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Posts posted by Huato

  1. Strat as in Stratholme, correct?

    If so, me be needin' ta get da Hammersmith quest and journey into da livin' side of Strathlome to become a hammersmith! :p

    Me may be to young yet though...only 51 workin' on 52.

  2. Huato be needin' some Living Essence (4 of them) so dat he kin send da materials to Kaer ta make me Wildthorn Mail. Me would buy dem in da Auction House, but dey wantin' 8 gold a piece fer one o' dem...if any of da Crushers would be kind enough ta send any ya may find in yer journeys, it'd be greatly appreciated. :devil:

    Please don't buy dem - just send em if you can spare dem and you find em. Me have all da oder materials but dem fer me mail.

    Thank you fer yer help,


  3. Ditto.

    If ya wanna set a day/time for it, that would be easiest.

    Tomorrow eve would probably work out pretty good...most week nights are usually good after 8pm, but it's hit and miss with me.

    Let me see what's going on for Wednesday evenin' an I'll let ya know. :)

    Looks like this evening may work out well for this...maybe early though...probably 6 to 7ish if anyone can assist during that time. :)

  4. Bah!

    Now where's a good place to power level at 50 (ok, I'm about 60% of the way to 51)?

    The sooner I get to the mid-fifties the sooner I can get to my hammersmith quest too. :cry:

    Here Huato,

    Grinding Guide


    Thank you! Me guess me need ta go grind somewhere else den. hehe...Da Ogres were fun ta kill, an me really wanted da big one's axe!


    Huato reached his 51st rank last night!!! :)

    Now me needs ta go an see da Alterac Valley Battlemaster fer a quest givin outside o' da Orgrimaar bank.

  5. Greetings Crushers! Huato here be stuck in a delima...me needs ta complete 5 elite quests in da Hinterlands dat me can't find good groups fer...da last 2 dat me was in people dropped out half way through both times an left me standin' in da middle of a bunch of hostile trolls alone!

    Anyhow...here be da quests (that I can remember):

    Recover the Key

    Wanted: Vile Princess Hexx and Her Minions

    Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village

    Dark Vessles

    and me think Separation Anxiety

    Any help dat me could get with dese would be greatly appreciated an would probably put me up ta 51st rank with da Shammies. :vader:

    Me also has a couple fer da Sunken Temple and Zul'Farak, but me really need ta get da ones in da Hinterlands off me log first.

    much thanks in advance! :yub:

  6. Excellent Marjaan! Me really need ta find a suitable upgrade to me chest piece - still using a Green Iron Hauberk.

    What do ye need in da way of materials fer a good chest piece ta replace dat one? Me also may hit Kaer up fer da Wildthorn mail though - if me kin gather da materials in a timely manner.

    Does anyone in da Crushers make da enchanted Thorium? Me have some bars, but know not how ta get it enchanted.

  7. Hail all Crushers!!

    Bein' that me be a artisan Weaponsmith, werkin' towards bein' a Hammersmith, me thought me could offer me services up to ye!

    Here be a samplin' of what me kin make ye. All me ask fer is da materials, an me be willin' to help with that as me kin.

    Fer da engineers:

    Inlaid Mithril Cylinder http://www.thottbot.com/?i=15911


    The Shatterer http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4586

    Blight http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4488

    Truesilver Champion http://www.thottbot.com/?i=3660

    Fer oders:

    Mithril Spurs

    Iron Buckles

    Iron Counterweight

    Armor (not me specialty, but me kin make some good stuff too):

    Thorium Armor http://www.thottbot.com/?i=10096

    Green Iron Hauberk http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4149

    Dese be some of da better stuff Huato kin make...Huato kin make all sorts of oder smithing stuff too - just ask!

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