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The next Pope may be the last


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The next Pope may be the last


Hector Carreon

La Voz de Aztlan

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. ... And she bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and to His throne."

Description of "La Virgen de Guadalupe (Queen of Mexico and Empress of the Americas)" in Revelation 12:1

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4 Ahau 3 Kankin

December 21, 2012


End of the Great Cycle (Fin de los Tiempos) in the Mayan Long Calendar and the Popol Vuh

Los Angeles, Alta California - April 4, 2005 - (ACN) The coming Vatican Conclave to select the next "Vicar of Christ" may be the last according to religious sources knowledgeable in Biblical Prophecy, in Roman Catholic Church history and in the Indigenous traditions of the Americas. Information synthesised from Revelation and the Gospels in the New Testament, from Daniel in the Old Testament and from the Mayan Popol Vuh points to a coming cataclysmic event and the beginning of a totally new Era for mankind. This cataclysmic event (Fin de los Tiempos) will occur, according to the Mayan Long Calendar, on December 21, 2012 when the Earth and Sun align with the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

Biblical prophets as well as Catholic and other Christians scholars have for a long time written about the "End Times" and the second coming of Jesus Christ (Quetzalcoatl) to establish the New Jerusalem. What is not generally known is that many of the Old and New Testament Biblical prophecies of the "End Times" correlate amazingly with the religious beliefs of the Mayas and other Indigenous civilizations of the Western Hemisphere. These similarities are more apparent when one analyses the "End Times" account of St. John in the last chapter of the Bible called Revelation and the account of the "Fin de los Tiempos" in the Popol Vuh which is considered to be the Mayan (as well as the Mexica/Aztec) Bible.

One of the best known Catholic prophets to predict that the Pope after John Paul II would be the last was Irishman Maelmhaedhoc O'Morgair who is better known as simply St. Malachy. According to the prophecies of St. Malachy, who was born in 1094, the line of Pontiffs has come to an end. St. Malachy, canonized by by Pope Clement III on July 6, 1199, undertook to list in advance the proper succession of Roman pontiffs from Celestine II to "the end of the world". St. Malachy prophesied that there would be 112 Popes after Celestine II. John Paul II, who just died, is number 110. Pope number 111 would be the "False Prophet" mentioned in St. John's Revelation and who will deliver the Roman Catholic Church to Satan. Number 112 will NOT be a legitimate Pope. It will be the "Grand Anti-Pope" or the Anti-Christ who is also known as the "Abomination that Causes Desolation" mentioned in Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11 and Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14. The Prophecies of St. Malachy conclude thusly: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people".

Among other Catholic prophets and scholars that have written on the end of the Roman Catholic Church and its Popes are Jesuit priests Malachi Martin and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Another scholar is Fr. John F. O'Connor. Fr. O'Connor has articulated a series of speeches, very much worth listening to as the College of Cardinals elect the next pope, that perfectly outlines the final onslaught on the Roman Catholic Church by "Judeo-Masonic Conspirators" that culminates in the "end of this world" as prophesied in the Bible. Among the most enlightening of Fr. John F. O'Connor's speeches on the subject is one titled "Reign of the False Prophet" that refers to the next Pope.

Fr. Malachi Martin was an eminent theologian and expert in the Catholic Church who wrote that the apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church is a precondition for the end of time, as we presently know it, and for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Fr. Malachi Martin served in the Vatican from 1958 to 1964 where he was a close associate of Pope John XXIII. In 1990, Fr. Martin wrote, "The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia in the Catholic Church are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the rites of 'The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer' in the Vatican". Fr. Martin believed that the Vatican had finally been, after centuries long efforts, infiltrated, at the highest levels, by Satanists in league with Zionists and what he called the “Universal Assembly” that consists of a Masonic group of Western plutocrats and the Illuminati.

Fr. Malachi Martin wrote six years before the shameful pedophilia and homosexual scandal among the Catholic Clergy became widely known, "Suddenly it became unarguable that now during this papacy (1996), the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it; of bishops and priests who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the “Black Rites” of Wicca, and who lived in lesbian relationships . . . every day, including Sundays and Holy Days, acts of heresy and blasphemy and outrage and indifference were committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be priests. Sacrilegious actions and rites were not only performed on Christ’s Altars, but had the connivance or at least the tacit permission of certain Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops. . . ".

Satanism, pedophilia and homosexuality now permeates every Catholic Parish and especially in the USA. Many a Bishop and Cardinal has either joined or has protected the "Luciferians" in their midst. The USA Catholic Church has now paid out billions of dollars to legally settle court cases involving child sexual abuse by sodomite priests. Tens of thousands of children have been raped at the altars and inside "confessional rooms". In the Boston Archdiocese alone 65 parishes had to close in order to raise the money necessary to pay court settlements resulting from the homosexual abuse of children by scores of perverted "Luciferian" sodomite Catholic priests. One case alone involved more than 500 child victims and a mandated court settlement of over $85 million dollars.

Just before his death, that occurred under very suspicious circumstances, Fr. Martin said that soon after the installation of Pope Paul VI in 1963, Vatican Satanists clandestinely installed "Lucifer" in a secret ceremony called "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer". The ceremony was conducted at the St. Paul’s Chapel located within the Vatican. Pope Paul VI later wrote that ‘the smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary". As the red robed Cardinals arrive in Rome to elect Pope John Paul II's successor, one can only wonder how many of these are Luciferians and who among them they will choose to be "The False Prophet" who will deceive and deliver many in the "Catholic flock" into the jaws of "The Beast".

Fr. John F. O'Connor is another of the few within the Catholic clergy that has spoken out against the Luciferian Judeo-Masonic conspiracy to destroy the Roman Catholic Church from within. Still alive, he often speaks on the Last Days, The False Prophet and on The Anti-Christ. Fr. O'Connor speaks principally on Lucifer and how he has waged war against the "Kingdom of God" and the Catholic Church for 2,000 years and how his disciples through membership in Masonry, Freemasonry and the Illuminati devised a plan called "Alta Vendetta" that is designed to take control of the Papacy.

Fr. O'Connor also spoke (prophesied?) about how these Luciferians would send missiles to destroy the U.S. (911) in the coming Third World War and about the Federal Reserve Bank and has questioned where the money goes that is paid for the interest on the USA national debt. He has also spoken extensively on how "The False Prophet" ( the next Pope) will deceive Catholics into worshiping the Anti-Christ. Fr. O'Connor says that Lucifer will even double-cross and fool nations and his own agents, dupes, stooges and lackeys. He has outlined the many things that Lucifer has already in place including the control of many Catholic seminaries and how he gives greater power to those who commit greater sins.

Fr. John F. O'Connor says that every day the news media carries stories of homosexuals and lesbians attempting to change America through indoctrination, legislation, infiltration and intimidation. Fr. O'Connor begins his speeches by telling us that the signs that will precede the second coming of Christ will be identified by unprecedented wars, revolution, drought, famine, pestilence, plagues of the most hideous kinds, earthquakes, tsunamis, violence, death and especially crime and sin unparalleled in human history, and that Christ warned us that in those days sin and evil will abound in the world and that the love of truth will grow cold. In the mid-fifties, Pope Pius XII said that there was more sin being committed then than at any other time in human history, even before the Great Flood. This statement was made before today's rampant homosexuality and child abuse.

This second coming of Christ is at the end of the world after the reign of the Anti-Christ, and if the end of the world is near, the reign of the Anti-Christ is even nearer ( not long after the election of this next Pope). Scripture tells us that the Anti-Christ will be accepted by the Talmudic Jews as their Messiah. The Talmudic Jews (mostly Kazhars) are "Lucifer's Chosen People" as opposed to the Torah Jews who are the ancient Hebrews and followers of Moses. According to St. John, author of Revelation, there is to be a final battle with Lucifer in a confrontation with a "Woman Clothed with the Sun and with the Moon under Feet" that perfectly fits the description of the "Santisima Virgen de Guadalupe, La Reina de Mexico y Emperatriz de las Americas (Tecuauhtlacuepeuh )" as she appeared to St. Juan Diego (Cuauhtlatoahtzin ) at Tepeyac.

As we witness the election of the next Pope by the College of Cardinals in Rome, we should contemplate who the Luciferian Judeo-Masonic infiltrators may be. There is no doubt among enlighten people in the world and in the USA that there is a certain malignant force controlling the U.S. and that is casting its shadow across the world. La Voz de Aztlan proposes that this same sinister force or power is the same one responsible for the Crucifixion of the "True Messiah" Jesus Christ. It is the same force that emanated from the Pharisees over 2000 years ago. If Jesus Christ was ministering today, no doubt he would be crucified again!

Who are these modern day Pharisees? They are of course the haters of God, haters of what is good and moral and most of all they are the haters of truth. They are the followers of the "Great Deceiver" and the greatest liar of them all . . . Lucifer. You can spot them easily by their actions which most of the time have no correlation to what they preach. They are those in high places who justify murderous international wars for profit with lies and deception. They are the international money lenders that "suck the life" of poor nations. They are those who profit from pornography on the Internet and sale of useless and many times dangerous and addictive drugs and pharmaceuticals. Today these modern day Pharisees are organized in groups like the Illuminati and Skull and Bones. The Illuminati and Freemasons were funded by the Jewish "Rothschild Banking Dynasty" for the sole purpose of undermining Christianity.

Jesus Christ himself reviled the Pharisees as "hypocrites" and a "generation of vipers." Jesus accused the Pharisees of worshipping the devil. He said to the Pharisees "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." (John 8:44). This is the reason why today the Talmudic Jews promote the sodomite agenda, lesbianism and the removal of God from the Pledge of Allegiance. Their master plan to take over the world and enthrone Lucifer as their King is outlined in a diabolical document known as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and which was explained by the great USA automobile industrialist Henry Ford in his book titled, "The International Jew".

Christians must be careful not to condemn all Jews for certain sinister activities that have brought so much suffering and misery to the world. There are essentially two types of Jews, "those who follow the Torah" and "those who follow the Luciferian Talmud". Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaism is paganism, pantheistic atheism, and a conglomeration of all the forms of idolatry concocted through the centuries. It is essentially pure Satanism. The Talmud is characterized by obscenity. It sets sets laws for the purpose of inventing circumventions and evasions and delights in sadistic cruelty. In reality it reverses most Biblical (Mosaic) moral teachings on theft, murder, sodomy, perjury, treatment of children, parents and teaches a hatred of Christ, Christians and every aspect of Christianity. Phariseeism is based on the Luciferian Talmud, which consists of the interpretations of so called sages during the Babylonian exile of the Jews that begin around 589 BC. Generally, the Talmudists contradict the spirit of Moses. They place the Talmud over the Torah and is one of the causes of antisemitism. The Talmudic Jews worship the god Mammon. Mammon is the god of "money", greed" and "usury" and one of the many manifestation of Lucifer. Lucifer was enthroned through a Black Mass inside the Vatican in 1963 by modern day Pharisees or Judeo-Masonic infiltrators according to Jesuit Priest Malachi Martin. Lucifer today waits in the defiled halls and chambers of the Vatican to preside over the Final Conclave that will elect the "False Prophet" who in turn will prepare the ground for the Anti-Christ.

There are parallels to the above scenario in the Mayan Popol Vuh and in certain Indigenous religious beliefs. It seems that the "Fin de los Tiempos" as outlined in the Mayan Long Calendar and the "End Times" outlined in Revelation of the Bible are converging on a certain date. This date is December 21, 2012 when, according to the Mayas, time as we know it ends and mankind enters into a totally different Era of elevated consciousness. Will enlightened human beings enter the "New Jerusalem" on December 21, 2012 as promised in the New Testament? Current world events, the state of moral decadence and decay in the world and especially in the USA, increasing earthquakes and tempestuous weather changes as well as horrific pestilences such as AIDS and Mad Cow Disease certainly qualify as the preconditions that the New Testament sets for the end to occur. The year 2012 is less than 7 years away. Seven years is a reasonable time for the "False Prophet" in the Vatican to prepare the ground for the Anti-Christ.

The Mayas were a mysterious and much advanced people who were superb mathematicians and astronomers. They devised one of the most accurate calendars known to man, far more accurate than the modern Gregorian calendar. Their calendar was created through extremely accurate observations of the sun, the planets, the stars and our own Milky Way galaxy. They knew, through unknown methods, the exact location of the center of the Milky Way and attached great significance to the birth and death of stars at this center. They also possessed extensive knowledge concerning the "Precession of the Equinoxes" and their periodicity which was necessary to create an accurate calendar and other time keeping devices. The Mayas viewed time differently than western man. Their magnificent pyramids were perfectly aligned to the sun and were constructed in such a way that during the equinoxes, the setting sun casts a shadow of a serpent (Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl) descending on the northern steps of the pyramid. This effect could only be obtained by precise architectural and astronomical measurements and is most evident at the pyramid in Chichenitza.

The Maya's astronomical knowledge was inherited from even an older and more mysterious civilization at Teotihuacan which contains the famous Pyramid of the Sun and of the Moon. The Pyramid of the Sun is perfectly aligned with the star cluster called the Pleiades which the Egyptians also took into account in building their pyramids at Giza. There is a connection between the ancient religious beliefs of the Sumerians, the Egyptians and the Mayas, especially as they relate to the creation of the universe, of the human race and of the future.

The Mayas approached "prophecy" by deeply studying the periodicity of cycles, especially astronomical ones. They were also deeply spiritual and very aware of the role that human consciousness plays in extracting information from nature. They knew that ingesting certain plants, religiously and with reverence, would open the doors of perception and lift the veil that keeps mankind from seeing certain realities and communicating with God. This knowledge must explain how they were able to ascertain what will happen on October 21, 2012. Incredibly, they knew, over a thousand years ago, that on this date there will be an astronomical alignment of our sun and the center of the Milky Way. This impending alignment of the sun at that very point, according to Mayan calculations, culminates at the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. Just recently astronomers have discovered that at this precise point there exists an immense "Black Hole" that is radiating high-energy gamma rays. The Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics states that the observations were carried out using the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) which is an array of four telescopes, in Namibia, Africa. "The Galactic Centre harbours a number of potential gamma-ray sources, including a supermassive black hole, remnants of supernova explosions and possibly an accumulation of exotic 'dark matter' particles" the journal states.

The Mayas had a glyph that represented a "black hole" in the center of our galaxy. How they were able to know this, no one knows. The Mayas tied their philosophy entirely on what they observed in the heavens. They thought that the center of our galaxy was a "Cosmic Mother Womb" and that it gave birth to our world. They believed that our world went through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. October 21, 2012 will end the cycle and our world will end by fire but will be reborn in a new, different and more evolved form, possibly in the form of a "New Jerusalem" that is described in Revelation. This will be the beginning of a new sun or the "Sixth Sun" according to the Mexicas (Aztecs).

Pope John Paul II will be buried on Friday. Soon after the burial, the College of Cardinals will convene in what is believed to be the "Last Conclave". Which Cardinal will become the "False Prophet" that will usher in the Anti-Christ? We will know in about 20 days or less after which we will be in for a tumultuous seven years!

From http://www.aztlan.net/the_last_pope.htm

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Man its amazing how advanced the mayans were for their time. So you all wanna get together on December 20th 2012 and party before the end of the world? Everyone can come to my place heh.

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Man its amazing how advanced the mayans were for their time.  So you all wanna get together on December 20th 2012 and party before the end of the world?  Everyone can come to my place heh.

It could be as early as October 21. I bet it'll be something like The Day After Tomorrow.

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Man its amazing how advanced the mayans were for their time.  So you all wanna get together on December 20th 2012 and party before the end of the world?  Everyone can come to my place heh.

It could be as early as October 21. I bet it'll be something like The Day After Tomorrow.

That was a pretty decent movie. Watched it when I had mono. Given how hot I was from my temperature at that time I found myself wishing it was kinda cold in my room.

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As a Catholic I must say...




Yeah.. he's evil. Shady lookin dude.

Respect to his position but sheesh, couldnt we have picked someone else?!?


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