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Posts posted by Trademaster

  1. I'm savin' 'em up for ya pretty deddie, I just dun wanna pay postage for each one I acquire, and it looks like I'm gonna be fishing for quite some time on those yellowtail.

    last night:

    2 thick leather

    (dinna go fishing in my yellowtail fishing hole but rather another favorite spot, Also nabbed an exceptional 'lock robe for myself +23 shadow damage req lvl 33 (dats good ya?))

  2. Hmm definately gonna have to get my login started as I leave work. Don't let enybuddy know I'm gonna gib sumbuddy my password. I dunno wanna get in trouble.

  3. Me donated :

    1 lean wolf steaks

    2 peacebloom

    5 spotted yellowtail

    Me iz gunna go fish up some more yellowtail hopefully 200 fishez a night to hand in. I will save up my badges for dis week.

    It's filling me up with da glossy mightfish rockscale cod, squid, Stonefish eel, and sum o da pearls all da colors. Duz enybuddy want eny ov dese? (I cannot cook up the squid, I'm too low a level to do the artisan cook (or fisherman) quest).

  4. Copper Bars min (1??) mining

    Tin Bars min (65) mining

    Mithril Bars min (175) mining

    Peacebloom min( 1) herbalism

    Firebloom min (205) herbalism

    Purple Lotus min (210) herbalism

    Heavy Leather min (150) leatherworking

    Thick Leather min (200) leatherworking

    Rugged Leather min (250) leatherworking

    Wool Bandages min (80) first aid

    Mageweave Bandages min (210) first aid

    Runecloth Bandages min (260) first aid

    Lean Wolf Steak min (125) cooking

    Spotted Yellowtail min (225) cooking

    Baked Salmon min (275) cooking

    Thats the list of goodies.

  5. I have already given 4 stacks o peacebloom

    I just got my first stack of wool bandages,

    and I am working on collecting enough wolf meat to cook up.

    If anyone has wolf meat that needs cooking, You can send it over to Tangalthor, and I'll send it back once cooked. I should have the yellowtail recipe mastered by the end of the weekend so I can take care of those as well.

    Lets kick some butt on the war effort materials.

  6. If sumbuddy can guide me to the forbidding sea in the Hinterlands, I will happily fish up spotted yellowtail nonstop (40% catch rate there) I am going to try to get the recipe for the lean wolf steaks and work that angle cooking to get me up to maybe cooking up the yellowtail.

    The yellowtail recipe comes from Gikixx in Tanaris an me is tu liddle to go dere to buy it.


  7. Me clompz all da spiderz me seez, but me nub get but 2 silks so far. Iz dere spiderz dat drop dem bedder? Me gruk where derez dem onez dat be ((25ish)) but me nub gruk were da bigga onez iz.

  8. The Zboard is a regualr keyboard types like any other, but also has presets. It's a nice idea, but having seen one up close and personal like (for EQ) I'm a little leery as to the sturdyness of the board. Baiscally, its a blank keyboard base with interchangable keypads. it just feels fragile to me. And I know I can be fairly abusive to my keyboards.

  9. Tangalthor

    Fishing roughly 188ish (I think)

    Tailor 145

    Cooking 145

    Herbalist 201

    I've been fishing up the oily blackmouths and the firefin snappers in zoram gar, and of course the deviants out of the WC area, (I can make da deviant delight which has a chance of turning you into a pirate or a ninja if you would like some)

    Just send me a message and I'll prolly be able to fulfill any orders you may have.

  10. So dere I wuz just fishun, catchin de deviant fishez fer da majuk foodz. And den wut do me heer but de call from Luthiann fer to clomp dem boars an lern dem to stay owt o da Barrens. So me put me pole away and stomp ober to de bank in de ratchet, me heer dat deres' dis guy dere dat gruks dis trick to get de blue tubers which iz hard ta get an stuff. Sumetin wit a gopher an a stick, me gruk bedder dan to ask tu much. After da blah wit da gobbie Me got me stick an me gopherz and me stomp to da big cave where dem boars iz an find Luthiann. Me find dem and dey already hab de boars on de run.

    Deres a deddie klomp'r leadin uz trough de caves and leadin da clompin. Dere wuz only un time weh me took da liddle dirt nap, but Luthiann uz de maguk an me wayke ub. Den we been deep in da cave and the boars dey be hidin in de corners an den before uz cud gruk, deres tehn o da bars all clompin on uz. We wuz clompin back doh, and by de end, all da boars wuz flat. Uz look and we iz glad dere be none uv uz be sleebin. Den we stomp farder in an den we see dese batz and we clomp dem.

    An den, we find dis liddle gobbie dere an he been a prisoner for milliun evers. But he askz uz to help him find da way owt. Well uz talk abowt it and decide dat even doh he be but a gobbie dat he been nice and uz cud helb himz leab. He gruk dis secret way outta da cave so uz go wit himz an we clomp lotz o da boars. Big boars, and deddie boars and eberyting. Den uz get to da spot where uz got to climb da brambels. An den dat liddle gobbie he gib me dis ring, dat makez me smartz. Gud ting tu 'cause me fergot to get da tubers.

    So den, I tayk owt da crayt wit da gopherz and da stick and I wiggle da stick ober to gopher and he go tu find da tubers. Me glad dat dere's nubin else mez gotta du wit da gopher. But me findz da tuberz an den me runz back to da liddle gobbie dat wanted dem, and he gib me dis bag o gemz. I got dis maguk wand ting dat trows da spellz gud and den me got dis box tu. Me trow da box on da ground hard but da box dunt break. Me iz not stong enuf tu opn dat, but me will findz sumebuddy to break dat open fer me soon.

    Me wantz to tank Luthiann fer askun me to helb, and de udders (yuu gruk yuuz) dat helb me tu find da cave.

    Dabu Latz, me reddy fer more cave clompin, just blah an me be dere.

  11. I saw 487 deep when I tried logging on. I went and did laundry, cooked dinner and started watching Serenity. My inital opinion of the film was that it was not doing justice to the characterizations portrayed in the TV series. Once watching the film in its entirity, I prefer the TV series. For whatever reasons, some of the mains got axed, and well much as I like the concept of that bit of reality hitting home, I'm not going to the movies for reality, I prefer the "good guys" to survive. At least the brought Morena Baccarin back to the ship.

  12. Me didunt gruk dere was sumbuddy collectin' stuffs like dis. I hab lotz o stuffs I would be happy to gib to Amule if dat person is on sum time. I hab malachite, tigerseye, shadowgemz, herbs, dat I cud add to the pile o' lootz.

    Me (Tangalthor) iz collectin lots o stuffs like dis cause a da pretty green letters.

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