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Hothgorn TheBlack

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Everything posted by Hothgorn TheBlack

  1. DOH! Yeah, i was online for awhile yesterday, attempting to be oblivious. Just give me a guild invite that'll take care of it. Invites don't go away. Heh. My main is almost lvl 10, i'm mostly running around attempting to get all the bits for new bits of armor. I find something wrong that a lump of coal costs 10 wood planks and 200 gold. Other than that, i'll see ya on tonight maybe? I look foward to getting smeared across the pretty landscape with you all . As of late i've been hunting charr only, i have this pretty hammer that does +25 damage to them....It's so nice to bonk them for 106 points!
  2. So, my highest character is lvl 8..... i know i know, i'm a slacker.....but i like exploring so there. About ready to go "post searing". I think i'm ready. I have my backpack full of dye, belt pouches, and about 70+ iron ingots. See ya in the burn!
  3. names so far: Fimbul Winter -Warrior lvl 7 Hothgorn The Black - Ranger Tomb Ivy - Necromancer/Ranger
  4. Yup, no monthly fee. Updates are free (lest expansions). Expected races will be added in expansions. The best description i've heard so far is like Diablo in many ways (makes sense, considering it's been made by the core x employees from blizzard north) No permanent penalties for death, can hire Npc's to add to your group. Pretty. a good source of info is: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/ anywho, let me know. I'll pick it up tonight methinks -bj
  5. um....taking a gander at Guild Wars, might give it a go.
  6. i don't know, so far it's stuff that's happend after the 3rd movie...The exuse being just because there is a truce doesn't mean that we've stopped fighting. so far i've beaten up many of rogue programs and gang members, i have managed to build squat, Though it does have a nice way to make you dress cool. *shrug I am probably going to skip this one, i'm sure there is more to it, but I really haven't had much interest in games right now. have fun -Hothgorn (aka Mercurian)
  7. Anyone else in other than me this weekend?
  8. File planet has a massive download, and one has to get a code from fileplanet to play. It's a stress test for matrix online, and will be done march 12th through whatever...hehe -cheers -bj
  9. yup. in fact that is usually the biggest selling point of the series. Age of empires 2 is still selling in places, for the multi player element
  10. So, I'm sure many of you have played and heard about the new Age of cra....er...Empires 3. Who's going to disappear when this one comes out? http://www.ensemblestudios.com/
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHA! *Switches to old man mode Heh? Back when weeee started we didn't have no fangled commands! We had text! and often wusn't colored too! If ya miss sumfin, ya missed it! No scrolling back, nothin!......Youuu yunguns have it so easy! *Switches back to er....normal? Heh, funny, though, i have have seen the Ctrl+alt+delete in real life Scary. -Bj
  12. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Poor giggles my ***. A perfect ending to a disastrous holiday.
  13. I posted this last year, but here it is again: http://www.meish.org/vd/ -cheers -hoth
  14. Your EVIL Test Results (Score: 63 out of 200) 31.5% Somewhat Evil You've managed to achieve some evil in your life, though you probably feel that it isn't enough. Your soul (assuming you haven't sold it yet) searches for answers and meaning. You constantly worry about not being able to find the next step on the ladder of evil, and you remain fearful that your evil streak could end at any time if you don't soon find ways of being more evil, more cruel, and more destructive. Worry not, for we are here to help. Just follow the Evil-People link down at the bottom of this page. -hoth
  15. hm...choices choices...... you got Evercrack 2 or World of Warcrack.... nah...I'll stick with City of Crack..... pick your poison.
  16. I managed to get about 30 seconds into it before getting really annoyed. Jeez girl, dump him already. We true geeks have much better games than CS....like CoH!....er.....wait.....I'm such a spaz. -hoth
  17. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/footballdrugs.html This movie is on a site that has plenty of comedy content. This movie is one of my favorites. Be Warned...have your pop-up blocker on. I forgot once and got a few extra pages of advertisements for my trouble. Then again, the movie was worth it. The Site itself: www.ebaumsworld.com/ -Cheers Hothgorn TheBlack
  18. AH yes.....I was wondering if Foamy the squirrel was too racey to post on these forums.... If you like the Rant, he has many more flash cartoons At: http://WWW.Illwillpress.com -My favorite is on dating tips.... and if you liked these, you might like this webcomic also: http://www.taintedink.com/main.htm +fun little flash game with haunting music: http://www.theskeletonshop.com/ I want a foamy shirt......... -Hothgorn TheBlack (Foamy Card cult carrying member)
  19. Other Questions (sorry). Will the money cycle in at 60 minutes now compaired to 30 minutes before? And will those who have money stored in the bank have to start over, Ie: starts at 0 balance? And how is the overall rankings established? Thanks bal.
  20. Nice job Bal. A lot more stream lined. What are spys? What are Sentries? When's the store coming back up? - Hothgorn
  21. How's this for cutting edge: http://www.popsci.com/popsci/science/artic...,676853,00.html -Hothgorn TheBlack
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