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Mare Jade Sky

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Posts posted by Mare Jade Sky

  1. Here's how it goes:

    I'll start off the game with a word, and you post the word that my word makes you think of. For those who need examples:

    Person 1: yellow

    Person 2: bumble bee

    Person 3: sting

    Person 4: paper cut

    Get it? Okay well.. First word is:


  2. i would to hold a b-day party for nimue my tamer/fencer on june 24 i have not come up with a time and no it not my real b-day just wwant to giveme char a b-day and help with me roleplaying some it will be at my new house that i got yes it in fel but it in bear pont not of the red that live there are my friend and will not bother PGoH members if you like to come let me on the bords or my icq thanks

    mare jade

  3. i did send icq to the one that were on or that said were on but only one relpaid and told me oh well , but i do know that this char that kill me was a sleath archer and his or her name did started with arth something but like you said i could or spelled it wrong but when this person is found i think he or she should retrun the gold taken from me

    oh ya i have started to relplace some of my thing lossed i only have so far the birt libery tail of bird slaying and a very bad luck sute but i am working on it

  4. IV . Interaction with " enemies " may often result in combat. Be mindful that not all encounters must go this route, and that certain guilds will often opt for something other than straight combat. There may be taunts, jests and the like. Highlighting is to enhance game play, not to provide an excuse for mindless battle. Make sure there is reason behind your actions either through what the guild leaders have stated or as a result of your true play of roles with your character. Some may wish to take hostages or have a tribute paid for safe passage. Just be mindful of alternatives to combat and that these actions can be just as rich and rewarding as battle.

    V . When engaging the enemy, many guilds will offer or warn in some manner that they are about to attack. Don ' t be blind to such warnings. As members of PGoH, you are expected to do this yourself, 'tis the honorable thing to do, but not all guilds will do so. It will take a small effort on your part to learn how certain guilds engage. Orcs are different than Pirates; Pirates are different from Undead; Undead are different from . . . well, you get it. If you are unsure of someone ' s intent, then use extreme caution. Some examples of what PGoH members might say in a challenge of battle include, but are not restricted to:

    i . " Prepare yourself for battle. "

    ii . " You are trespassing upon our territory. State your intention or face the sword. "

    iii . " I don ' t quite care for people like you. You had best remove yourself from my sight before I must take action. "

    VI . If you trespass upon another guild ' s lands and they are " enemies " , expect that you will be attacked on sight. While PGoH will issue challenges to anything other than what resembles a war party, other guilds, such as the Orc Clans, are very territorial. This means if you step on their lands expect aggression, though if you are quick and offer tribute you might be granted a moment to speak . . . or to flee.

    VII . Should you slay your opponent in combat you must adhere to the following:

    i . Do Not Loot!!!

    ii . When it is safe to do so, resurrect them.

    VIII . Death of yourself should be treated in the following manner. There are absolutely no exceptions to this.

    i . Should you die, wait for resurrection from a fellow guild member or should the situation dictate, your attackers.

    ii . Upon resurrection you are to remain in a death robe for 30 minutes. You are not to block or interfere with any events going on until that 30 minute period has passed. Do not hold any weapon or spell book (except to heal yourself or remove yourself from the scene, then remove it). Note, if you leave the scene you must still wear your death robe. You are still the " walking dead " for that 30 minute period.

    iii . Should you have reason to dispute the action taken against you, remove yourself.

    (but lasted nite i was kill in luna on my way to the moongate. i was not told that i was in a fight. and i was not even ask. there was no guild tag so i dont know what guild he or she was in but i do remember the name. but the worsted this about all of this is that he or she was REZ KILLING me till i losted everything that i owend on my chiv tamer be cuz i ran out of gold on her. i just want to posted this to let you know to look out for a char name Arthr.)

  5. one of my friend is trying to sell his house so i said i would help and see if any of my guild mate want to have a look see

    his name is Dark Knight aka Shadow

    he is selling a 18 by 18 fel house

    in bearpont it is out side minco

    down by the road

    if you like to see it icq him at 338985871 of if you have a rune to my tower it just north of that

    (and yes it fel and yes there are red in bearpont but most of them will not hurt you they are my friend too)

  6. I am looking for all kinds of unwant BODs Large Small it dose not matter i am just trying to finsh getting jallyn to 120 black smith. if anyone can help that would be wonderful, but i dont have a lot of gold to pay for them so if we could up with a deal

  7. Well the Good new is i think i am moving bk to New Orleans Now the Bad new I maybe going to become a mama but i wont know till my blood work come bk or if ballyn (aka my dad) kills me frist

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