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Posts posted by Maube

  1. 1% on Moro! If we woulda had the time we woulda had that farting POS dead Happy Birthday!

    All in all guys - I am VERY happy with tnight - lets keep up the good work and hopefully see Vashj in the next couple of weeks!

  2. He is a mixed dog - Golden Retriever and the vet is thinking either Spitz or Pitbull. I can hear them laughing downstairs right now - apparently Gabe and Sebby are wrestling again. Oh and Seb can already jump the gate =p I only put it up when Gabe is either eating or when they are getting a tad too rough for my liking :laugh:

    When I took him to the vet the vet whistled at all the old scars under his fur - poor pup has been through a lot in only 4 months of life. But now he has a home and he is VERY loving and eager to please =)

  3. Very nice post Perthes thank you =)

    Healing was OUTSTANDING last night - DPS - we got a bit sloppy at the end and careless - there was a whole lotta stupid coming from the DPS =p And I am including myself in that - I came close to pulling aggro a few times after the split.

    First two bosses were a piece of cake - but remember if I dont get messages from enough people wanting loot off Hydross we will be skipping him to give us more time on the other bosses!

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read up on how to kill your inner demon - certain classes should NEVER be MCed due to the weaknesses of the demons - if you are unsure - try asking another member of the raid and/or folks of your class. I did see quite a few clothies die because of lack of heals - please call it out if you arent getting heals and are getting chewed on - I know the demon hits me for 2-4k a hit and well I only have 9k hps buffed =p

  4. May need to be looking for a perm. or semi perm replacement for me - as it stands every other Saturday Kat spends the day after work with his other wife :dancing_smile: (loooong story hehe if you ever watched Scrubs - think JD and Turk) - something he both looks forward to and needs - but staying up late Friday night with my current schedule makes my saturday pure and utter hell if Gabe is even slightly cranky. So every other Friday I would need a replacement unless someone wants the spot permanently =) This coming Saturday is hell day for me sooooo ;) I will suffer until i find a replacement never fear ::laughs::

  5. Killing Leo more - now that folks are getting comfortable - shouldnt be hard to kill him then move on =) however - we may be going to poke some Murlocs in 2 weeks...


  6. Zartum is a friend of mine from alliance side who transfered over :dancing_smile: told him to post on here for more luck filling out his run!

    So folks - phear the Hamfist and be nice ;)

    Oh and Zar - I gots a priestie Maubers and a huntard ;) so whomever you need whenever hehe

  7. Alright folks. A note on last nights raid.

    I apologize for getting really ######y about the minor mistakes people made - HOWEVER realize that when they arent corrected they happen frequently which can often lead to a lot of unnecessary death. And when it is your sole job in the raid to chain sheep things... it really sucks to see your target get hit and then run around killing people.

    Healers you did very well last night - I know it was rough in patches but you are all improving by leaps and bounds. Just need to keep Lesedi from dying to Spout ;) For the Leo Fight - I know this was the first time for most of you - something a few people in the raid seemed to forget. I do NOT want to hear about anymore harrassment from ANYONE as to performance during a fight that 3/4 of the raid have not seen before except in videos. I dont care that you have done it 15 thousand times - EVERY RAID GROUP IS DIFFERENT. We find what works for our group that might not work for another. I feel that the last attempt on Leo was VERY encouraging - considering two top DPSers were dead before Leo even spawned - I think with folks getting a feel for the fight he will be dead next week.

    Healers need to spread out a little bit more I think and stay at ranged as much as possible - and melee Get out of range before the Whirlwind timer is up. Folks who got the inner demon - you did very well getting that target down - specially the two prot tanks who were demonfied. We just need to shore up our Hydross and Lurker and we are set to start conquering SSC. Leo is one of the harder fights and it really is going to take everyone at the top of their game (and maybe a little respeccing for our warlock tank =p ) Ranged - you really have to watch your aggro - when we call DPS off that means DPS OFF.

    AS for the two drunken raiders - I have learned my lesson and the two are not going to be allowed to get drunk together on a raid night. Things were fun until they were taken too far.

    If anyone has any concerns please dont hesitate to either PM me or chat with me in game - if I dont respond right away I might be afk or in an important fight - but know that I dont ignore folks.

    Also dont forget anyone in the raid can access the Void crystals, patterns and nethers within - just better have that nether item made before the next raid and those enchants!

  8. I have done this - and I just want to say.. it is extremely boring for VERY little return. I did it for 2 hours - and we had a whopping 4 gems drop.. not even enough for one for everyone there. SUre maybe other groups have better luck - but I know we didnt and let me say as a mage... chain sheeping is VERY boring - and if someone accidently breaks sheep - you get dead mage.

    So count me out of this ;) but best of luck to you!

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