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Posts posted by Maube

  1. Awesome! >:L  These sort of things (events) are what really make a gaming world. 

    Seemed that any desert zone got a nice dose of bugs and ancient evil.  I recognized Shimmering flats, Desolace, and Tanaris. (not sure what the first forest area was, elven arctitecture)

    I think he had to turn down the graphics due to the WHOLE server being in one zone at once.  Im sure, my humble lil 'puter will have seizures when our time comes to see this event.

    True... didnt think of that... My GAMING computer still has seizures since 1.9 ::grumbles irritated::

    That forest place was Moonglade... as a Druid I spent a lot of time there

  2. The word on the street is AD will be getting server transfers soon.  This is just rumor though.  If worse comes to worse, maybe we should all mass migrate.

    Also, it will get better come the end of the month.  All those free 1 month subscriptions will be over and time for people to pay up.  Always happens around the beginning of Feb. (all you MMO vets already know this trend)

    Well when they are offered... Make sure we do a vote =p Of course the majority of my online friends are Crushers anywho...

  3. Nice Try Barack... but apparently the Warmonger has his title for other circumstances >:L

    Not even sure how I got the title

    And Not even sure why people will listen to me even if they have never run with us before

    All I know is when I throw an invite... the only time I get a no answer is if the player is AFK =p

    As much as I hate PuGs... it was nice the other night no throwing out directions...

    After Haq left the 40 bracket when I PvPed with Maube... everyone turned to Maube... now look what I started...

    Yhikes... I must smell or something =p :cool::rofl::rofl:

  4. Three Cheers for Volo! Hip Hip Horray!

    I am proud to say I chatted with him a good long time before I joined. Of course Id idnt realize I was chatting with his alt as well as Volo ::laughs:: Thought two people recruited me... turned out it was only Volo!

    The Crushers is the #1 reason why I retired Ischade my Druid.

    I have made some very good friends in the ranks! From the first Crusher I grouped with ::pokes Haq:: to those I have rerolled with Tazzy with... to those who still let dah Suicidal (but not as suicidal as Grym) mage get drunk and instance with yah =p

  5. wait on the Mooncloth bags =p I read somewhere that they are gunna only cost one mooncloth to make...

    ahh well who knows...

    just lemme know if you ever need baggies... Oh and those Bottomless bags seem awful expensive =p

  6. Why do hotdogs come ten in a package, yet hotdog buns come in packages of eight? 

    Why do we drive on a parkway, but park in the driveway?

    Discuss >:L

    Its a conspiracy from those hotdog manufacturers!

    heres one for you...

    If a turtle loses it's shell, is it naked or homeless?

  7. Hey Morghie... those silly Wildheart Boots dropped again :rofl:

    Yeah I did notice that in a Crusher run 'You use, no you take it, no you'

    Warms my undead heart it does!

    Like the other day when we were in Scholomance...

    I didnt get a single drop so when Gandling didnt drop my hat... nor the hat anyone else needed, along with a sword... Volo told me I got first pick. The warrior said he could use it but since he got a lot of loot that run, he wouldnt roll on it.

    I claimed the sword, but told the warrior to take it!

    In tells he was going 'omg thank you thank you'

    Why should I DE something for a shard when someoen in the party can actually USE the said item.

    Dont we all wisht here were more people like the Crushers outthere! To give generously as we do! ::grins::

  8. So much for my motivational speech.  Very well go about your business, forget anything is happening.  And complain that the makers of WoW don't do enough to keep people interested.

    Wow you two fight like liddle gurls!


    I have been farming EVERY day for turn ins. Wool is something i can get FAST so I do! =)

    Another 15 stacks today

  9. Wooooogah!

    A Great Time was had!

    Congratulations to dah Winnahs!

    Huato an his Kodo Zedd be winnin aginst Rhoachie... an he won dah grand Prize... a LIFESTONE! (Dabu Kodyak)

    Dah Regular mount race was close, but Tainish an his Dreadsteed Flamesnort won by a nose! His prize was a Medallion of Grand Marshall Morris! Ub course... it looked like Greenbull's Kodo pulled a tendon at the last leg ub dah race!

    Next came up dem Trabel Forms!

    It wuz a pack ub wolvies! But Depaa pulled out in frnt and BLASTED ahead ub dem udders! He won a Traveler's Backpack!

    And den the last race... a hard race... specially tah judge...

    So Dabu Huato fer bein dah Flashie Clicker Pickture Maker Person!

    At first... Xephist crossed dat finish line... but was later disqualified fer blinking! Bad Xephist! so we had tah wait until dah pickture was brought out fer study...

    An Dah judges ruled dhat Gaji was dah Winnah! Wit Walorin and Xiris close behin him! He won a Journeyman's Backpack a stack ub savory deviate delights an two free enchants!

    WOoooogah! Grats to yah winnahs and DABU fer yah losahs!

    An good news.. dere will be anudder Derby comin soon!

    Dhat nekkid Troll Rhoach sed he'd donate mur prizes... an next time it will be around dah BIG track! So get everyone toned up an readee!

    (( thank you all for coming =) I really appreciate it! And I will post the SSs soon! ))

  10. Me donated :

    1 lean wolf steaks

    2 peacebloom

    5 spotted yellowtail

    Me iz gunna go fish up some more yellowtail hopefully 200 fishez a night to hand in.  I will save up my badges for dis week.

    It's filling me up with da glossy mightfish rockscale cod, squid, Stonefish eel, and sum o da pearls all da colors.  Duz enybuddy want eny ov dese?  (I cannot cook up the squid, I'm too low a level to do the artisan cook (or fisherman) quest).

    If yah find any golden pearls... Maubey would LUB dem!

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