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Everything posted by Bludbeerd

  1. Sabrianica, I am actually in the planning phases of setting up a new weekday MC raid myself (under the Argent Covenant banner), and I'd like to discuss this with you if you have some time this evening or in the near future. As the Crushers grow, certainly you are looking to give your own members a chance to attend your raids. I feel priveledged that I'm still included on the wednesday raid night, despite my inability to attend the friday raid night, and the fact that there are now 5 crushers rogues attending in addition to myself. My thoughts are for a weekday raid, though starting a bit later (maybe an hour) than the current crusher raid does (I figure we're not all east coast...). My main target audience is to be the many Argent Covenant members that would like to attend such a raid, but aren't in guilds big enough to handle it on their own, though certainly I was hoping to pick up any Skullcrusher and BMC overflow that might come my way.
  2. He'll be waiting outside the door.
  3. Perhaps I can be of assistance, Maube...I have an alt, Zhandar, that I've been bringing up through the ranks. He's a disc/holy priest, and I should be able to get the remaining 10% of my XP bar prior to tonights run (all rested, SOOO close to 60). He's got decent gear for a newly minted 60, though fire resist is pretty lacking (I only have about 25-30 so far). Let me know if you want to have him along instead of Bludbeerd.
  4. Well, I've greatly enjoyed running Onyxia, Molten Core, and countless group instances with the lot of you, so I'd like to offer the same in return. I'd like te invite each of you to a Sons of Draenor hosted RP Raid in Felwood this Saturday (May 13). Full details of the raid are posted here. If any of you would like to attend, please let me know here, on the AC forums, or on the SoD site, so I know to expect you. You are all most certainly welcome to join us.
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