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The darkness surrounded Strider. He knew there must be a way back.. but how..

And how had this happened..

Very few could seal realms from outsiders..

Malas was sealed, as was Sosaria as a whole. Impossible... or was it.

"Blast it! Every attempt frustrates me.. These gates are natural.. very few things can seal them..."

Strider sent forth a blast of energy.. it flew forward, stopped and dissipated.

"Bah! Thats it, Ive had it!," Strider waved his hands, and a staff of pure energy formed in his hand. "By the Masters name, I say this realm has been taken captive, MAY THE ETHER LORD GRANT ME ACCESS! IF ONLY FOR A SHORT TIME SO MAY IT BE!"

Pure energy burst forth from Strider and his staff, immense power flowed forward and filled the space around him.


Strider was gone...

He now stood in between time and space.. looking down he saw..

The Pyarmid...

Now all he had to do was step forth and enter the realm, from within the Pyramid..

He stood.. and waited..

If the Army of Sands dared seal him out they would pay...

Edited by Strider
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After hearing news from Striders son, Doddz Waited until the dead of night. He prepared himself, Not taking his usualy battle equipment, he removed the barding from his steeds head and back, leaving only the saddle upon its back.

As Doddz was set to leave, He walked into the forgery, The air warm from the burning coals, Doddz moved over to a large polished chest. He opened it slowly, Peered inside and smiled as he pulled out a razor sharp brilliant silver axe. He stepped up and back admiring the axe, he span round in a single move and swang the axe, taking a head clean off a dummy.

He put the axe over his back and tied it with a leather strap, emptying himself of everything but his armor, axe, wooden torch and a few spell scroll given to him By Lora de blood to keep him out of trouble.

With all this he walked outside and pulled himself onto the saddle of his steed, he slowly started to trot through th streets of Novitus Sanctum, It was so quiet, not even as he rode by Safe haven could he hear a sound from anyone, he signals for his steed to gallop, he races through the streets and throught the city walls, after a mintue or so off riding the grass begins to turn to sand, He knows it wont be long until he reached the Pyramid.

After an hour or so riding, he finally catshes a sight of a burning fire, toward it he rides and when he gets closer he see's that people are at that fire, apon arriving at the fire, he also noticed wagons, the people were gypsys, all sat around the fire. Riding past them he noticed they were not saying a word, just staring blankly into the flames, not even acknowleding his presence, He rides on. Finally he reached the pyramid, a bitter cold air surrounds it, he climbs down from his steed and ties him to a rock. The only sound that can be heard as Doddz crept towards the pyramids walls was the sound of a hissing, not often and not loud, just a hissing every now and then.

Doddz had heard the reports from his brothers of the terror of this place, but as of yet he'd seen nothing, not even a skull. He climbed the walls, searching for a way in, but nothing. An hour passed, Doddz had been to the top and all around twice but nothing, no entrance could be found. At the top he stood, hands on his hips, looking at the floor, walking slowly but finding nothing. He sits down apon a large rock, As he does so a massive crash as the rock falls through an opening...along with Doddz!!. After the fall Doddz pulled himself to his feet, looking around him, he could see nothing but the moonlight peering in from the opening, He moved his hand to his back and pulled the torch off of the strap, along with a scroll, The words on the scroll were "In Por Ylem"....Nothing, He repeated the words, after a number of attemps from a hands shot a ball of fire onto the torch, lighting it!. Waving the torch around, he was in a strange room, he walked to the walls relighting the already mounted wall torches, he had to to looking for Strider, the reason he came here. Walking around the room he noticed a trap door, opening it and waving the torch down there he saw a ladder, he climbed down the ladder for what seemed like minutes, but must have only been a few seconds. At the bottem he lit a near by wall torch and walked around, this room seemed a lot larger than the first room, walking along to light another torch, he trod on something with a snap, he looked to his feet and there he saw a broken bone on the floor, under his foot. He heard a sound, his hand spun it his axe and he pulled it from the strap, holding the torch up he could see from a set of stairs Skeletons!! Zombies!! walking from the stairs, he through his torch at the stairs and moved in slashing and cutting through anything that came up from the stair case, breaking them to pieces, after a few minutes of countless numbers of them coming form the stairs it stopped, he picked the torch up and walked down the stairs axe ready in hand, he got there and again what seemed like an endless stream was down there, hacking and slashing his way through he got to another room, again seemed to be alot larger, he could see no oncoming threat, he walked to the wall to light a torch, as he went to do so, the torch was knoecked from his hand!!, he swang his axe and heard it hit steel, he backed off, he could see nothing but the burning torch on the floor a few feet away. Again he swang his axe meeting steel, he moved behind the torch quickly, got the outline of a creture wielding a sword and shield, he battled with it cutting the sword from its hands and removing its head, as he backed up another!!, again he fought, as he backed up again another!!, all around him, he had no choice but to get away!!!, he barged his way to the torch he grabbed it and began to run, he ran to another flight of stairs, the creatures were everywhere, Doddz could barely see, as ho got into the next room, he was hit with a tremendous blow, knocking him in the air and to the floor, the torch span and hit what must have been an oil oil lamp, bursting into flames, the flames engulfed the same stairway Doddz had ran down, the odd bandages and tapestries on th wall only aided in the blaze. Doddz pulled himself to hid feet, where did the blow come from??, Doddz stood axe ready, his side in extream pain from the blow, as he span around there it was, a Huge Bear like creature wearing what could only be described as a large crown apon its head, it stood there growling, Doddz ran at the animal and swung, it seemed with lightning speed it dodged his axe and Doddz went piling into the wall, he turned too another swing, the creature aids the axe's swing by hitting it into a column. Doddz tried to pull the axe out but it wouldnt budge, The creatur took another swing for Doddz and he was knocked back again into the wall. The fire was burning at one side of the room and spreading, As doddz looked around dazed, a figure, shot past, almost a ghostley figure, Doddz now bleeding badly from his chest tried to get to his feet only to be hit down once again by the mammoth, Lying there Doddz tried to get up, The creature grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air, It pulled back its huge arms to take the last blow, Doddz saw around the monsters neck a necklace, and on that necklace a large jewel, In the jewel a face....It Was Striders face!, Doddz let out "Strider!". The monster started to swinfg its arm, but in that instance a lout slashing sound, and a monstrous roar, Doddz was dropped to the ground, The arm fell to the ground, blood shooting out, behind the mammoth stood Strider, Half there half not, as a sort of holygram, but not. The monster turned to him and gave out a huge roar, it started to attack Strider, but every attack it made seemed to just pass throush Strider, as if he wasnt really there. Doddz climbed to his feet and grabbed ahold of his axe handle, Strider stood there muttering words to the beast as it relentlassly tried to get ahold of strider, Doddz with one mighty pull ripped the axe from the wall and brought it crashing down on the skull of the beast, taking tis head clean off, crown and all. Doddz fell back to the wall, The fire was very bad now, But Strider was gone, Doddz called out, But he wasnt there, he crawled to the bloodied body of the beast, on the floor he saw the necklace and jewel, He took them, and tried to lie up against the wall, It was no use, The scroll Lora had given him was soaked in his own blood, he was unable to read it. The fire continued to grow and engulf everything, the heat only making Doddz's condition worse, Suddenly as he thought all lost, his left arm began to raise, Suddenly, in a flash of light, Doddz saw 4 Firey legs and a farmilliar voice, A portal was opened and The person jumped from the steed, Just as Doddz's eyes were closing, it Was Lora de blood. Clutching the jewel in his hand, Lora was able to Get Doddz out of the burning pyramid to the safety of Safe Haven inn...

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Stepping through the portal that Doddz as actived as he the fires grew, making the air difficult for him to breath, his wounds bleeding profusely

weaken by the loss of blood, i step through feeling the heat of the fire, coughing slightly as i see him fall against the wall, knowing had to be quick to get us out of the firey hell, as i mutter the word feeling myself grow bit stronger , being able place him on back of my steed and whistle for his as i step us back through the portal.....

Ignoring the faces of the Inn Keepers as i stroll past them and place him in the first room , calling behind me to go get a healer... and to be quick about it, as i tend to his wounds as much as magical would allow me...

Seeing the necklace and jewel clutched into his hands as i try to remove it but his hands tighten around it. as he opens his eyes breifly, seeing it was me ,releasing his hold , barely whispering , Strider...give Logan as he passed out again.......Taking the jewels putting them in my pouch, As i yell to the Inn Keeper where is that healer. As the keeper replies , just arrived M'lady... Knowing that he was in the best hands with him ... i motion to the inn Keeper i want guards on his door and you best make sure nothing happens to him , i must go and bring what he wants to our Emperor, you will be rewarded well for keeping him safe ,until he is able to be moved .. The innkeeper noding his head knowing that the man inside was of high importantance to his Crest he wore on his armor.......

Getting on my steed as i prepare to travel to Olympus Sending the pigeon *Logan, Doddz as fallen, Strider, Jewel, his request to give to you , meet Oly, lora * sending the pigeon.. knowing he would be there when i arrived as i made sure Doddz fine beast was stable and fed and had the stableman look him over....... Then with the words of a mage i departed for Oly..........

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Logan sat wearily in the legions HQ signing parchments, completing his last duties for the evening. A lone candle flickered as the the night wing breezed easily through his chambers. A ruffling at the window broke his concentration, lifting his head he saw a pigeon. Raising his hand the pigeon walked up onto his wrist, he removed the message afixed to its leg. His spectacles eased their way down the tattered papryus, as he gave the pigeon abit of feed and lifted him out the window and back on his way home.

"Impossible....Praetorian"! Logan shouted, as Marcas shoved through the door blasting it from its hinges.

"Olympus is our destination brother", Logan explianed as he opened the portal. "Be on your guard", they stepped through arriving in the stronghold of the empire.

"Mi'lord the rest of your praetorian are enroute" Marcas assured Logan as they began to secure the castle. Prometheus was first to arrive, soon Fing and Pride answered the call as well. As soon as Lora arrives noone enters the castle, is this understood? Not a word was spoken just a nod coming from the personal body guards of the emperor.

Logan paced around his chambers, pausing for a brief second he flopped in the stone chair that sat behind his desk. grabbing a quill he quickly scribbled down a message.


It is imperative we get you finest personel near this pyramid. Mayhap it is possible to blend in with the gypsies in this area. I want to know who/what enters or leaves that site until futher notice.


Placing it on his pigeon he sent it out to find his brother in espianoge. As he turned Lora had arrived and stood before him soaked in blood, not that of her own. She looked pale almost faint as she held up a strange gem afixed to the end of a necklace. Looking closer Logan could see the features of the ancient sage.

"How could this be Lora?" Logan asked as he took the stone from her shivering hand. Her head swayed back and forth as she had no idea either. Logan began casting upon the stone..every known spell he had...each one he cast to no avail...his words of power grew louder...and louder...his spirit now empty he fell to the floor, his face in his hands.

As Logan raised from the floor, he looked towards Lora. "We must get this to the house of Arcane immediately" Logan stated. "I will see it done Mi'lord" it was Steel Darknight, calling from the entrance of the chambers, Logan words must have awoken him from his bunk. "Ahh dear friend, tis good to see thee". Logan said as he placed his hand on Steels shoulders. "I however must try one last thing before hand", Steel unsheathed his mighty sword from his side and came across the gem with a thunderous blow. The blade shattered, pieces flew across the room the three shook thier heads in disbelief. "I had to try mi'lord" Steel exclaimed......

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Elathiel was sitting at his workbench when the pigeon arrived. He was actually glad to see a distraction from his futile attempts at making a poison that would adhere to an arrowhwead.

After reading the notes he ran to the rooftop and readied pigeons of his own. After making quick work of notes he sent 4 on their way to his agents of Espionage...

Grab your disguise kits and small blades. You must blend into the peoples of the desert and keep a very watchful eye on events that surround the Pyramid. Take NO action until the secret signal is given. Report any events that seem out of the 'oridnary'.

With that done, he grabbed one last piece of parchment. He grinned to himself, then began writing ....

Lukkan .. I have a task for you that I can ask no other. You must use your powers of morphing to disguise yourself and enter the Pyramid as one of its 'normal' denizens. It is imperative that noone else know of this task. Remain their until you have further word from me or see the secret signal to take action. Take heed my friend, the filth that lives there is not easily fooled and does NOT take kindly to outsiders. You are the only one I can entrust such a task to at this time, so take every possible precaution. Do not let your concentration sway my friend. We have spoken about you becoming the Centurion of the Dread forces. Show me that I would be wrong in not choosing you! Prove yourself in the shadows of the Pyramid!

Elathiel affixed the last note to the pigeon. He held it for several minutes, brushing its back with his hand, then let her off.

Watching it fly off tot he West he thought, "Dont delay in getting to Lukkan. With most of our Dread cohort away in other realms, I fear him the only one capable of seeing what is afoot in the Pyramid itself."

Elathiel then went back downstairs to try for the 1000th time to get poison to stick to an arrowhead. Looking at his workbench his face grew angry. Witht hat, he went tot he other room, came out only a few moments later wearing armor and an overloaded quiver of arrows. He grabbed a pair of bows and left through the door.

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Steel slowly slid the amulet over his head, tucking the amulet inside his tunic.

Quickly, he made preparations to depart.

He replaced his broken blade with one crafted for him by his father. The blade, having seen him through countless battles was the last remnants of his parents that remained. Though well worn and nicked from use, still carried a fine sheen and was still as sharp as the day it was crafted. Steel had yet to find a blade with the same balance and craftsmanship.

Stepping out into the chill night air, Steel upon his steed Honor, set forth for the Trinsic moongate. His destination the homes of the Arcane Cohort in Malas. Specifically, he seeked Liz Shue, perhaps her magic would find the answer to the riddle of the amulet.

Steel rode swiftly through the night. The masters of the Army of the Sands would know have been informed of the taking of the amulet. They would seek its return.

The night itself was bright, with the stars above lighting his path Steel, his senses alert, looked to and fro to seeking a enemy that could appear…. but to his fortune thus far had not. The only sounds, the one of his steeds hooves pounding a steady beat upon the cobblestone road below.

The trip itself was swift, his steed setting a relentless pace seemingly sensing the urgency of its master. The moongate itself was just ahead he could see the dull light of it and he clicked his heels against his steed pushing it even more.

The dull light of the moongate suddenly glowed bright……

A dark reddish misshapen body stepped forth from the moongate. Its wings flapping slowly it eyed Steel’s approaching form…and hissed loudly. From the moongate yet another form appeared, and another,….and another…..and another.

Steel, with shocked expression on his face yelled….

“No! No! No!…No!.”

Quickly, he wheeled Honor about seeking to turn back….He knew that the forces before him were more than he could handle alone. His hope, to return to Olympus and gather reinforcements.

His hopes were quickly dashed as yet another portal opened behind him. This one having been created by arcane magery. The creatures pouring forth though were the same. Steel recognized these…Gargoyles, Demons, their number countless and awful to behold.… It seemed as if the Abyss itself had emptied in

order to stop him.

Wheeling Honor about once more Steel knew his only hope lay in reaching the Moongate. Clicking his steeds flanks he urged it forward. Unsheathing his sword he yelled…


Crashing into the evil spawn, he thrust his blade from side to side seeking to clear his way. His pace while quick as first slowed as the evil spawn reached for him, and his steed, seeking to tear them to the ground.

With an evil cry the hordes pushed against him. As one would fall, it would be replaced, by another, and another. Steel spared one moment to look towards the moongate… Yet more of the evil spawn poured forth.

With a cry of victory, the hordes tore Steel from his mount. Its pitiful cries moving though the air as it was brought down…then silenced

Steel himself was covered with blood…his enemies and his own. Although he had quickly leapt to his feet after being demounted, he could not move forward, nor back. The bodies of his foes lay piled about him…along with his shield, having been battered by use. His tunic soon joined the pile as it too failed him.

His enemies seemed to increase……

Steel knew at that moment that he has failed and his death was assured. He seeked only to take as many of the Demon spawn with him as he fell.

His breath was heavy, his wounds many…he had fought for a time that seemed to be hours.

With a rush the enemy brought him down…He felt the chain and the amulet being ripped from his neck…. he had failed.

As sudden as it had come, the enemy departed…. Steel slowly pushed a body, skewered by his blade, off of him …and looked about.

He saw the last of the enemy move through a portal that had been opened to the side of the moongate. Slowly Steel crawled forward in an attempt to follow. Yet as he looked up one form stepped through portal.

Larger yet than the daemons he had fought it was, it wings lay tattered upon its back, its skin a motley grayish brown. Leering down at Steel it spoke.

“Foolissssshhhh Mortal……you have failed…The time of your Guardianssssss…issssss over…. Our mastersssss wisssssh your Death.”

“Come mortal…..your death awaitssssssss you’sssssss……”

Steel slowly rose to his feet. Coughing and spitting blood to the side he spoke…….

“I……….Shall……..not……. LOSE!!”

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Kodoz who lives in the desert near the temple of the army of the sands awoke in a sudden rush as he attacked...nothing. Kodoz knew something was wrong. He sensed that there was danger or at least highly hostile beings nearby. Kodoz slept on the cold stone floor of his balcony tonight as he had been watching the stars. In the darkness he thought he saw motion, and glanced around quickly. He grabbed an ornate bow from his table and shot a flaming arrow in the direction of the motion. It lit up the area as it hit, but revealed nothing. Kodoz then used a spyglass and peered at the Pyramid. There was light coming through the cracks in the stone! Kodoz hurriedly donned his best armor, and his best lance and his old shield. Atop his Armored swamp dragon who was black and hid in the night, Kodoz threw a hooded shroud over himself to conceal the reflections off his armor. As he slowly rode towards the pyramid he felt worse and worse about the coming situation. As he got near it, he could hear the whimpers and sobs of something, and went up top. He put his swamp dragon to stay atop the pyramid, and then as quietly as possible he slipped down the hole. The moment he was in he knew someone had been here. He doused his torch when he noticed the wall torches were already lit. there were pieces of skeletons and zombies all about, and the occasional mummified remains of a dried out corpse. as he quickly and silently crept down the stairs, the whimpering became louder. He was now extremely perplexed because he knew no human was able to stay alive down at the bottom in their best shape, much less wounded. He walked slowly, imitating one of the mute restless souls he had once seen in doom. Nothing seemed to pay him any attention. When he got down to the bottom floor, he finally found the whimperings source. The behemoth Sphynx was curled in a corner licking a wound where its arm used to be and whimpering the whole time. Kodoz crept closer for a better glance when the Sphynx started sniffing the air. Suddenly it screamed, and came charging at him. Kodoz did his best to avoid the attack, but his lengthy shroud slowed him, and the Sphynx hit him a glancing blow, knocking him to the ground. Kodoz rolled to the right as he was falling and ripped the tattered shroud from him revealing his PGoH attire. The Sphynxes screams doubled in volume. At least now Kodoz had an idea of what did this. Kodoz made a mad scramble for the secret exit, and was almost within arms reach of the doors switch, when his armor was blown at his back and became red hot, singing his back. Kodoz gritted his teeth to use the pain to keep himself from blacking out, and realized he only had one chance. He hurled his lance at full speed at his target. He hit it, and with a scream the Sphynx once again charged him. Kodoz however dove towards the doorway that his lance had hit the switch for. As he made it out he tossed a firebomb at the doorway and kept the sphynx in. Kodoz then sprinted up to the top once more after hearing his swamp dragon fighting, and came up to see many skeletons swinging their axes to avail against its armor as it swung a skeleton from its mouth side to side. Suddenly Kodoz saw a glittering medallion upon one of the enemies, and seeing what enemy it was he leapt astride his mount and rode full speed to his home and watched the cruelly smiling face of the enemy with the glittering medallion slowly grow farther and farther away. He then knew that he had to inform the others if they werent already. However when he got to Olympus he was informed of the situations, and cursed himself at not having been able to help Doddz when he needed it. He hid his back from the others, not wishing to be pitied. He was in the mood for some definite payback, For himself, for Doddz, and most assuredly for that medallion bearing enemy. This time, he wouldnt be alone but with the other guardians. It was time to show them who they were dealing with.

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His legs where screaming. It was amazing how lying down injured for several month could make one unfit for running. Lets just hope that the swordarm had not lost its touch...

Comming around the final bend he saw something his eyes would not accept, and it was not clear to him that he had slept just moments too long.

Steel was standing, in a manner of speaking, but bleeding from many wounds and clearly quite pale. That was not what had suprised the Lancer. What was shocking was the beast which loomed over his old friend, a deamon with wings that seemed to swallow the stars, and a skin so black that the night seemed to be drank into it. The beasts weapon was raised, a sword three times the length of any man and easily weighing over a ton. It was almost impossable to move watching its decent upon the weakened Steel, such vicious beauty... Such certian death...

At the last possable moment Steel sidesteped and jabed is sword into the beasts wrist, causing it to bellow in pain, but not to drop its weapon. As though woken from a dream Triston kicked his horses flanks, suring it onwards, for the battle was far from over. Steel continued his dance of feints and lunges but it was clear that one blade could not fell a beast of such size, but three possably could... Drawing his spear from the strap across his back he launched it through the air, aiming for the base of the beasts skull, then holding the reins he stood in his saddle, waiting for the beast to feel his little present and turn around. While Steel had no way of know who was comming, my purple cape should be fairly visable, and he would know what to do.

The spear landed home a second later, implanting itself at an impossable angle seeming to stick deep within its neck, but not kill it. That was impossable, Triston though, but only for a moment before the beast turned. It was impossably huge, and the only point of light comming from it where in its deep red eyes that seemed to hold the very fires of hell. The fear any mortal felt looking upon a deamon began to wrap around his heard, but was quickly dispelled by elation at the beast bellowed and began to teater backwards. It might not have a spine, Triston though, but his achilles tendon is in just the right spot...

Triston Leaped from the saddle and jumped impossably far thanks to the horses speed, and landed exactly where he both did and did not want to, square in the balrons chest, kryss' first...

The battle seemed to go on for hours but it was surely mear moments, and when it was all over the two warriors sat atop the beast, covored in its black ichor blood and breathing heavily. Triston looked around at the wrecked forest and the trail of deamons Steel had left behind in his mad dash for the moongate. There had to be a dozen of them!

"Let me get this strait..." Triston said between labored breaths, "You could have killed just one more and save me all the trouble of comming out here?" He asked with a grin as the two old friends shook hands for what seemed like the first time in an eternity.

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The pigeon flies in through the window of the log cabin in Fellucca. It sees Lukkan's pale white face and fire red hair. The pigeon haults in mid air, flutters and squawks loudly, drops a parchment, and flies quickly out the window.

"Stupid Bird," mutters Lukkan. He reaches down to grab the parchment, unfolds, and reads.

A stone gaze approaches Lukkan's face, as he grabs for his throne, losing is balance. Gloriana, his sister enters the room from upstairs.

"Brother, what is it?," asks Gloriana.

"The Empire, they are calling me to my first mission."

"Great! They are entrusting you finally," speaks Gloriana.

"Aye, but....,"

"What is it Lukkan?"

"I am to morph, and place myself in the pyramid as one of them."

"Well that should be easy for you, you used to..."

"Do NOT utter those words'" yelled Lukkan.

"If Mardoth gets word I am in the pyramid, it'll mean certain death for me."

"You must cover my trails, keep me visible in town," proclaims Lukkan.

He hands her a hooded shroud, some necromantic regeants, and a valorite scythe.

"Ever so often, randomly, mount my steed, stride through the towns, make it look as if Im doing business as usual."

"yes, brother, whatever you like, but I'm confused"

"I shall explain later, and especially beware of the necromancer in red. Use your powers of magery to transport yourself to safety should he appear. This is my chance to show the Empire of my Honor and change in ways, but should I be exposed in the pyramid, I wont return."

Gloriana begins to cry. Lukkan comforts her.

"My ways of evil come at a great cost to change to Honor. It wont be easy, but the Guardians are great in number and strong in skill. I shall make them proud to have me a part of them."

"Quickly now sister, prepare a bag of regeants for me, some food and water, and that weapon there."

Lukkan points to a glacial staff. Gloriana begins her preparations for Lukkan.

She hands him his backpack, weapon, and a few magery regeants.

"You have been practicing the Arcane arts. Use these in dire need."

Lukkan steps outside, hugs Gloriana, and walks out into the grassy area in front of his cabin. With the wisk of his arms and a few words spoken, Lukkan transforms into a Wraith. Gloriana opens a portal for him to enter the Sands Area.

"Sister, send some pigeons, one to the Emperor, one to Lora, one to Elathiel. Make them aware I have accepted the mission and will not fail them."

As he turns to go, he stops, looks again to Gloriana.

"And send one to Maven, maybe he'll look upon me in a different light."

With a nod from Gloriana, the Wraith enters the portal.

"God speed, brother."

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The air arround Strider suddenly got cold. It had happened, he knew it might, and it had. HIs friends within the Empire had tried to help him.. sadly.. the demons were to strong. The amulet had been returned to the enemy.. and now he was still trapped. But perhaps not for long.

Before him a great portal opened, and before him stood his apprentice.. Maskan.

Maskan bowed, and grinned.

Well then jabbuk, usstan see dos need ussa help at last, xas? *Maskan grinned*

Strider laughed, and smiled with pride.. despite his apprentices lack of magical ability he had used his masters tools to come to him, if only for a short time.

Well, well, well, your not to slow after all, good work Maskan. Now, here are your intsructions. The Empire will think and fear that the amulet is lost.. meaning I am lost, however, that isnt true. Demons stole it.. aided by enslaved gargoyles.. Therefore someone other than the Army of the Sands has a hand in this. And I know who.

Go to Fire Island, I used to spend alot of time there, and there you will find an old demon temple.

Strider continued, detailing to Maskan the layout of the Temple, and a secret entrance leading deep into the Island, into parts of Hythloth and the Abyss many do not see.

Having understood his instructions, Maskan departed with haste, summoning his ethereal ostard, he took out his book of runes, selected the one for Fire Isle, and stood before the Temple.

FOrging on he followed the exact instructions given to him by Strider. Opening the passage he headed deeper, and deeper into the Abbys.

As he came to the last part of Striders directions he heard a loud hissing, and readided his cloak of invisibility. Moving forward slowly he saw a platform in the center of a dimly lit room, filled with skulls and pools of blood, and on the altar, the missing amulet with Striders image deep within.

As he made his way to the altar a huge demon erupted from the floor and charged him, Maskan threw on his cloak and vanished. He chuckled to himself as the demon flailed about madly trying to find a single hidden Shadowrider.

Using a trick he learned he unclasped the cloak, removing the enchantment from him self, sped forward past the demon and reclasped the cloak just as the demon charged, he continued to do this until he finally got close enough to the altar to touch the amulet.

As he reached his hidden hand towards the amulet the demon let out a vile roar, and a massive troupe of undead swelled forth from thin air, filling the room. He knew he wouldnt last long against these foes, even hidden.

He grabbed the amulet, and as he did the force in the room let out another roar and groan, and their numbers doubled.

Maskan knew that he MUST escape this vile room, he must get out...

Still cloaked in shadow, he reached down inside himself, deep down into prayer.. seeking the gods..

He found the faith and power and sought, and let out a loud and powerful cry that shook the room..


Holy light burst forth from him, pushing the undead minions back, many of the lesser ones running in confusion. With several more cries of this nature he employed his stealthy trick once more, as he bolted for the entrance. As he made it several wraiths and mummies had him surrounded, and his attempts to dispel only worked on a few.. again he reached down into his soul for faith and let out another cry of power..


A new light burst from him, filled with a holy rage of life, and lashed out at the creatures, then again he let forth the cry to dispel evil, and now they fled giving him enough time to make it to the exit portal, he he stpped through the demon in the room blasted him with a final hit.. one of pure fire and brimstone.

Scorched and badly injured Maskan called upon his faith to take him to Olympus. As the gods took him by his Paladin gifts to the castle Olympus, he collapsed upon the floor, dropped the amulet at the feet of Logans throne, whispered out an incantation of protection and holding on the amulet to keep it in Olympus, and with his last strength called forth to Strider....


And vanished.


And so the amulet now lay protected within Olympus, tied around it a small note from Maskan.

Abbillin(Friends), If you get this note I am badly injured.. but will be well soon. Herein is contained information I gathered from Striders library, it will aid in the breaking of the hold on Strider.

Know that the Army of the Sands was indeed behind this, but they did not due it on their own. Though no other force helped them they stole the power from an old demon lord.. one who knew Strider well, and had sought his demise.

This stone is called a nanorien.. or what once was a nanorien. Nanoriens are actually living creatures. They are whar holds the life force and sustains... demons. They are generally found within the center of a demons chest, and can be taken when you slay a demon.. however they lack the power they hold once the demons body dies.

This nanorien was taken from a living demon, who was then sustained by foul and dark magics so the nanorien would survive but in a new state. It could now be used to store great power.. and force the wielder chose.

Whatever the demons hoped to use ti for is unknown.. but it is obvious to us why the Army of the Sands stole it..

To harm a powerful ally of the Empire. One who could easily enter their most hidden strongholds with the wave of a hand. Watching Strider as he traveresed the Ether, they activated the amulet just in time to place him in a seperate reality. One where they could hold him and prevent him from coming to Sosaria or Malas.

Having the stone however does not give us the power to free him.. the only way to end the power of thsi stoen is to find the demon it once served and destroy him. Only then will its power cease, and Strider be freed.

In my scouting I found this demon... but who and what he is is more bad news. It seems the makers of this gem very carefully selected their demon..

For it was a bone demon... they very bone demons found in doom. Only when those who hold the gem directly confront the demon and bring him down, will the power be broken. Once that is so Strider will be released long enough to destro the gem itself.

Upon killing the demon, go to Striders home.. on the rooftop will burn a great and powerful fire. Only a few among you will sense its power.. nto even the greatest of mages will know its full power, so Strider has left a book entailing that power. If Strider si not there when you come, then one of you who is of enchatned blood, and only they will know who they arem must enter the flames with it in their hands. Upon doing so, the stone will cease to exist.. and Strider will be free at last, and no longer will such a power be able to hold him.

Go quickly and conquer this demon... go now.. before it is too late.. for if the Army of the Sands captures the demon... Strider may be lost for good.


---The symbol of the EMpire and the Shadowriders is scroched onto the bottom of the note---

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Kodoz had been continually checking around Olympus, the temple, and Novitus Sanctum for any clues to what to do next. Kodoz stepped through the hallowed halls of olympus, and saw the sealed note at the feet of the throne. Kodoz hurriedly tied a note to his pigeon and gave it some food and sent it to Logan at full speed.

Logan, get to Olympus posthaste. Urgent situation and a note at your throne. Have not opened as per sealed letter matters. Judging by the light bloodstains on the note it is extremely important. Godspeed and Safe Journeys.



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Logan sat hurridly behid his desk shuffling the papers he had recieved from Maskan. It all seemed to align, the stars, the moons the three realms. Steel and Tristan paced before him, that is they attempted to pace, the two magistrates were battered, the hordes of deamons the two had fought nearly killed them.

"It must be tonight", Logan told the two. Nothing else was said it was as if an unspoken knowledge between the three. Only a nod was given as the two left the chambers. Logan shook his head as he thought to himself. Steel, Tristan, Doddz, Kodoz, Maskan all injured, how would the legion react in such a battle with the elder warriors in such shape. Logan knew the injured ones would refuse not to go on this mission, thier HONOR to strong to keep them from helping free thier brother, but would this be thier falling, injured and trying to tackle such a beast.

He sat down and began to write....

Brothers and Sisters,

Tonight, when the sun hits 7pm by the eastern sky, we are to free the sage. This will be a most dangerous mission. We are to go deep into Malas inside the dungeon doom. e will have to gather tribute in the form of deamon bones to persuade the soceress there to summon forth the champion. With the help of Maskan we know the presice time that this must be done to ensure we get the deamon whos responsable for the gem that hold Strider prisoner. This in no way will be easy please perpare yourself accordingly. We shall not fail, for we fight on the side of the gods.

Strength and HONOR.


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Kodoz read the note, and awaited in eager anticipation. It was payback time. Ignoring the wounds that were small compared to the others Kodoz slipped on his armor unflinchingly and readjusted the bandage over his back. Kodoz checked his armors condition, and realized his current tunic wasnt the quality of the old incinerated one. He sighed, and put on some leather underneath. He would be ready when the time came.

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The dark undecorated room of his home seemed somehow comfortable to Triston, as over his long sleep he had grown most comfortable with the shadows. A fluttering at his window drew his attention as a pigion waited on the still, quietly and patiantly. The small note on its ankel was tied with a gleaming purple ribon, telling him it was from Emperor Logan. Placing a pinch of seed at the birds feet to thank it, he gingerly removed the note and read...

He inhailed sharply as he finished, and began to reach for a weapon he did not wear in his private quarters. To the heart of Doom eh? The Knight was familiar with every dark crevace of sosaria down to the last rock and wretched inhabitant. Every crevace save Doom, which he had never even entered... This looked to be a long night indeed. Flinching from a half dozen wounds he gingerly lifted the bird from its roost, drawing a small protest from the feeding creature. He carefully jotted a note onto the back of the message Logan had sent him stating a simple reply.

"So it is spoke, so it is done. I shall be there my Lord..."

With that he released the animal and began pacing his armory, trying to decide what would be best to bring, and what would be best to leave to those left behind.

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Logan stood atop the library of sages inside a fiery wall of deep golden flames. The gem held high above his head. The words he spoke none of the guardians who stood by watching could comprehend. The words he spoke were directly to the gods. The sun sat down on the horizon behind him as blue flames shot from the gem. The image of his trapped brother seemed to extend from the gem as the flames grew higher and higher. The gem shatters as a misty image of strider leaves it and streaks across the sky. Only a whisper of thank you was heard. As the group turned back to flames they watched Logan collapse....

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Kodoz saw the seemingly immaterial form of strider appear, and Logan collapse. He rushed to the fallen Emperor, and was joined by the others in helping him up. They were unsure if it was part of the release of strider or if it was merely sheer exhaustion, but all knew they had all given all they had to save their trapped friend. Kodoz smirked as he thought of the pettiness of the lord title he had lost and that of the few items he had lost. It was worth it, and Kodoz would do so infinite times over for any guild member in distress. He thought to himself, welcome back strider. its nice for you to be back in our presence.

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Strider had watched patiently and with pride as his companions of the Honor Empire worked hard to fell the beast that was a key to his imprisonment. As they finally suceeded he watched them travel to his library and make it to the roof. As Logan approached the flames Strider concentrated very hard, and entered into his mind the proper intrsuctions.

He watched as Logan prayed, reaching deep into himself tapping the power of the Emperor. The raw power of the gods garneted to he who sat upon the throne of Olympus..

Logans own energy combginded with the power set in his midn by Strider, and as he uttered the true name of Strider it happened.

The power filled the gem, and as Logan launched the gem into the flames of Strider fire, .....

He was released!!!

The gem exploded overhwelemed by the combinded powers thrust at it..

Strider felt the gem thrust him out..

Drained and tired he shed his human physical body and took the shape of energy, flying high into the sky.. headed for his home far off..

WIth one last word... and action..

Thank you!!!!!!

And his action.. he sent forth his energies to Logan who had collpased.. re-energiszing and healing the Emperor..

And then.. Strider was gone.. free at last...

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