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Posts posted by Wolf

  1. Chad, talk to me. I'm going down to the CES convention in vegas in January (that's the end all and be all electronics show) not open to the public. I have a colleague that I am branching out into the electronics business with. So let me know what you specifically want as far as capability and I can hook you up


  2. I didn't get a chance to patch yesterday and am having a heck of a time at the moment. The blizzard background downloader wouldn't go so it left me at version 1.2 so I had to downoad the whole thing from a mirror site, which is just now completing then it has to actually update. So hopefully, if all goes well I'll be able to make it

  3. On top, I'd like to add something for certain helpful pots/flasks in terms of who can make them

    For example: Grawuulf can make: Flask of the Titans (which I can in fact make) So to assist the raid tanks with taking a bigger wallop, I can make, just regeants and a quick lab run would be required to that affect

  4. Likely as time and dungeons permit :paladin: . I am kicking around a non-dungeon film idea as well at the moment

    Any chance of gettin this on Google or Youtube? every time i try to DL it is freezes up with bout a min left. :paladin:

    I can post it on youtube. Will do so from home for you. It's within their size restriction

  5. I want to make sure I understand this. So there are existing CS raids that have had the same raiders pretty much attend since inception, that get filled by those same people week in and week out, however, there is a list that when regulars cannot attend , get filled with those on the waiting list. Am I understanding the request correctly that those raiders be shelved to allow for new raiders to attend?

    Perhaps it would make more sense to create a raid for TSF and all its members and seek out those that would like to assist in filling that raid from the alliance so that each and every TSF member would be able to attend, no?

    Our raid sign up sheet does not mean that everyone that signs up gets into the raid, with priority absolutely being given internally and to those that have been attending from the beginning. It only makes sense for that to be the case as any leader of anything looks to its own people first.

    Now that being said, most CS have several high level alts that would likely welcome alternate raid options to help TSF fill out their own raid so that they can participate in end game content.

    Please don't treat the raids as a reason to ######, but rather as an opportunity to work it from the other side and establish TSF raids and use the alliance to help fill your raids and lend useful experience as opposed to ranting or venting. That seems to me to be a more logical approach, yes?

  6. Congrats Relikk. Wish I could help tonightm but like many others Hallow's Eve takes precedence with the little ones and they unfortunately feel that your Thunderfury does not hold a candle to the bags of loot they are anticipating >:0

  7. I'm not sure how the costuming stuff works, but I need the help of someone with the leper gnome costume (I don't know if it's random or not). Basically either tonight or tomorrow, I need to borrow someone with that costume on so I can get them to run a whole range of emotes for me so I can record it.

    Should take only about 10 minutes or so of your time.

    "I'll make ya famous" :D

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