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BOD System Fix on Stratics


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Shameless plug on my part, guys, but I'd really like to know what people think about the BOD system change I posted in this post on the Ideas forum on stratics, and I want to give it maximum exposure.

Discuss here or there, but either would be great! Just looking to get some feedback. I like the idea of BOD's, but not the current implementation, as I'm sure many do, so what can we suggest to make it better?


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As a start, I would say that:

(1) They should put some work on the randomization of the given BODs. It would be only logical that a smith would get about 4 small armor BODs for each large. It seems that we get more larges than small.

(2) More on randomization - there are skill values that do not get all the BODs. I know one specific problem like that. There is a skill value that above it, a smith does not get large iron armor BODs. I do not recall the last time I got one, at least not since I GMed smithing.

(3) A small perk for the devoted smith - why not give a reasonable NPC vendor price for the lesser runic hammers? dull copper and shadow iron (and even copper) are... let's say... crappy? There is no market for such hammers, so why not give a reasonable price for them? say, 500-1000 for dull copper and 1000-2000 for the shadow iron ones. No one will become a millionaire from that, but as I said, it will be a nice "gift".

(4) Anti-Scripters (A) - How about giving a random of a few paces to each and every recall/gate? the worst that could be a player will need to "unstick" himself until the random recall area is implemented fully.

(5) Anti-Scripters (B) - Randomizing each "first" hit to have the specific ore type will cancel the permanent ore spots. No more "Valorite runebook mining". Another option to this is just randomizing each hit. This way every (let's say GMed) miner will be able to get (I) exactly the same as another and (II) the amount of ore of each kind will be exactly as the percentage for finding it.

(6) Remark for (4) and (5) - of course, mining in dungeons should increase percentage for the better ores.

(7) BOD timing delay. Why when my paladin with the 0.1 smithing gets a 10-normal-iron-shield-BOD, he can take another one the next hour, and when my Legendary smith takes exactly the same 10-normal-shield-BOD, he needs to wait 6 hours? why not give the delay according to the last received BOD?

(8) (Regarding all crops: Specificly: Leather, Metal and Wood) I know I am shooting my leg with this... but Mining in felluca where it is safe, under the guard protection should yield normal and not double crop. And with the same thinking in mind, why not give double crop when mining in all dungeons (also in trammel)? even triple when mining at fellucian dungeons!

There is much more to say on the subject, but I still need some time to think about it.

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