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Posts posted by Trademaster

  1. Dem Curshaz iz da best. Me beed all ober the da place me seed lotz uv clans, and da best by far is dese heer Crushaz. Dey is helpful, friendly, talkitive, and oberall just great latz. Enyting you wanna du dese latz kin help. and more impotently dey is willin ta help. :yahoo::)

  2. For my gaming dollar, I have become much more selective, and bargain orientated. For example, i love the Civ title, but I will wait until next year when I can pick up Civ IV platinum withh all the expansions and such for $20.00. I wound up paying $80.00 for civ 3 the original game for $40, adn the two expansions for $20.00 apiece. And that to me is too much for the complete title.

    Other game purchases over the past year, Dawn of War (and the expansion) a phenomenal title, and well worth the price. EQ2, picked up and dropped fairly quickly.

    Beyond that you're looking at console titles, ps1 ps2 and gamecube. And not very many of those either. I'm just not seeing much new and innovative being released right now, so there's no reason to pick up new titles.

    heck I wouldn't be WoWing if it weren't for Nazragon (missing slacker punk!)

  3. Well, save for Sunday, I haven't done much in game except fish. Lemme tell ya, I'm a bit tired of fishing. great money, boring as hell. I don't think I've even bothered to log in since Monday morning. Gotta take a break. Gotta watch Wedding Crashers, need pointers. I have two weddings to attend which I am not presently invited to.

    Oh yeah:

    12 yellowtail

    3 peacebloom

    2 wool

    1 copper

  4. Hit up Lushwater Oasis. You'll be able to snag the deviate fish, which you can sometmes sell for a few coin to help make your time orthwhile. 110-120 hit zoram gar, I skilled up there to about 188 catching a few oilys and a bunch of firefins. There's a glut of firefins on the market at the moment due to the war effort, but that should go away in a bit. At 188 I stumbled into Shadowspray. Shapdowspray is nice if you hit the swirly pools, as you'll fing firefins, or oilys and sometimes the swirly of wreckage. Wreckage is 'da bomb. You can snag some iron boxes (unlocked) and they can sometimes c9ontain some very tasty goodies. I'm wearing a robe from one of those boxes (nice stats and +23 shadow dmg) and I've given away/sold some toys even tastier. I gave someone a sword I picked outta the wreckage that I could have vendored for over a gold, so it's a decent place for some coin in addition to the skillups.

    I worked shadowspray to about 207 (shoulda stayed to 225) and then I suicided myself to the eastern coast of the hinterlands, where I am presently pulling in the yellowtails 225 cap, but I need to use a bauble to catch with any regularity. however, I'm also pulling stonescale eels and firefins(hence the glut of firefins on the market) And the random boxes you catch there, they're locked. a real pain in the ass. (I believe I need to quest for both cooking and fishing once I hit 40 to raise my cap to 300)

  5. I don' think we have to be at 60 in order to give back to the community though. Right now, I'm semi stagnated, fishing a lot of the time, and not adventuring much, partly to trhow as much as possible toward the war effort, but also because I don't see many of us on in the low 30's. It'd be great to be able to crusherize on the journey up and maybe show some of the up and coming people what we are about. I think the crushers can be a very positive force on AD, without being an "uberguild".

  6. Mark me down for another

    5 yellowtail

    4 wool

    1 peacebloom

    Of course once the yellowtail are done, I'll have to find new things to do/ 134 horde insignia in my bags at the moment, this is gonna eat up a lot of space. at only 100 per stack. :D

    Oh and just so nubuddy gets upset me n' Tuuroh iz just havin fun.

  7. We are solidly in 12th place now, roughly 30,000 pieces between our competition, and the alliance has us beat in percentage. Yeah so there's more of them, yeah so there's quite a few gold farmers over alliance side, prolly used their resources to speed along the alliance turn in. We're the Horde! We are superior! We have always done more with less, and now we are going to lets a bunch of panty waist alliance folks beat us? Lets take a small step back from the batlegrounds for a day, hunt up some war materials, turn 'em in, lets get out there and kick some alliance ass! We have alrady proven we can take 'em in the battlegrounds, now lets take em in gearing up for war!

  8. Coming from EQ and SWG, WoW is LOADED with content! SOE's "content" for EQ used to be a 1 night event for halloween (see Wickerman) 1 day of a devo hitting zones and giving away little things to some of the players (Winter Veil) There's a carnival outside of ThunderBluff (nothing to match) and the new expansion has some collection, raid type events to open it up, rather than the "you pays your $30.00 you gets the new crap" experience at SOE.

    I love the content that I have been able to experience so far, and yeah, beats the heck out of SOE products.

    L:ive events owuld be nice, but awfully hard to pull off on an even semi regular basis. And what if you miss the event, do they gotta do it again later? You know, The storming of Ogrimmer now playing at 2, 5 7 and 10. get your seats early we expect this one to be sold out.

  9. Perhaps a weekend of gethering is in order for the crushers. could you imagine what a group of 5 of us could do in wiping out wool supplieres?

    (killin dogs, I wind up running out of them just hunting by myself. Although i hear that the Alphas may have better drop rates for the meat ther?)

    Herbalism is teh suck dude. I pick peacebloom every time I leave Ogrimmer, its a newbie herb, and takes nothing to harvest but the zones it spawns are so far below my level it is painful to have to wander around in them to gather. (fishing is more entertaining) Purple Lotus I have found 2 spawns total in my travels (210 minimum) and Firebloom, I have never seen.

  10. I got a (relatively) good drop rate on spidersilk in the lands just south of South Shore. Can't remember the name, but I recall a really big horking wall in my way as I headed south, and after climbing over the beast, I found spiders, lost of sriders, (and raptors) and managed roughly 1 silk every three kills.

    On the way back north, I found that there was no need to climb Over the wall but just walk through the handy dandy open arched doorway. I'm learnin, really I am.

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