking down towards the ground in a dreadful fright. As the fire in his eyes receded, Martok returned to a normal appearance and stature, and ordered the ruffian to his feet. Still shaking with fear, Martok questioned him as to the way to the economic district. The ruffian’s words were too incoherent with his stuttering, Martok had to threaten to transform him into a slug and throw him into a barrel of salt before the man made any sense. The man informed Martok that they were standing in the middle of what used to be called the old economic district, but had not been called that in many years. The man explained that they were only a few blocks from the great Bank of Britain, which was now hidden among the crumbling buildings and lean-to tents. When Martok had finished questioning the man, he waved him away. The ruffian sprinted down a dark corridor in a frightened daze. Returning to his mount, Martok turned down the alleyway and indeed, there stood the Bank of Britain. The once polished onyx marble was now filthy and crumbling, as was most of the buildings surrounding it. With a great sigh, Martok continued down the road to where the inn used to be. Indeed, the inn was still there, although somewhat in disrepair. Having no trouble getting a room at the inn, for he was its only occupant according to the innkeeper, Martok retired to his room as he gave instructions for his mount to be stabled. Laying down upon the mildewed bed of straw, the thoughts of what tomorrow would bring filled his mind. His mission was of urgency, the Pater Imper…..the Emperor, made that clear. He had much to do in a very short time. There were so many of them to find, so many Ancients to call back to duty. “Twas no wonder,” he thought to himself as he blew out the candle upon the mantle, “ that they had been called back. If the sight of Britain is any sign of the situation of the realm, we are none too soon. Perhaps the morning will bring spring to a winter that has lasted ages. We have much work to do.”
  21. I am so far out of whats going on. Its like my first day in UO again. Too much to learn!!!! One of these days I'll spend a few hours reading Stratics for all the new goodys!
  22. Long time no see Gorion. Aye, hope to see you in Shadowbane, or with the ECLIPSE in Horizons. Take care
  23. Tis such a good thing to hear from our good friends of the Guardians of Light! It lightens my heart to hear words from ye Seven! Once again the color of purple will be across the lands as a flock of field crows flying, black across the sun!
  24. You can count me in. Damar will be there (Empire of course) Is there any who dare challenge me?
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