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So i went to the bar Earlier


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And I saw a rogue and a warrior are sitting there, both of them looking like they'd seen better days.

"You'll never believe what happened to me today," says the warrior. "I'd just finished putting a band-aid on after i beat up a naga, and I heard this weird noise behind me. Kinda of a strange growling noise. I looked around and didn't see anything, so I started looking for some more nagas, because one of them still has my bike.

"Then this invisible panther thing jumps out at me and stabs me in the back with his claws! I was so freaked out I didn't even know what to do for a minute, but he just kept going. First, he stabbed me in the ass, and then he mangled my damn face off. After that he cut me, and I think he hit a vein or something, because I was bleeding like a stuck pig for cryin' out loud. That sure woke me up, and i tried to turn around and hit him, but then he hit me again and I couldn't even frickin' move! It was like that time I got so drunk I tried to bash you with my shield but you punched me in the kidney.

"So then, the cat runs off, and I'm thinkin maybe he's scared of me and he changed his mind, but instead he turned into one of those night elves and somehow he lit me up with this invisible fire. Then, and this is the crazy part, he somehow turned into a giant frickin' bear! I **** you not, dude. A bear!

"Now I've fought my share of bears before, so I wasn't that scared, but this was the fastest damn bear I've ever seen! He charged at me, and then he roared at me and mangled my face off. I tried to hit him back but his skin was so thick I think I broke my damn hand. It still hurts. Then he backhanded me, and i couldn't move, and he mangled me again, this time like twice as hard. It was ridiculous, man."

The rogue downs another beer and tells the warrior, "That'sh nothin'. I losht my job to one a them damn catsh today. I went into the blood furnashe with my buddiesh today, and thish guy we usually brought along with ush because he could turn into a tree wash there. I thought that was cool, man. It alwaysh made me laugh when I looked at him, ya know.

"But today, thish damn guy comesh in and turnsh into this weird lion thing with frickin' hornsh growing out of hish damn head. Don't ashk me how that worksh, man. I always thought the tree wash kinda shtrange, and now thish guy's shome kinda deformed lion. Sho I've already got a bad feeling about thish whole thing.

" We shtart going through, and I notishe thish damn mutant cat ish hitting these guysh pretty damn hard. Every time i try to take a shwing at one, it sheems like he already killed it. I wash gettin' pissed, man. Then the leader, who I ushed to be buddiesh with by the way, takesh a look at the damage we're doin', and this damn cat'sh doing more than me! Yeah, man, and by a lot, too.

"Hey, it'sh not my fault I didn't get any new shtuff yet. The shtuff I had before was good enough, why do I need to get new shtuff that doesn't even match, man? I look freakin' cool in thish armor, dude. You know what I mean?

"Anyway, I shtarted going all out. I did all my tricksh to try and do shome damage on these orcsh, and all of a shudden they all turn on me and beat the shnot outta me. I mean, I'm layin' there freakin' dead, man, and this sho called 'buddy' of mine tellsh me, 'Hey dude, we got too many guysh trying to melee here. I'm gonna try to get a cashter.' And I'm like, 'Cool, dude, let'sh get rid of this dumb cat-thing and do thish!' And he goes, 'No, dude, I'm keeping him.' And the freakin' guy kicksh me out of the damn group!

"I yelled at him for awhile, and I shpit on him and called him a chicken, but they just told me farewell. Sho I just called the guy a shon of a motherlessh ogre and I shtart to leave. But when I'm walkin out, I shee this giant alien turkey with freakin' antlersh on it'sh head! And i thought the cat-thing was shtrange.

"I told him to look out, becaushe thoshe mutant lionsh are too damn shtrong, and he gave me thish freakin' reshipe for wafflesh! Like I wanna go level my cooking or shomething! I've been here sinshe then, tryin' to forget thish whole shtupid day, man.

"I was gonna go look for one a them cat-thingsh to gank, but after what you told me, I think I'm jusht gonna shtay here. That hunter over there hash been buying me roundsh for a while. I tried to talk to him, but he jusht kept crying about how hish gun washn't shooting as hard anymore or shomething. I got tired of lishening to him cry, sho I moved over here. But he shaid he's got a ton of gold becaushe of ebabe or shomething like that, sho I jusht let him keep buyin' if he wantsh to."

The warrior takes another drink. "That sucks man. But at least the beer's free."

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