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Posts posted by Maube

  1. Well thats final, I am taking next Sunday off ::grins::

    Muhahaha I managed to get it of just on the context that the Monday I am coming in for a 12 hour shift in which we take three of our residents to New York for the Christmas Spectacular (and they arent the difficult residents so it is gunna be fun!)

    =) So yay! I will be there!

  2. Maube immersed herself in the tomes of magic, her mind hungering for the knowledge held within. No matter what her father had told her while living, she was no longer under his yoke. The young mage was even able, how she did not know, to avoid the Lich King's dominance.

    Quill dipped in ink and parchment, Maube began to scribe the words from the tome before her. memorization was always best done with multiple means and these were powerful spells.

    A lock of hair fell before her eyes and the mage pushed it back with an irritated sigh.

    "Would be so much bettah if I just chopped it all off." Maube sighed and put aside the parchment and tome. standing she groaned as her bones creaked, ironic that she was studying fire spells while the cold seeped in around the cottage.

    "Well if you do that, it wont be growin back you know!" Another Forsaken lounged in the doorway, grinning crookedly.

    Maube smiled, her tutor had returned from his errands.

    Funny; she thought, Before all this happened to me... I would have been disgusted with the thought of the Undead... and now as I am one of them... I can see the beauty in the spell, albeit overcome with the evil of the creator

    "Jus finishin up the copyin yah set mah hand to Sir!" Maube grinned as she reached for a headband to push her hair back out of her face, he did have a point after all.

    "Didja now Lass?" He strode over to investigate the work. "Well then, I have a task for ye, I need you to head to the Barrens and talk to my associate, he has an Apocatherapy stand in the Crossroads. Mayhaps you can find more work there."

    Maube grinned broadly, excited at the idea of an adventure. "All the way across the sea?! That means I get tah travel on that Goblin Airship!"

    Practically jumping with glee, Maube began to grab the components she needed for her spells. "I'll leave right now sir!"

    The Adept chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Twon't be easy Lass, there are All matter of creatures out there... not to mention the Orcs, Trolls and Tauren. They may not take well to one of our kind among them."

    Maube shrugged, nothing would keep her from enjoying this journey. "Well then Sir, I shall make sure to show them mah best side!"

    He nodded, "Indeed, ye will do us proud yet Lass. Now get goin, the Goblins dont wait for any man, living or dead. better catch that ship."

    Maube impulsively hugged the man with whom she had been studying with, then ran out of the cottage and headed towards the Undercity's Zeppelien Tower.

  3. The strong feeling of magic is what brought Maube from her tomes, always eager to learn more and discover whatever powers that could only be touched and felt by the ones gifted with the otherworldly power. Slipping free from the desk that had trapped her she stepped out into the clear night, her pupiless gaze sweeping across the field to where the unmistakable glimmer of magic awaited her... cautiously she approached, not wanting to ruin the concentration of the caster, she lingers outside the fringes, watching and waiting for her chance to move among the ritual.

  4. I still be tryin to think of a column for Maube that is fitting, Mehbe I will go with my first inclination and do a fashion column, taking screenshots of people in awesome and awful outfits ::grins::

    Well anyway... I was looking at the Skullcrushin times website... and well.. I dont read latin all that well ::laughs:: Takes me too long =) So I was wonderin if it was just some quirk with me... considering I have gotten little sleep lately... or what hehe >:L

  5. A fun time was had... Sheeping is fun... not to mention watchingthe hapless slaughter of rabbits...

    Anyway, I still would like to get the blue staff from one of the bosses... so if you ever wanna tackle it again, I am your mage!

  6. ::tacks up a poster upon the bulletin board::

    Crushers! Looking for assistance in cleansing the Scarlet Monestary from enemies of the horde! They have taken a Mage book of great power that needs to be retrieved! If interested, please contact Maube!

    Thank you in advance.

    ::grins and heads into the inn to refresh herself with some strong spirts.::

  7. The slim youth bowed her head as a bearded man lectured her. long silken strands of hair flowed down over her face as she hid her features from her father. This was a lecture that was becoming all too frequent. Her dabbling in magic was something her father frowned upon. Did not matter to him that the adept teaching her in secret thought she had a rare talent for the arcane.

    Her lessons had been contininuing in secret ever since her father banned her usage of magic. She was a strong willed young woman who did not see marriage to the blacksmith's son as something positive for her future. The small hamlet they lived in was not the whole of the world and Maube intended to explore before she was forced to settle down. If she was born a boy child, her curiosity to the outside world would have been encouraged, but since she was female, it was expected of her to marry her betrothed and settle down to raise hearth and home. Did not matter to her that she thought the blacksmith's son to be an unkempt and piggish man.

    Startled, she looked up at the command her father gave her. His face was impassive as he motioned for her to turn around. Numbly, she turned and lifted the shift up to her shoulders, listening to her father as he removed his belt.

    "I will not have you meddling in that dangerous stuff! And if my commands won't have you listenin, meyhaps a beatin will!"

    A red haze filled Maube's vision as she bit her lip to keep from crying out. lectures had always happened after her father caught her practicing, but never a beating. Finally, one of the lashes from the belt knocked the breath out of her and she fell to her knees gasping for air. I HATE him. she thought, choking back a sob as another lash fell across her shoulders. I wish he was dead so I could do what I pleased!

    Little did she know... that her harsh and thoughtless words soon would come to fruition.


    The plague hit without warning. Half of her small town was soon consumed by the burning fever. Unnatural some whispered, a curse others muttered as anyone healthy was sent out into the once prosperous fields to dig graves. Maube was called for to help the hedgewitch. Even though she was prohibiited from using the arcane, she was taught some basic healing skills, and now those skills were being pushed to the extreme.

    The boy before her was only 5 or so, his fevered face glistening with sweat. Eyes rolled beneath the lids, testament to the nightmares raging within his uncoherant mind. Sores discolored the boy's skin and that is what Maube was tending to now. A slim piece of metal boiled in water and herbs was clutched in her fingers. Gently she dabbed at one pustule and laid a cloth beneath it. Grimacing beneath the cloth veil over her face she lanced the boil. A sickly greenish yellow pus oozed out to be absorbed by the cloth. fighting back her gorge, Maube bound the now open blister. The boy beneath her hands thrashing.

    With a sigh, Maube stood and exited the makeshift hospital. It was once the inn, but the innkeeper and his wife were the first to sucuumb to the strange sickness.

    Looking into the horizon, Maube was sickened by the dull glow of funeral pyres, What did we do to deserve this... she wondered. suddenly a feeling of weakness overcame her. Her vision went dark, the blood roaring in her ears and then she knew no more.


    A yawn and Maube moved to stretch. What a strange dream that was she thought as she struggled to move from the blankets around her. Startled she found she was bound tightly, completely restricting her movements. Opening her eyes she foudn even her face was encased in the cloth. Suddenly panicking she struggled trying to free herself from her bonds. Clawing at the fabric did little good, so a word was whispered in a hushed tone, summoning the spark from deep within her to call forth a small ball of fire, to burn her bindings away.

    Once she sat up, she stared with horror around her. Someone had placed her among the dead! Shivering she removed herself from the singed cloth, only to realize, her skin was covered in the same boils of the sickness. frowning she left the barn where the corpses remained, waiting to be burned. walking among the quiet streets Maube suddenly remembered the last report from the city... Dead walking the streets as living. Mindless servants to one who was now being called the Lich King. some said he was building an army, some said it was all fairy tales... Maube was unsure of what was happeneing to her.

    Suddenly a scream rent the air, running Maube made her way towards the sound, only to watch helpless as the baker's daughter, a slim willowy girl around 15 years of age was ripped to pieces by two shadowy figures. The figures began to consume the flesh torn from the now unmoving woman. In shock, Maube could not move, eyes wide in fear. She knew those men! They were the first to fall victim to the plague! The innkeeper Colby and the Stableboy Jeoff. Backing away slowly she gulped, the two zombies, for they could be anything but, turned vacant eyes on her and started moving towards, hands dripping in blood.

    Maube was paralyzed with fear, she had nowhere to run to. But the zombies walked past her, mindless of who she was... or rather, thinking she was one of them. For some reason, her will and mind remained her own although now, Maube was realizing she wasnt quite alive anymore.


    For days Maube wandered, but she needed no food nor water. Even sleep was not required. She made her way down the road towards Brill, surely someone there would be able to help her, surely this was just a sickness of her mind. she couldnt be dead, yet she was sure she was no longer alive. What sick joke was being played upon her. Was this still just a feverish nightmare?

    She avoided people, she avoided everything she could. But when she stumbled into Brill, her hopes were dashed. Corpses lay all around the streets, in various stages of decomposition, but more surprising were the shambling forms trying to clean up the obvious signs of death. there were others like her! Not mindless killing machines, people who looked to be dead, but moved like the living.

    And then, she saw the Adept who taught her magic in secret. He was rubbing the nose of what looked to be a skeletal horse. What magic was this? Slinking over to him she tapped him on the shoulder. A sickly green palour hung over the Adept Mage as he smiled, "Ahhh my pupil... you are one of us now... one of the Forsaken."

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